Blood Quotes

Text Quotes
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility; but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger: Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood (Blood Quotes)
Lady you bereft me of all words, only my blood speaks to you in my veins, and there is such confusion in my powers (Blood Quotes)
I hate ingratitude more in a man than lying, vainness, babbling, drunkenness, or any taint of vice whose strong corruption inhabits our frail blood (Blood Quotes)
I've known rivers: I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers (Blood Quotes)
O Earth! All bathed with blood and tears, yet never Hast thou ceased putting forth thy fruit and flowers (Blood Quotes)
Small creatures die because larger creatures are hungry. How superior to this human confusion of greed and creed, blood and fire (Blood Quotes)
The ideal life is in our blood and never will be still. Sad will be the day for any man when he becomes contented with the thoughts he is thinking and the deeds he is doing - where there is not forever beating at the doors of his soul some great desire to do something larger; which he knows he was meant and made to do (Blood Quotes)
O Earth! All bathed with blood and years, yet never hast thou ceased putting forth thy fruit and flowers (Blood Quotes)
Pray for and work for fullness of life above everything; full red blood in the body; full honesty and truth in the mind; and the fullness of a grateful love for the saviour in your heart (Blood Quotes)
Truth is one forever absolute, but opinion is truth filtered through the moods, the blood, the disposition of the spectator (Blood Quotes)
When all the world is young, lad, and all the trees are green; and every goose a swan, lad, and every lass a queen; then hey for boot and horse, lad, and round the world away; young blood must have its course, lad, and every dog his day (Blood Quotes)
Assange is not a 'journalist' any more than the 'editor' of al-Qaeda's new English-language magazine 'Inspire' is a 'journalist.' He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands (Blood Quotes)
Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to become the means by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of other men. Blood, whips and guns - or dollars. Take your choice - there is no other (Blood Quotes)
For my own family, I would always choose the makeshift, surrogate family formed by various characters unrelated by blood (Blood Quotes)
Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion (Blood Quotes)
Man is improvable. Some people think he is only a machine, and that the only difference between a man and a mill is, that one is carried by blood and the other by water (Blood Quotes)
Do blood clots get stuck in your teeth? What if someone's anemic; are you hungry again an hour later? Has anyone ever bitten you? If you run out of blood, do you shrivel up like a really old orange? (Blood Quotes)
I didn't know how... deep love ran, how it was in your blood, not your heart, and how that same blood pumped through your veins your whole life (Blood Quotes)
It felt as if she were bleeding - but it wasn't blood that leaked out of her, not something that could be easily transfused. Instead she was losing her dreams (Blood Quotes)
But that shadow self of hers wasn't so sure. The ugly, toxic thought was smaller than a drop of blood, yet it poisoned the entire stream (Blood Quotes)
His renown has been purchased, not by deeds of violence and blood, but by the diligent dispensation of pleasure (Blood Quotes)
Why is a man with a knife after your blood? Who sent him? I would like to write the fellow a letter of thanks! (Blood Quotes)
I am on the hilltop, and must go down into the valley; and when Uncas follows in my footsteps, there will no longer be any of the blood of the Sagamores, for my boy is the last of the Mohicans (Blood Quotes)
And I was already on my way to being a true freak because I knew I would always choose to go where my blood beats, in any and all directions (Blood Quotes)
I am part of the sun as my eye is of me. That I am part of the earth my feet know perfectly, and my blood is part of the sea (Blood Quotes)
Also, we're all actually different blood types and we have one represented by each guy in the band (Blood Quotes)
Why this man should love that woman, what queer chemical mix-up in our blood draws us to one another, who can tell? (Blood Quotes)
But she would wake in the morning one day and feel her blood running, feel herself lying open like a flower unsheathed in the sun, insistent and potent with demand (Blood Quotes)
The officer sat with his long, fine hands lying on the table, perfectly still, and all his blood seemed to be corroding (Blood Quotes)
There is a fountain fill'd with blood drawn from emmanuel's veins; and sinners, plung'd beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains (Blood Quotes)