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Blues Quotes

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Misery colored by the greens and blues in my mother’s voice took away all the grief out of the words and left me with a conviction that pain was not only endurable, it was sweet  (Blues Quotes) I barely notice colors unless I taste them. Not the yellows or the greens. I taste the deeper blues. The darker reds  (Blues Quotes) It is necessary to introduce light vibrations, represented by reds and yellows, and a sufficient amount of blues, to obtain an airy feeling  (Blues Quotes) You have to understand a bit about the poetry of the blues to know where the references are coming from  (Blues Quotes) The blues aren’t pessimistic. We’re prisoners of hope but we tell the truth and the truth is dark  (Blues Quotes) There is a certain frame of mind to which a cemetery is, if not an antidote, at least an alleviation. If you are in a fit of the blues, go nowhere else  (Blues Quotes) I’ve got friends in low places, where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases my blues away  (Blues Quotes) The blues will be blue, and the jealousies green, but when love picks its color it demands to be seen  (Blues Quotes) It’s very difficult to explain the effect the first blues record I heard had on me, except to say that I recognized it immediately. It was as if I were being reintroduced to something that I already knew, maybe from another, earlier life. For me there is something primitively soothing about this music, and it went straight to my nervous system, making me feel ten feet tall  (Blues Quotes) I wouldn’t think a blues album would be that commercially successful, but I don’t really care. I’d do it for the love of blues, not for the money. I’ve got plenty of money  (Blues Quotes) The blues is something separate from what I do. They connect at certain spots, but blues is different. I wouldn’t put it in with what my career has been. That would be a whole separate wing  (Blues Quotes) There was a time we decided that it was songs that were done especially from my background because of the things we were dealing with, but nowadays, anybody who has a need, and can find the need, they can sing the blues  (Blues Quotes) The blues tells a story in itself. It can make you happy or give you a feeling to swing  (Blues Quotes) I not only played and sang blues, but I also had to toss the piano around a bit to amuse the patrons  (Blues Quotes) Then I started checking out blues albums from the library and playing the harp along with them  (Blues Quotes) There were times I thought I was going to turn to the blues, but then I’d hear better blues players  (Blues Quotes) Got to pay your dues if you want to sing the blues and you know it don’t come easy  (Blues Quotes) The blues are like the fugue in 18th century. It’s probably the music that belongs most to our time  (Blues Quotes) Now I am not one of the most constant creatures alive myself, and am apt to run through the spectrum which has the blues at the bottom about once a week  (Blues Quotes) I am the blues I am the blues the whole world knows I’ve been mistreated and misused  (Blues Quotes) I’m just a simple guy, I live from day to day. A ray of sunshine melts my frown and blows my blues away  (Blues Quotes) You know... We have come a long ways... We all... We entertainers trying to reach you to bring you the message of the blues  (Blues Quotes) Poor people have the blues because they’re poor and hungry. Rich people can’t sleep at night because they’re trying to hold on to their money and everything they have  (Blues Quotes) For the blues singer, the world is his text... Like any artist, the blues singer has the task of bringing order out of chaos  (Blues Quotes) Blues, spirituals, and folk tales recounted from mouth to mouth... All these formed the channels through which the racial wisdom flowed  (Blues Quotes) I call myself a blues singer, but you ain’t never heard me call myself a blues guitar man  (Blues Quotes) But I did that, and I created another blues scene, another something I can sing about  (Blues Quotes) But of course it’s different now, the blues is no longer blues, it’s green now  (Blues Quotes) If you want to be a good blues singer, people are going to be down on you, so dress like you’re going to the bank to borrow money  (Blues Quotes) Jazz is the big brother of the blues. If a guy’s playing blues like we play, he’s in high school. When he starts playing jazz it’s like going on to college, to a school of higher learning  (Blues Quotes)
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