Bob Dylan Quotes

Text Quotes
The truth was obscure, Too profound and too pure, To live it you had to explode (Bob Dylan Quotes)
The future for me is already a thing of the past - You were my first love and you will be my last (Bob Dylan Quotes)
There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke. But you and I, we’ve been through that, and this is not our fate, so let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late (Bob Dylan Quotes)
They can’t hurt me. Sure, they can crush you and kill you. They can lay you out on 42nd and Broadway and put hoses on you and flush you in the sewers and put you on the subway and carry you out to Coney island and bury you on the Ferris wheel. But I refuse to sit here and worry about dying (Bob Dylan Quotes)
Thinking of a series of dreams Where the time and the tempo fly And there’s no exit in any direction ‘Cept the one that you can’t see with your eyes (Bob Dylan Quotes)
You been down to the bottom with a bad man, babe But you’re back were you belong (Bob Dylan Quotes)
Your old road is rapidly aging. Please get out of the new one If you can’t lend your hand, For the times they are a-changin’ (Bob Dylan Quotes)
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands (Bob Dylan Quotes)
The Duke [John Wayne] was a massive figure. He looked like a heavy piece of hauled lumber, and it didn’t seem like any man could stand shoulder to shoulder with him (Bob Dylan Quotes)
Look at the sun sinkin’ like a ship. Ain’t that just like my heart, babe. When you kissed my lips? (Bob Dylan Quotes)
Even if you don’t have all the things you want, be grateful for the things you don’t have that you don’t want (Bob Dylan’s dad) (Bob Dylan Quotes)
You better start swimming, or you’ll sink like a stone. Because the Time’s they are a-changing (Bob Dylan Quotes)
Walkin’ through the leaves fallin’ from the trees, Feelin’ like a stranger nobody sees (Bob Dylan Quotes)
Come senators, congressmen Please heed the call Don’t stand in the doorway Don’t block up the hall For he that gets hurt Will be he who has stalled There’s a battle outside ragin’. It’ll soon shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin’ (Bob Dylan Quotes)
They say everything can be replaced, Yet every distance is not near. So I remember every face Of every man who put me here. I see my light come shining From the west unto the east. Any day now, any day now, I shall be released (Bob Dylan Quotes)
You swore you’d never compromise With the mystery tramp, but now you realise He’s not selling any alibis As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes And say, do you want to make a deal How does it feel (Bob Dylan Quotes)
There’s beauty in the silver singing river There’s beauty in the sunrise in the sky But none of these and nothing else can match the beauty That I remember in my true love’s eyes (Bob Dylan Quotes)
If you told the truth, that was all well and good and if you told the un-truth, well, that’s still well and good. Folk songs had taught me that (Bob Dylan Quotes)
There’s enough songs for people to listen to, if they want to listen to songs. For every man, woman and child on earth, they could be sent, probaby, each of them, a hundred records, and never be repeated. There’s enough songs. Unless someone’s gonna come along with a pure heart and has something to say. That’s a different story (Bob Dylan Quotes)
I don’t think I have any right to say I belong to that [Woody Guthrie/Bob Dylan tradition]. I think that’s something that eventually maybe you get inducted into. I’m just experimenting (Bob Dylan Quotes)
Songwriting is like fishing in a stream; you put in your line and hope to catch something. And I don’t think anyone downstream from Bob Dylan ever caught anything (Bob Dylan Quotes)
I love Bob Dylan, I really do. I love his early work, I love the first time he plugged in electrically, I love his Christian albums, I love his other albums (Bob Dylan Quotes)
Got no religion. Tried a bunch of different religions. The churches are divided. Can’t make up their minds and neither can I (Bob Dylan Quotes)
Now, each of us has his own special gift And you know this was meant to be true. And if you don’t underestimate me I won’t underestimate you (Bob Dylan Quotes)
Look out your window, and I’ll be gone. You’re the reason I’m a-traveling on (Bob Dylan Quotes)
My songs are personal music, they’re not communal. I wouldn’t want people singing along with me. It would sound funny. I’m not playing campfire meetings. I don’t remember anyone singing along with Elvis, Carl Perkins or Little Richard (Bob Dylan Quotes)
Everybody who I ever cared about has told me that they like my music: Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Al Green, The Spinners, Smokey Robinson. Everybody that matters (Bob Dylan Quotes)
If I was to meet Lou Reed or Bob Dylan, I would be totally helpless. Writers and musicians make me feel completely starstruck (Bob Dylan Quotes)
With great lawyers you have discussed lepers and crooks, you’ve been through all of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s books (Bob Dylan Quotes)
You hurt the ones that I love best and cover up the truth with lies. One day you’ll be in the ditch, flies buzzin’ around your eyes (Bob Dylan Quotes)