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Bomber Quotes

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The atheist suicide bomber is unfaithfully committed to his mission  (Bomber Quotes) I am so sick of reading about another car bomb, another suicide bomber, another 10, 20, 30, 70, 100 people dead in a day, both Americans and Iraqis  (Bomber Quotes) The stealth bomber is supposed to be a big deal. It flies in undetected, bombs, then flies away. Hell, I’ve been doing that all my life.  (Bomber Quotes) Ramesh Ponnuru and others say Obama is a conventional liberal. But conventional liberals don’t come out for the release of the Lockerbie bomber. Conventional liberals don’t return the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office. Conventional liberals don’t block oil drilling in America while subsidizing oil drilling in Brazil.  (Bomber Quotes) I am so sick of reading about another car bomb, another suicide bomber, another 10, 20, 30, 70, 100 people dead in a day, both Americans and Iraqis.  (Bomber Quotes) Once you have speech, you don’t have to wait for natural selection! If you want more strength, you build a stealth bomber; if you don’t like bacteria, you invent penicillin; if you want to communicate faster, you invent the Internet. Once speech evolved, all of human life changed.  (Bomber Quotes) While it is true that many hep C victims became infected through blood transfusions or organ transplants or in other innocent ways, mine was contracted during my college years, when I showed as much care for my personal health as your average suicide bomber.  (Bomber Quotes) The mishandling of the would-be airplane bomber Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab’s visa is only the latest piece of evidence that the granting of visas should be taken away from the State Department. For the granting of visas - especially today, when terrorism is such a complex threat - is far closer to being a law-enforcement function.  (Bomber Quotes) Today, we have private airline companies, but if you take a look at a Boeing plane next time you travel, you’ll see that you are basically taking a ride on a modified bomber.  (Bomber Quotes) It will be a great day when our schools have all the money they need, and our air force has to have a bake-sale to buy a bomber.  (Bomber Quotes) I did a study of soldiers returning from Iraq, and their levels of PTSD were much higher if they had had to shoot a woman or child, even if they knew the person was a suicide bomber  (Bomber Quotes) More than 55,000 men from Bomber Command lost their lives, of whom 38,000 were British. That's one in 10 of all the British servicemen lost in the Second World War. It beggars belief that there has not been some recognition for what they gave until now  (Bomber Quotes) The bomber will always get through. The only defense is in offense, which means that you have to kill more women and children more quickly that the enemy if you want to save yourselves  (Bomber Quotes) I’ve always been fascinated by the idea that there’s no such thing as evil; it’s all in your point of view. To one group a suicide bomber is the antichrist and to one he’s a hero  (Bomber Quotes) The best way to defend the bombers is to catch the enemy before it his in position to attack. Catch them when they are taking off, or when they are climbing, or when they are forming up. Don’t think you can defend the bomber by circling around him. It’s good for the bombers morale, and bad for tactics  (Bomber Quotes) I think it is well... for the man in the street to realise there is no power on earth that can protect him from bombing, whatever people may tell him. The bomber will always get through. The only defence is in offence, which means that you have to kill more women and children more quickly than the enemy if you want to save yourselves  (Bomber Quotes) High above the lake a bomber flies. From the rowing boats Children look up, women, an old man. From a distance they appear like young starlings, their beaks Wide open for food  (Bomber Quotes) There is no moral difference between a Stealth bomber and a suicide bomber. They both kill innocent people for political reasons  (Bomber Quotes) Governments would rather spend their money on another bomber than education, and why do we fear black men when every bit of suffering in our lives has a Caucasian face attached to it?  (Bomber Quotes) We had periodic crises in this country when the technical intelligence didn't support the policy. We had the bomber gap, the missile gap  (Bomber Quotes) It will be a great day when our schools have all the money they need, and our air force has to have a bake sale to buy a bomber  (Bomber Quotes)