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Blues Quotes

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Hill Street Blues might have been the first television show that had a memory. One episode after another was part of a cumulative experience shared by the audience  (Blues Quotes) I tend to play a lot of blues things at home, because most blues things are basically within a 12-bar pattern  (Blues Quotes) To me, Sabbath was always just a really heavy blues band. That s all we were. We just took those blues roots and made them heavier  (Blues Quotes) I have a gajillion headbands - yellows, pinks, reds, blues. I’m obsessed  (Blues Quotes) I listen to blues music a lot and that’s a good person feeling bad and celebrating that pain by releasing it in that kind of joyous fashion  (Blues Quotes) If you don’t feel the blues, then you’re not listening. Then you’re just a professor or something  (Blues Quotes) I’ve been singing my whole life, since I was a kid; but never formally as a career. I did it in plays when I was younger, and I sang all styles of music: everything from Italian opera to blues  (Blues Quotes) When we sing the blues, we’re singin’ out our hearts, we’re singing out our feelings. Maybe we’re hurt and just can’t answer back, then we sing or maybe even hum the blues  (Blues Quotes) That speci?c remedy for the worldwide epidemic of depression is a gift called the blues  (Blues Quotes) I loved music from the age of eight. Jazz and blues. But also Little Richard and Elvis Presley  (Blues Quotes) Say what you will about Gypsy women, but they are remarkable assessors of blues guitar talent  (Blues Quotes) I never liked blues and I really did’ like jazz. I liked Chuck Berry  (Blues Quotes) Shoe Suede Blues opened for the Monkees in the 1997 reunion tour for two shows. I went out in disguise when I played with Shoe Suede Blues  (Blues Quotes) All of my favorite songs can bring me to tears. Some are rock, some are blues, some are love ballads. That’s why I play music - to touch other people as I have been touched  (Blues Quotes) I grew up listening to blues and rock ‘n’ roll and other music, but, legitimately, the Stones is one of my favorite bands in the world  (Blues Quotes) That specific remedy for the worldwide epidemic of depression is a gift called the blues  (Blues Quotes) I was competing for attention in a four-piece band that was phenomenal, and I was trying to attack the blues from a kind of white English viewpoint as a singer  (Blues Quotes) I’m a blues guy and I listen to blues all the time and blues is timeless  (Blues Quotes) I was never really that interested in the punk movement. I was a blues guy: I liked Motown, James Brown  (Blues Quotes) Now that the holiday blues are over, let’s resume our everyday melancholy  (Blues Quotes) There’s an old blues refrain: I begged for water, you gave me gasoline  (Blues Quotes) One of my strongest memories is my father playing bongos in the living room in Detroit listening to Motown radio. He was this skinny white bald guy, but he was really moved by blues and Motown and funk  (Blues Quotes) The blues are important primarily because they contain the cultural expression and the cultural response to blacks in America and to the situation that they find themselves in. And contained in the blues is a philosophical system at work. And as part of the oral tradition, this is a way of passing along information  (Blues Quotes) I liked the more sophisticated urban style of blues like Ray Charles and B. B. King, Bobby Blue Bland, Lou Rawls; people like that with more of a tendency toward jazz  (Blues Quotes) I don’t try to just be a blues singer - I try to be an entertainer. That has kept me going  (Blues Quotes) Inside the museum infinity goes up on trial. Voices echo, ‘This is what salvation must be like after a while.’ But Mona Lisa must have had the highway blues; you can tell by the way she smiles  (Blues Quotes) You don’t have to play a whole lot of guitar to be a good blues player. Some people plays too much guitar. Stack it on top of each other the way it don’t - you’re working too fast. Blues not supposed to be played fast. Blues supposed to be played slow. You could kill a man with just one chord  (Blues Quotes) You could play the blues like it was a lonesome thing - it was a feeling. The blues is nothing but a story... The verses which are sung in the blues is a true story, what people are doing... what they all went through. It’s not just a song, see?  (Blues Quotes) I used to play too with a boy who played a saxophone. We didn’t play no blues, we’d play a lot of love songs - ‘Stardust’, ‘Blue Moon’, ‘Out Cold Again’, ‘Sophisticated Lady’, ‘Stars Fell On Alabama’, a lot of different stuff  (Blues Quotes) It’s marvelous when you visit Tokyo: they have these clubs, and they’ll have ‘Motown Night’ or ‘The Beatles - Totally Authentic and Live!’ You know it’s shrunk, but at least there’s some sort of youthful figure to it. Whereas, the blues scene in Europe is more like, ‘Here we go again.’  (Blues Quotes)
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