Blue Quotes

Text Quotes
I had an ethnic preference, if you will, for the warm weather, coming from Chennai. So I finally said, ‘Look, can I move to California?’ because every time I come here, it would be in the 70s or 80s, and there would be beautiful blue sky and warm. (Blue Quotes)
I wanted to write a book that talked about the emotions of children, which is the rainbow. We all have moods. We talk about being blue when we’re sad, and being yellow when we’re cowards, and when we’re mad, we’re red. (Blue Quotes)
All through my life, I didn’t really consider my eyes at all, and then I became an actress. It’s great, I guess. They’re just in my face, and one is green and one is blue. It’s different, and I’m definitely a proponent of being different in any way you can in life, so I guess if you’re born a bit different that’s a good thing. (Blue Quotes)
When you look at the light bulb above you, you remember Thomas Alva Edison. When the telephone bell rings, you remember Alexander Graham Bell. Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize. When you see the blue sky, you think of Sir C.V. Raman. (Blue Quotes)
Develop yourself from practice to become exceptional. Aim to be the blue ribbon best. (Blue Quotes)
Aim to be the blue ribbon best. Develop yourself from practice, to become exceptional. Raise your standards and be the best. (Blue Quotes)
I threw the opening pitch at a Blue Jays game, and after the pitch, the mascot asked me if I wanted him to sign the game ball, which I thought was funny. What would he write? Best Wishes, Some Guy in a Bird Suit? (Blue Quotes)
There are better ways we can transform this virulent hatred - by living our ideals, the Peace Corps, exchange students, teachers, exporting our music, poetry, blue jeans. (Blue Quotes)
There is a town in north Ontario, With dream comfort memory to spare, And in my mind I still need a place to go, All my changes were there. Blue, blue windows behind the stars, Yellow moon on the rise, Big birds flying across the sky, Throwing shadows on our eyes. (Blue Quotes)
It was a gradual process, realising I was different. I remember at primary school getting a worksheet with sums printed on it. I thought that they must have run out of the right colour inks and sizes for the numbers, because they were all the same, which isn’t how I experienced numbers at all. To me, nine is big and blue. (Blue Quotes)
Businesses are great structures for managing big projects. It’s like trying to develop the ability to walk without developing a skeleton. Once in a blue moon, you get an octopus, but for the most part, you get skeletons. Skeletons are good shit. (Blue Quotes)
I’ve built my wardrobe color palette around red, so I’m happy with it, but I do get pangs when I see beautiful brunettes. I’ve already been blue, green, black, and blonde. (Blue Quotes)
Our flag is read, white and blue, but our nation is a rainbown-red, yellow, brown, black and white - and we’re all precious in God’s sight. (Blue Quotes)
We are just a pixel in the canvas of the universe. Shifting colours, sometimes green, sometimes blue, sometimes red, and sometimes black, to fit in this grandness. (Blue Quotes)
... paint in blue and black...sometimes gray - the colors of night - occasionally I surprise you with a mustard yellow, but then, I am a poet ... (Blue Quotes)
I’m a dark blonde, yes. I dyed my hair blue, then black, when I was 14. I thought the colour was more flattering and matched my skin tone. I don’t think I’d ever change back unless it was for a film. (Blue Quotes)
I just start with a pencil and paper. I don’t want something too trendy, too fashion-forward. I don’t want to make something I consider a regular person couldn’t wear with blue jeans. But I don’t want to make something that other people make, either - like a skinny black suit in a shiny material that you can buy anywhere. (Blue Quotes)
Paco Fuentes, Mrs. Peterson says, pointing to the table behind Mary. The handsome young man with pale blue eyes like his mother’s and smoky black hair like his father’s takes his assigned seat. (Blue Quotes)
Go to sleep, baby,Mama will sing. Of blue butterflies, and dragonfly wings. Moonlight and sunbeams, raiments so fine. Silver and gold, for baby of mine. Go to sleep, baby. Sister will tell, of wolves and of lambs, and demons who fell.-Pierce’s LullabyKim Harrison (Black Magic Sanction) (Blue Quotes)
Motown was about music for all people - white and black, blue and green, cops and the robbers. I was reluctant to have our music alienate anyone. (Blue Quotes)
God created people in technicolor. God has never made a difference between black, white, blue, green or pink (Blue Quotes)
Growing up in Oakland, we did things like white t-shirt, blue jeans and Nikes. That was my get down, how I was going to rock. And if you look at me right now, I’m pretty much black tee, blue jeans and some sneakers. (Blue Quotes)
Tom Ford, who is my all-time favourite, once said to me, ‘Here’s the thing about dress shirts, Rob. You need white, and you need black.’ ‘What about blue,’ I asked. He said, ‘Have you ever seen Cary Grant in a blue dress shirt?’ (Blue Quotes)
Describe snow to someone who’s lived in the desert. Depict the colour blue for a blind man. Almost impossible to fashion the word. (Blue Quotes)
For so long I hid behind the blonde hair and the blue eyes. Now I feel like I’ve done it, I’ve done what I set out to achieve, now I can just go back to being me. (Blue Quotes)
I have wondered sometimes if there are not perhaps some disadvantages in having really blue blood in one’s veins, like grandmamma and me. (Blue Quotes)
A man who never lies must have green blood in his veins, or blue or yellow, but definitely not red! (Blue Quotes)
True in the game, as long as blood is blue in my veins I pour my Heineken brew to my deceased crew on memory lane (Blue Quotes)
Blue and green eyes will be so common that dark brown will become the rare and newly desired eye color. (Blue Quotes)
Take the brown eyes of my father, those gun shots, those mean muds. Bury them. Take the blue eyes of my mother, naked as the sea.... (Blue Quotes)