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Blues Quotes

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You don’t know what love is, until you’ve learned the meaning of the blues, until you’ve loved a love you’ve had to lose  (Blues Quotes) It is clear from a common sense viewing of the program that coarse language is a part of the culture of the individuals being portrayed. To accurately reflect their viewpoint and emotions about blues music requires airing of certain material that, if prohibited, would undercut the ability of the filmmaker to convey the reality of the subject of the documentary  (Blues Quotes) They always call depression the blues, but I would have been happy to waken to a periwinkle outlook. Depression to me is urine yellow, washed out, exhausted miles of weak piss  (Blues Quotes) You want to figure out how you want to play the guitar; what your niche would be. Well you just start digging deeper. When you’re digging deeper in rock and roll you’re on a freight train heading straight for the blues  (Blues Quotes) The blues is the foundation for a lot of things. Things have branched off. Its cool how music grows, but the foundation is always there. Its not going anywhere. The blues is always going to be relevant  (Blues Quotes) The blues is a mighty long road. Or it could be a river, one that twists and turns and flows into a sea of limitless musical potential  (Blues Quotes) I was so used to doing old blues licks with the first three fingers. When I started using my pinky and finding more spread things, that’s when I started getting my own style  (Blues Quotes) My guitar is my torch, my soul carries the flame. Make no mistake, I’m a true blues man  (Blues Quotes) So the blues player, he ain’t worried and bothered, but he’s got something for the worried people  (Blues Quotes) No... the blues are because you’re getting fat or because it’s been raining too long. You’re just sad, that’s all. The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you’re afraid and you don’t know what you’re afraid of. Do you ever get that feeling?  (Blues Quotes) It is secular spiritual music, the gospel blues. It’s music from the heart instead of the head  (Blues Quotes) Blues ain’t football. You don’t have to retire at 30. You can grow and play all your life  (Blues Quotes) I’m not the only kid who grew up this way. Surrounded by people who used to say that rhyme about sticks and stones. As if broken bones hurt more than the names we got called, and we got called them all. So we grew up believing no one would ever fall in love with us. That we’d be lonely forever. That we’d never meet someone to make us feel like the sun was something they built for us in their tool shed. So broken heart strings bled the blues as we tried to empty ourselves so we would feel nothing. Don’t tell me that hurts less than a broken bone  (Blues Quotes) The world has made everything else and still it can’t make peace. And the reason it can’t make peace is because of the evil, ignorance and stupidity. I have songs that explain these facts. And that’s the blues  (Blues Quotes) A lot of people think the blues is depressing but that’s not the blues I’m singing. When I’m singing blues, I singing life. People can’t stand to listen to the blues, they’ve got to be phonies  (Blues Quotes) Most blues don’t have a beginning, middle, or end. You just cut a couple slices of blues  (Blues Quotes) The most important thing to do as an artist is to get out of your comfort zone and work with different people: people who can’t read a note of music, people who have incredible classical skills, blues and jazz musicians, pop artists, visual artists, dancers and actors. Learn from people who are creative in a different way to you and you’ll keep evolving  (Blues Quotes) I don’t even think whether I play the blues or not, I just play whatever feels right at the moment. I also will use any gadget or device that I find that helps me achieve the sort of sound on the guitar that I want to get  (Blues Quotes) To me, the blues is an infection. I don’t think it’s necessarily a melancholy thing; the blues can be really positive and I think I think anyone and everyone can have a place for the blues. It need not always a woeful, sorrowful thing. It’s more reflective; it reminds you to feel  (Blues Quotes) Blues, rock and hip hop are more about a lifestyle and culture than notes on a page  (Blues Quotes) It’s a true feeling that comes from the heart, not something that just comes out of my mouth. Blues is what I love, and blues is what I always do  (Blues Quotes) As a comedian, you’re kind of like a blues musician; you have to live a little bit  (Blues Quotes) The basis of everything that I plugged into when I was younger was blues, and it always stayed with me  (Blues Quotes) My mum’s family would all get together, with guitars, harmonica, mandolins and upright bass and play old blues and folk songs. That was normal to me  (Blues Quotes) I am a lover of all sorts of different music. I love blues and every piece of music that I have listened to has become an influence  (Blues Quotes) Confused by the big city blues, he didn’t know who’s life he’s leading. Put yourself behind the wheel, see if you can get that feel  (Blues Quotes) Put tattoos all up and down our thighs, do anything our parents would despise. Take uppers, downers, blues, and reds and yellows, our brains are turning into jello  (Blues Quotes) It’s a losing proposition, but one you can’t refuse. It’s the politics of contraband, it’s the smuggler’s blues  (Blues Quotes) When you break it all down, my punk rock is my dad’s blues. It’s music from the underground, and it’s real, and it’s written for the downtrodden in uncertain times  (Blues Quotes) When I was growing up, I would go hang out with older guys at night in blues clubs  (Blues Quotes)
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