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I’m sure the other kids wouldn’t mind not being lectured by another toddler over the virtues of sharing and the mental benefits of toy blocks.  (Blocks Quotes) Stress is actually the number one thing that blocks people from their happiness and well-being and from getting what they want.  (Blocks Quotes) They had the music being piped right out on the street. I’d be three or four blocks from there and I couldn’t get there fast enough because I’d hear old Joe holler them words.  (Blocks Quotes) Start thinking of your guilt as being selfish, because guilt blocks opportunities from arriving for those you care about and for you.  (Blocks Quotes) The benefit of this kind of outlining is that you discover a story’s flaws before you invest a lot of time writing the first draft, and it’s almost impossible to get stuck at a difficult chapter, because you’ve already done the work to push through those kinds of blocks.  (Blocks Quotes) Do what is best for most people, not just a few. Prevent your elites and growing middle class, those who often benefit most from growth and development, from turning into a special interests group that blocks reforms.  (Blocks Quotes) Is there anything in the world better than words on the page? Magic signs, the voices of the dead, building blocks to make wonderful worlds better than this one, comforters, companions in loneliness. Keepers of secrets, speakers of the truth...all those glorious words.  (Blocks Quotes) The old idea is that when tragedy strikes or when an obstacle blocks us, there are only two possibilities. We either become a smaller person or we become a bigger person. If it’s a real life change you cannot come out the same. So therefore, you’re either going to come out smaller or you’re going to rise up and ultimately come out of it a bigger person.  (Blocks Quotes) The interesting thing about the miracle berry in chemo patients is that it actually straightens out their taste buds, whereas for you and I, it blocks our bitter and sour receptors. For them, it straightens them out to taste food as it normally tastes.  (Blocks Quotes) Every time there has been an effort by the Haitian people to overcome the misery and poverty that comes from 200 years of bitter attacks, really bitter, the U.S. steps in and blocks it.  (Blocks Quotes) Music is mere tuning a song with words; to some degree you have a beautiful endeavor of cosigning God’s blank checks and you’re actually co-creating. You’re certainly not the creator with the capital C, but you’re embarking on an endeavor, you’re using the building blocks that have been given to you by the author of time and space.  (Blocks Quotes) I learnt a blend of different martial arts - not in great depth, obviously - but various moves such as kicks, blocks and punches. It was all quite fun.  (Blocks Quotes) I’m living two blocks away from this library - and I don’t know why I was so elated about this - but I’m in my mesh jogging shorts in the elevator and I saw that my book ‘Swamplandia!’ was their book club selection. And I was over the moon.  (Blocks Quotes) The Book of Mormon, the record of Joseph, verifies and clarifies the Bible. It removes stumbling blocks; it restores many plain and precious things.  (Blocks Quotes) Scott Ritter is a very well-known archetype of a certain U.S. military officer. Very hard talking, very ambitious, zealous, and completely consumed with carrying out his mission. He’s a guy who, throughout his career, I would say, did not break rules, but he worked around road blocks.  (Blocks Quotes) One of my teachers once said that the way you know you’re on the right path is that it works. Now, that doesn’t mean you don’t run into blocks and brick walls, but it does mean that you can find a way around them or find a way to change yourself or your project in order to find the flow again and have it work.  (Blocks Quotes) It’s all about having a product that you’re proud of and coming to work every day. Those basic building blocks are the same in any business.  (Blocks Quotes) Families represent the basic building blocks of our society, and primary care a foundational piece of any healthcare system.  (Blocks Quotes) Human settlements are like living organisms. They must grow, and they will change. But we can decide on the nature of that growth - on the quality and the character of it - and where it ought to go. We don’t have to scatter the building blocks of our civic life all over the countryside, destroying our towns and ruining farmland.  (Blocks Quotes) Once you know the emotional building blocks of anxiety, you can influence them  (Blocks Quotes) Synthesis is the process of making a natural product, or some other substance, artificially, in the lab, one step at a time, from extremely simple building blocks.  (Blocks Quotes) Sometimes I use my jokes as building blocks for larger bits. I like to draw and play music, so sometimes I do those things along with the jokes.  (Blocks Quotes) I don’t read many popular histories like the ones I write. The building blocks for my research are scholarly monographs, and the inspiration for my storytelling style are folks like Chekhov.  (Blocks Quotes) My style is about making things last forever. When you’re on a budget, it can be daunting to spend $300 on a pair of boots or a coat. But such basics are the building blocks from which your look is crafted.  (Blocks Quotes) Music is made up out of these building blocks. Studying how these blocks go together and what they consist of and the math of how it works - it’s all the same stuff; it’s just different aesthetics that we’re talking about.  (Blocks Quotes) Ethics or simple honesty is the building blocks upon which our whole society is based, and business is a part of our society, and it’s integral to the practice of being able to conduct business, that you have a set of honest standards.  (Blocks Quotes) There are roles that are terrifying because they’re large or you may feel that they’re out of your line, but I’m never terrified once the actual work begins. Once you begin rehearsal, then it’s small building blocks. It’s solving little problems one at a time.  (Blocks Quotes) The genome was once thought to be just the blueprint for a living organism, like a combination of the architect’s plan for a building and the builder’s list of supplies. It specified the parts, the building blocks, and, somehow, the design of the whole, the way in which they are to be put together.  (Blocks Quotes) Most of the time in the 21st century, we dominate our surroundings: We tweak the thermostat, and the temperature falls one degree. We push a button, and Taylor Swift sings for us. It’s the opposite in the wilderness, which teaches us constantly that we are not lords of the universe but rather building blocks of it.  (Blocks Quotes) Ideas are seeds of existence in absolute emptiness.Creative words are the building blocks of such ideas.  (Blocks Quotes)
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