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Blues Quotes

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The blues was like that problem child that you may have had in the family. You was a little bit ashamed to let anybody see him, but you loved him. You just didn’t know how other people would take it  (Blues Quotes) The blues are just a heightened sense of awareness of life’s ups and downs, and things that a guy sees after a couple hits of Jack Daniels  (Blues Quotes) The blues is nothing but a story... The verses which are sung in the blues is a true story, what people are doing... what they all went through. It’s not just a song, see?  (Blues Quotes) The delta blues is a low-down, dirty shame blues. It’s a sad, big wide sound, something to make you think about people who are dead or the women who left you  (Blues Quotes) But between sets I’d sneak over to the black places to hear blues musicians. It got to the point where I was making my living at white clubs and having my fun at the other places  (Blues Quotes) I got the blues thinking of the future, so I left off and made some marmalade. It’s amazing how it cheers one up to shred orange and scrub the floor  (Blues Quotes) But there’s one thing I know, the blues they send to meet me won’t defeat me. It won’t be long till happiness steps up to greet me  (Blues Quotes) No yoga exercise, no meditation in a chapel filled with music will rid you of your blues better than the humble task of making your own bread  (Blues Quotes) It was as though we were a picture, trapped in time: this had been happening for hundreds of years, people sitting in a room, waiting for dinner, and listening to the blues  (Blues Quotes) The blues he sends to meet me, won’t defeat me. It won’t be long til happiness steps up to greet me  (Blues Quotes) I didn’t want to go out and change anything. I just wanted to make the music that was part of my background, which was rock and blues and hip-hop  (Blues Quotes) I grew up with a heavy diet of gospel, folk, and blues because those are kind of the cornerstones of traditional American music  (Blues Quotes) I use rock and jazz and blues rhythms because I love that music. I hope my poetry has a relationship with good-time rock’n roll  (Blues Quotes) I’ve said that playing the blues is like having to be black twice. Stevie Ray Vaughan missed on both counts, but I never noticed  (Blues Quotes) Lorne finally said, Do the Blues Brothers thing. The response was amazing. People went nuts  (Blues Quotes) The next thing I knew, I was out of the service and making movies again. My first picture was called, GI Blues. I thought I was still in the army  (Blues Quotes) When I was in the country and I was trying to play, nobody seemed to pay too much attention to me. People used to say, ‘That’s just that ole blues singer. “  (Blues Quotes) Logically, when you talkin’ about folk music and blues, you find out it’s music of just plain people  (Blues Quotes) The old Fleetwood Mac was much better; they did some beautiful and, to my mind, very authentic blues. Chicken Shack did pretty well in Europe, but after I left, it was over  (Blues Quotes) I went back to Belfast and started a club, the Maritime. No one had thought about doing a blues club, so I was the first  (Blues Quotes) The blues and jazz will live forever... So will the Delta and the Big Easy  (Blues Quotes) I’m sure there are a few things in my CD collection that might surprise people. I like classical music, the blues, and I’m a big fan of alternative roc  (Blues Quotes) The only time it dominates is during a solo, or when we play a low blues and I put figures in behind Eric’s vocals. There’s never any real problem fitting guitar and organ together  (Blues Quotes) It was just like Howlin’ Wolf. Once you arrive at the point that you understand it, the emotional factor is darker than some of the saddest blues stuff  (Blues Quotes) The blues is the foundation, and it’s got to carry the top. The other part of the scene, the rock ‘n’ roll and the jazz, are the walls of the blues  (Blues Quotes) If I’m at a party and someone puts on a Blues Brothers tape, I tend to go nuts  (Blues Quotes) My primary influences were the best jazz players from the 50’s and 60’s and later some of the pop people from the same time period along with the better of the well-known blues musicians  (Blues Quotes) Parenthood always comes as a shock. Postpartum blues? Postpartum panic is more like it. We set out to have a baby; what we get is a total take - over of our lives  (Blues Quotes) Johnny Winter is one of the best blues players in the world. He’s very underrated  (Blues Quotes) Hill Street Blues gave me an opportunity to work with an ensemble cast of people whose work I admired  (Blues Quotes)
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