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Blues Quotes

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Some musicians play blues, others classical jazz or bluegrass. I like to play political roles because I can merge my political interests with my creative interests  (Blues Quotes) I’ve always loved the blues, ever since I was a kid. It has a depth to it that a lot of contemporary music doesn’t have. It has pain and suffering in it, but funny stories, too. And it is built on storytelling, which is something I really love  (Blues Quotes) The blues is an art of ambiguity, an assertion of the irrepressibly human over all circumstances, whether created by others or by one’s own human failing  (Blues Quotes) If you don’t think you’ve got the blues, just keep living, and if you don’t think you’re drunk, just keep drinking what you’re drinking  (Blues Quotes) Gospel songs are the songs of hope. When you sing gospel you have the feeling there is a cure for what’s wrong, but when you are through with the blues, you’ve got nothing to rest on  (Blues Quotes) The blues to me is like being very sad, very sick, going to church, being very happy... it’s sort of a mixed up thing. You just have to feel it  (Blues Quotes) When I was young, I wanted to be the greatest blues singer of all time. I wrecked my education and left home for it  (Blues Quotes) They say that no one’s gonna play this on the radio. They said the melancholy blues were dead and gone. But only songs like these played in minor keys, keep those memories holding on  (Blues Quotes) Rhythm and blues used to be called race music.... This music was going on for years, but nobody paid any attention to it  (Blues Quotes) The last mad throb of red just as it turns green; the ultimate shriek of orange calling all the blues of heaven for relief and support... each color almost regains the fun it must have felt within itself on forming the first rainbow  (Blues Quotes) I want to make a picture that could stand on its own, regardless of what it was a picture of. I’ve never been a bit interested in the fact that this was a picture of a blues musician or a street corner or something  (Blues Quotes) The blues records of each decade explain something about the philosophical basis of our lives as black people.... Blues is a basis of historical continuity for black people. It is a ritualized way of talking about ourselves and passing it on  (Blues Quotes) Ive always found a cure for the blues is wandering into something unknown, and resting there, before coming back to whatever weight you were carrying  (Blues Quotes) Singers come and go; the music business waxes and wanes. The blues are popular and unpopular, often at the same time  (Blues Quotes) Punk is an attitude, not a genre, age group, or time period. What’s interesting is trying to define the blues and punk in different ways. They are very close cousins  (Blues Quotes) When I learned to play music, I was listening to blues music. And all the blues music I liked was super simple and stripped down. And then all the hip hop I liked was super simple and stripped down and we always heard that connection  (Blues Quotes) I never thought I was playing black music. I was just playing music, the stuff I liked. I sang blues at parties and things when I was a kid  (Blues Quotes) I’m working on the world, revised, improved edition, featuring fun for fools blues for brooders, combs for bald pates, tricks for old dogs  (Blues Quotes) I must confess that waltzes do not move me, I guess I hummed the blues too early, and spent too many midnights out wailing to the rain  (Blues Quotes) Sure, I get the blues. But what I try to do, is apply joy to the blues, you know? I don’t know if it’s a technique, or just being bent that way, being raised by the folks I was raised by  (Blues Quotes) It was stumbling on to really the bible of the blues, you know, and a very powerful drug to be introduced to us and I absorbed it totally, and it changed my complete outlook on music  (Blues Quotes) It’s a blue album, but it’s not a blues album. I’m not pretending all of a sudden now I’m blues  (Blues Quotes) The blues are what I’ve turned to, what has given me inspiration and relief in all the trials of my life  (Blues Quotes) When all the original blues guys are gone, you start to realize that someone has to tend to the tradition. I recognize that I have some responsibility to keep the music alive, and it’s a pretty honorable position to be in  (Blues Quotes) I wanted to be a blues guitar player. And a singer. And a songwriter. Not a shock jock  (Blues Quotes) Another thing to do with the blues is how they were recorded. They were done on the quick, and some of that stuff was made on wire, not even tape, let alone digital  (Blues Quotes) My musical taste has always been wide. I started out as a folky before I moved on to blues and soul  (Blues Quotes) It’s just that romance, with its dips and turns and glooms and highs, its swoops and swoons and blues, is a natural metaphor for music itself  (Blues Quotes) I would certainly end up forever crying the blues into a coffee cup in a park for old men playing chess or silly games of some sort  (Blues Quotes) I must feel the fire of my soul so my intellectual blues can set others on fire  (Blues Quotes)
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