Blue Quotes

Text Quotes
Sometimes, when people use too much blue screen in movies, the actors don’t look credible, because they have their own opinion of what the thing will look like, and each person has a different opinion. (Blue Quotes)
A classic, navy blue blazer is my staple. It’s a look that can take you from office meetings to dinner out with friends or family. (Blue Quotes)
America is a very divided country now. Not only are there red states and blue states, there are now red facts and blue facts. The right-wing believe in creationism. The left in evolution. (Blue Quotes)
Playing along in the yard, The blue sky sparkles against the earthly green,Creating such harmony!A pond, nearby.Untroubled waters mirrors the ether’s dreams.A grand echo of my Divine Heart!I am One (Blue Quotes)
You cannot cover the 50 million new people Obama seeks to cover without more doctors and nurses. But the administration and even the Blue Dogs in the House have proposed nothing to add to the supply of medical services even as they plan vastly to increase the demand by covering new people. (Blue Quotes)
The Smurf village was destroyed weeks ago and Bush has still not made an appearance. George Bush doesn’t care about tiny blue people. (Blue Quotes)
The truth of anything doesn’t matter anymore. What’s right doesn’t matter. What makes economic common sense doesn’t matter. I’m blue in the face over it. (Blue Quotes)
Most of the songs I sing, they have that blue feeling to it. They have that sorry feeling. And I don’t know what I’m sorry about. (Blue Quotes)
Lords of fire and earth and water,Lords of moon and wind and sky,Come now to the Old Man’s daughter,Come from fathers long gone by.Bring blue from a distance eye.Lords of water, earth, and fire,Lords of wind and snow and rain,Give to my heart’s desire.Life as all life comes with pain,But blue will come to us again. (Blue Quotes)
There’s a certain time of day after sunset when people naturally seem to feel the urge to gather by a fire or a stove or a hibachi or another common source of heat and food, and hunker down together to eat and drink. Call it the blue hour. (Blue Quotes)
Life is beautiful. Like a beautiful blue wave, it ebbs and flows, sometimes gushing forth and sometimes receding quietly. (Blue Quotes)
I was looking at a photograph of the 1997 election campaign yesterday, and I thought: ‘My God. Did I really have that hairstyle? And that Tory blue suit?’ (Blue Quotes)
Democrats came into the race with a structural advantage in the Electoral College. Their big blue wall - the states that Democrats have won in the past six presidential elections - gave [Hillary] Clinton a strong base to build on. (Blue Quotes)
Gansey appeared beside Blue in the doorway. He shook his empty bottle at her.Fair trade, he told her in a way that indicated he had selected a fair-trade coffee beverage entirely so that he could tell Blue that he had selected a fair-trade coffee beverage so that she could tell him well done with your carbon footprint and all that jazz.Blue said, Better recycle that bottle. (Blue Quotes)
A solicitor had looked up at the sky, swept blue by the wind, and had a sudden sense of religious consolation, a feeling that this life cannot possibly be all, and that it is not possible for consciousness to end with the end of life. (Blue Quotes)
For me, it’s my great honour that many people use blue LEDs or LED lightings now. So, we can contribute to the energy savings for the humans, so I’m very, very happy to contribute to the energy saving issues. (Blue Quotes)
If You Are Feeling Blue, Try To Paint The Sky With It. When Its Done, Look At It And Then Definitely The Golden Sun Will Come Out From You To Brighten Up Your Entire Day.... (Blue Quotes)
Even though I support the blue side of Manchester’s football heritage, I don’t really mind that wherever I go in the world it’s not Manchester City that starts the conversation. ‘Ah, yes, Manchester United,’ is the response when I say where I come from. It’s commonplace everywhere - in Europe, Africa, Asia and even the U.S. (Blue Quotes)
And on it flows. I long to lie down quietly by the banks of a blue lake and die ... and when I’m dead for my body to be consumed by birds and beasts, leaving only the bone of my brow for Xu ... like Alexander, loyal to an everlasting love. (Blue Quotes)
Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. (Blue Quotes)
NBC’s pilot season of 1994 is legendary in the business. In a world where failure is commonplace, we midwifed the birth of both ‘Friends’ and ‘ER’. While ‘ER’ came essentially out of the blue, we’d been casting around for a ‘Friends’-like show for some time at the network. (Blue Quotes)
If you look up at the sky after falling down the blue sky is also today stretching limitlessly and smiles at me... I’m alive. (Blue Quotes)
And as a director, you make 1,000 decisions a day, mostly binary decisions: yes or no, this one or that one, the red one or the blue one, faster or slower. And it’s the culmination of those decisions that define the tone of the film and whether or not it moves people. (Blue Quotes)
My favorite name for a color is puce. It’s kind of a dried blood color. It’s a hideous color. But I love the word. It’s so euphonic. But my favorite colors are lavender, purple, periwinkle blue, and white. (Blue Quotes)
Comedy, such a lovely lady, she’ll pick you up, you your feeling blue (Blue Quotes)
Mama says that, happiness is from magic rays of sunshine that come down when you’re feeling blue... (Blue Quotes)
When Republicans are down, in disarray, feeling blue, they turn to a tried-and-true elixir, sort of a Doctor Feelgood medicine for them. It’s called tax cuts. (Blue Quotes)
You know, I’m the only one in this family who has no problems, . . . And you know why? Because any time I’m feeling blue, or puzzled , what I do, I just invite a few people to come visit me in the bathroom, and--well, we iron things out together, that’s all. (Blue Quotes)
The fact that slang is apt and forceful makes its use irresistibly tempting. Coarse or profane slang is beside the mark, but flivver, taxi, the movies, deadly (meaning dull), feeling fit, feeling blue, grafter, a fake, grouch, hunch and right o! are typical of words that it would make our spoken language stilted to exclude. (Blue Quotes)
My family and I have a little joke that if I’m feeling particularly blue, and nobody cares about me, I should just go to the airport! That is where I am most recognized. (Blue Quotes)