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Blues Quotes

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I tended to lean towards the guys who both sang and played, such as Ricky Skaggs, Vince Gill, Steve Wariner... And at the other end of the spectrum, I had Eric Clapton in a rock and blues sense, jazz guys such as Tal Farlow and Les Paul... Then Chet Atkins-type stuff.  (Blues Quotes) When I got out of high school, I was in a blues band. It was the kind of music I was interested in, and listening to, mostly because it was becoming a vehicle for a generation of guitarists - like Jeff Beck and Eric Clapton. Mike Bloomfield. And that’s what I wanted to be, principally: a guitar player.  (Blues Quotes) I wanted to know everything about the blues. I think it constantly changes for me.  (Blues Quotes) I met a girl who sang the blues and I asked her for some happy news, but she just smiled and turned away. And the three men I admire most, The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, They caught the last train to the coast The day the music died.  (Blues Quotes) All of my favorite songs can bring me to tears. Some are rock, some are blues, some are love ballads. That’s why I play music - to touch other people as I have been touched.  (Blues Quotes) We just sang real simple songs in a simple way that got to people. We didn’t try to tart them up with orchestral arrangements and all the stuff. We were all blues fanatics. We like R B and blues and simple, gut-feeling music.  (Blues Quotes) You could play the blues like it was a lonesome thing - it was a feeling  (Blues Quotes) Most of the songs I sing have that blues feeling in it. They have that sorry feeling. And I don’t know what I’m sorry about. I don’t.  (Blues Quotes) I don’t even think whether I play the blues or not, I just play whatever feels right at the moment.  (Blues Quotes) Getting to play the blues has been transcendant for me. I can’t say if my finest hour is yet to come, you want to make a dent in this world, well I do anyway.  (Blues Quotes) I was in a rock band; I was my own folk singer; I was in a death metal band for a very short time; I was in a cover band, a jazz band, a blues band. I was in a gospel choir.  (Blues Quotes) Blues songs, like folk songs, are a continuous stream, and catching the continuities and thefts is part of what puts meaning and complexity into it - also part of the fun of it all.  (Blues Quotes) Blues ain’t football. You don’t have to retire at 30. You can grow and play all your life.  (Blues Quotes) There are happy blues, sad blues, lonesome blues, red-hot blues, mad blues, and loving blues. Blues is a testimony to the fullness of life.  (Blues Quotes) I grew up listening to AM radio in the 70s and hearing all of that great soul and rhythm and blues music, which definitely influenced the way I sing. But singing gospel has made me a much more humble person. There are so many people who were geniuses who only a few people knew about when they were alive.  (Blues Quotes) I started singing on the radio in Los Angeles. I sang blues, but I would tend toward country blues.  (Blues Quotes) We’re getting the blues about having to walk away from this whole thing. We enjoyed it a lot and it all felt good. We had a good experience on it. We thought we could do good work together. And it is unusual to get the next one, straight off the bed. John is funny. When he gets moving, he moves pretty quickly.  (Blues Quotes) I’m a big, big blues fan and the last several years I’ve really invested in the blues a lot, and I think my playing is getting better because of it - not necessarily better on a technical level, but certainly on a level of appropriateness.  (Blues Quotes) I like God Give Me the Strength very much. It’s not really a blues and to call it a ballad is absurd. I don’t know, its mid-tempo. Mark (St. John) actually wrote it and I think its very telling of our lives in the 60s. Its just a good song, ya know...  (Blues Quotes) Blues ain’t never going anywhere. It can get slow, but it ain’t going nowhere.  (Blues Quotes) I would think, to me, growing up in the south, growing up with all the gospel music, singing in the church and having that rhythm and blues - the blues background was my big inspiration.  (Blues Quotes) I find in my poetry and prose the rhythms and imagery of the best - I mean, when I’m at my best - of the good Southern black preachers. The lyricism of the spirituals and the directness of gospel songs and the mystery of blues are in my music or in my poetry and prose, or I missed everything.  (Blues Quotes) When I was a small boy, 10, 11, 12, probably somewhere around there, when I first heard a blues song on the radio, it was a jolt of electricity. It grabbed me by the throat, it made me shiver. And I knew from that moment that this was for me and this would be with me for the rest of my life.  (Blues Quotes) Strange now to think of you, gone without corsets and eyes, while I walk on the sunny pavement of Greenwich Village. downtown Manhattan, clear winter noon, and I’ve been up all night, talking, talking, reading the Kaddish aloud, listening to Ray Charles blues shout blind on the phonograph  (Blues Quotes) I guess that’s why they call it the blues, time on my hands could be time spent with you  (Blues Quotes) The Rolling Stones have been the best of all possible worlds: they have the lack of pretension and sentimentality associated with the blues, the rawness and toughness of hard rock, and the depth which always makes you feel that they are in the midst of saying something. They have never impressed me as being kitsch.  (Blues Quotes)
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