Bless Quotes

Text Quotes
I don’t want to judge America. I love America. God bless America. There are so many wonderful things about America. The fork! But we are a little behind on the bidet situation. I’m willing to say that. Hopefully we’ll get our act together. (Bless Quotes)
God bless America, land that I love, Stand beside her, and guide her, Through the night, with the light from above, From the mountains, to the prairies To the oceans, white with foam God bless America, my home sweet home, God bless America! My Home Sweet Home! (Bless Quotes)
Man, it just cost me five dollars to beat my own meat... God bless the United States of America. (Bless Quotes)
Just ended a conversation with one of America’s most famous atheists with God bless you. Couldn’t help it. And I meant it. And he knew it. (Bless Quotes)
Yeah, man. It’s time to let de people get good herbs and smoke. Government’s a joke. All dey wan’ is ya smoke cigarettes and cigar. Some cigar wickeder den herb. Yeah, man, ya can’t smoke cigar. Smoke herb. Some big cigar me see man wit’, God bless! Me tell him must smoke herb. (Bless Quotes)
I’m going to try to take a loving look at the situation and do what God gave me the ability to do, and He’ll bless it. (Bless Quotes)
It would be nice if people said, God bless you not just when you sneezed but also when you farted (Bless Quotes)
Earrings are the same as sneezes: Two is okay, but ten in a row is annoying. If you have two then, God bless you. (Bless Quotes)
God bless you, my beloved sisters, who stand as the queens in your home, that you may be happy with that happiness which comes of the knowledge that you are loved and honored and treasured. (Bless Quotes)
There were only 3 people that I wanted to meet in life, Nelson Mandela was one of them. What a life, what a journey, what a man. Thank you for passing this way! God bless your resting soul! (Bless Quotes)
I have respect for anyone who’s going to go out and make a movie for a small budget and turn it into a phenomenon. God bless you. Please keep making movies. That’s great. But it’s not what entertains me. (Bless Quotes)
You have to find a way - and thankfully for me, it’s been music - to separate yourself from the racial identity. It’s not easy, and I continue to work, God bless, and I’m really, truly appreciative of it. (Bless Quotes)
My friends, we did it. We weren’t just marking time, we made a difference. We made (America) stronger - we made (America) freer - and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad. Not bad at all. And so, goodbye. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America. (Bless Quotes)
God bless Dad, he came to every one of my shows. I was bad, and I had horrible stage fright. My dad was so relieved - he’d say, ‘You were terrible; this kid is not going to be an actor.’ Finally, I did a play and he said, ‘Son - you were really good.’ (Bless Quotes)
If you want God to bless your relationship, honor God through your relationship (Bless Quotes)
You need to step out to build before God could bless what you are building (Bless Quotes)
Some morning, get up and allow the power of God to come on you, and allow Him to bless you (Bless Quotes)
God needs to bless the works of our hands, but you still need to do some work for God to bless it (Bless Quotes)
My dear, be a good man be virtuous be religious be a good man. Nothing else will give you any comfort when you come to lie here. ...God bless you all. (Bless Quotes)
He that planteth a tree is a servant of God, he provideth a kindness for many generations, and faces that he hath not seen shall bless him. (Bless Quotes)
The word of the Lord is this: Just bless those that persecute you and ask for Justice, for the battle does not belong to you but God. God is able to restore your credibility with man even when things seem like that could be impossible. Speak to the storm and release peace. (Bless Quotes)
God bless our good and gracious King,Whose promise none relies on;Who never said a foolish thing,Nor ever did a wise one. (Bless Quotes)
I bless God for this retirement: I never was more thankful for any thing than I have been of late for the necessity I am under of self-denial in many respects. (Bless Quotes)
And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas, and God bless all of you - all of you on the good Earth. (Bless Quotes)
We are never so poor that we cannot bless another human being, are we? So it is that every evil, whether moral or material, results in good. You’ll see. (Bless Quotes)
You may wonder about long-term solutions. I assure you, there are none. All wounds are mortal. Take what’s given. You sometimes get a little slack in the rope but the rope always has an end. So what? Bless the slack and don’t waste your breath cursing the drop. A grateful heart knows that in the end we all swing. (Bless Quotes)
God bless the Methodist Church - bless all the churches - and blessed be God, Who, in this our great trial, giveth us the churches. (Bless Quotes)
As you seek to know the will of our Heavenly Father in your life and become more spiritual, you will be far more attractive, even irresistible. You can use your smiling loveliness to bless those you love and all you meet, and spread great joy. (Bless Quotes)
SCIENCE! thou fair effusive ray From the great source of mental Day, Free, generous, and refin’d! Descend with all thy treasures fraught, Illumine each bewilder’d thought, And bless my labour’g mind. (Bless Quotes)
May the warm winds of heaven blow softly upon your house. May the Great Spirit bless all who enter there. May your mocassins make happy tracks in many snows, and may the rainbow always touch your shoulder. (Bless Quotes)