Blood Quotes

Text Quotes
Fresh blood at midnight isn’t red. It’s a purplish black that easily blends into the shadows. (Blood Quotes)
Even somebody like The Black Keys or Royal Blood, they all have this original roots base to what they do. (Blood Quotes)
I had the opportunity of making necropsies on patients dead from malignant fever and of studying the melanaemia, i.e., the formation of black pigment in the blood of patients affected by malaria. (Blood Quotes)
Escape from the black widow spider is a miracle as great as art. what a web she can weave slowly drawing you to her she’ll embrace you then when she’s satisfied she’ll kill you still in her embrace and suck the blood from you. (Blood Quotes)
War is a difficult time for everybody - for soldiers on the front and for the people on the road. War takes away from us everything that we know, as we know it. It gives us a blank slate to re-write our lives and for ink it gives us blood. (Blood Quotes)
We weep for a bird’s cry, but not for a fish’s blood. Blessed are those with a voice. (Blood Quotes)
[My father] had spent his own short time like a priest in charge of a relic, forever expecting the blessed blood to liquefy. (Blood Quotes)
I think what draws people into ‘Supernatural’ is that when all is said and done, and the ash from the various apocalypses settle, it’s about the brothers. Even though there’s cool fights in this and cool special effects, and there’s superheroes... in the end, it is about family. Two families: the family by blood and family by choice. (Blood Quotes)
I come from a family of Catholic Italians, and that will always be in my blood (Blood Quotes)
Thirty percent of Americans have German blood in their family. I don’t see any major difference in the engineering abilities of Americans and Germans. (Blood Quotes)
I was a vegetarian first. I had high blood pressure at 27, everybody in my family died of cancer, and I knew it was in the food, so I changed my diet. (Blood Quotes)
My entire family has been with the Congress right from the time of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Congress is in our blood and as a loyalist, I am always there for Congress. (Blood Quotes)
For me, making music is about my whole life. The basics, the components, simple things - family, living, just going to the market and getting new fruit and veg. That’s what keeps my blood flowing. (Blood Quotes)
I’ve got my feet on the ground because I’ve got a lovely family waiting for me when I get home, even though they’re not my flesh and blood. I haven’t got children. That’s my only regret, I suppose. (Blood Quotes)
I believe family first. Blood is thicker than water. I grew up like that, and I want to continue to keep that goal in my heart. Just family first! Just honesty, integrity, and respect. All of that. I live by the code of those things. If you do that you’ll be fine. (Blood Quotes)
When I write, I keep the family audience in mind. I ensure there’s no vulgarity, as families are coming into the theatres, and there’s no blood and gore because of the kids. There is a set of people who doesn’t like my cinema, but there’s a bigger group that likes the kind of movies I make. (Blood Quotes)
The heart of a person only beats when it’s surrounded by blood, by family (Blood Quotes)
I took the wife’s family out for tea biscuits. They weren’t too happy about having to give blood though. (Blood Quotes)
Oh, I know my family’s not of royal blood, but you needn’t throw it in my face all the time. (Blood Quotes)
Everyone in my family is an artist in some capacity whether they’re musicians, painters, or sculptors, so it’s in their blood. (Blood Quotes)
Family not only need to consist of merely those whom we share blood, but also for those whom we’d give blood. (Blood Quotes)
I created a flag from the sport’s dignity. I oversee the name of my family with affection, steady nerves and blood. (Blood Quotes)
Fang took the entire family out for coffee and donuts the other night. The kids enjoyed it. It was the first time they’d ever given blood. (Blood Quotes)
My father’s family can be traced back to 1400. I’ve been told by gypsies that there is unmistakeably gypsy blood in me. Lee is a gypsy name, you know. (Blood Quotes)
Blood is one thing, but that’s not all that goes into family. The family you choose is the family that really matters. They’re the ones who’ll keep you standing. (Blood Quotes)
Subtle horror is where you rarely see the blood and gore. The violent people are called splatter-punks, who prefer graphic, unrelenting, violent, fast-paced horror. I prefer horror stories with mysterious elements that are chock-full of suspense. (Blood Quotes)
I went to UC Davis because I wanted to be a vet. It’s a great profession if it’s right for you, but it’s memorizing the bones and the muscles, and I am terrible at stuff like that. Also, there’s a lot of blood and gore involved. (Blood Quotes)
It is so hard nowadays to find a movie that I like. I don’t mind blood and gore. But I mind when its a slasher film, and its some guy looking for women. I am opposed to that kind of thing. Blood and gore? I love that kind of thing. (Blood Quotes)
A lot of modern horror can leave me cold, and I’m not good with blood and gore and all that stuff. It’s not fun for me. There’s nothing entertaining about watching a film like that. (Blood Quotes)
Women like to be scared, but they don’t like the blood and the gore, and especially movies that have violence and torture involving women. Women don’t want to see that, I can tell you for damn sure right now. (Blood Quotes)