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Bolshevism Quotes

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First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism  (Bolshevism Quotes) One who believes, as I do, that the free intellect is the chief engine of human progress, cannot but be fundamentally opposed to Bolshevism, as much as to the Church of Rome  (Bolshevism Quotes) If men had known how to permeate the soul with mathematics in the right way in the arithmetic lessons during these past years, we should not now have Bolshevism in Eastern Europe  (Bolshevism Quotes) Bolshevism presented itself as an economic threat to themselves at the same time that Nazism presented itself as a political threat to their countries  (Bolshevism Quotes) We can’t afford to go down the dead end roads of Parliamentary Socialism or Fascistic Bolshevism  (Bolshevism Quotes) When man has nothing but his will to assert--even his good-will--it is always bullying. Bolshevism is one sort of bullying, capitalism another: and liberty is a change of chains  (Bolshevism Quotes) There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of the Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews  (Bolshevism Quotes) We hear much of Bolshevism, much of labor unrest; at times, we hear the word ‘revolution.’ But these are but contagious diseases in the body of civilization, and I believe that the antitoxins of good cheer, mutual confidence, fairness and justice will ultimately cure these ills and make the world healthy and strong again.  (Bolshevism Quotes) Marxian Socialism and Bolshevism are two historical phenomena which have hardly a single common denominator.  (Bolshevism Quotes) We can’t afford to go down the dead end roads of Parliamentary Socialism or Fascistic Bolshevism.  (Bolshevism Quotes) If men had known how to permeate the soul with mathematics in the right way in the arithmetic lessons during these past years, we should not now have Bolshevism in Eastern Europe.  (Bolshevism Quotes)