Bones Quotes

Text Quotes
Abuse is abuse; Be nice.. Harsh words don’t break bones but they often break hearts. (Bones Quotes)
Grown-ups and children are not readily encouraged to unearth the power of words. Adults are repeatedly assured a picture is worth a thousand of them, while the playground response to almost any verbal taunt is ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.’ I don’t beg so much as command to differ. (Bones Quotes)
It’s a lot harder to break bones in golf than motocross. But that made me fearless in a way. (Bones Quotes)
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will make me go in a corner and cry by myself for hours. (Bones Quotes)
I didn’t feel the tusk go through me. But I did feel this sort of freight elevator coming down, popping the chicken bones, you know. It blinded me. Everything was black. It was bright noon day sun. You mustn’t get walked on by elephants. (Bones Quotes)
He’s part of the product and will make no bones about creating that image to bring the value up in his product, bring the value up in everything he touches. (Bones Quotes)
Handing me a pen is like handy a madman a the end of it you know you’ll end up with a lot of broken bones, blood, and bodies - but it’ll be one hell of a story to tell your friends. (Bones Quotes)
Though we may feel we are like a broken vessel, as the Psalmist says (Psalms 31:12), we must remember, that vessel is in the hands of the divine potter. Broken minds can be healed just the way broken bones and broken hearts are healed. While God is at work making those repairs, the rest of us can help by being merciful, nonjudgmental, and kind. (Bones Quotes)
I’ve had broken bones and cuts and dashes and tears from movies, but when I was five, my mom put the biscuits up high so we wouldn’t be helping ourselves. So, one day I asked to stand up on a chair to get a biscuit, and it fell, and the corner of the chair went right into the side of my eye, and it made a big hole in there. (Bones Quotes)
I never expected to find myself here, on the edge of the continent--childless, possibly jobless, with broken bones and a broken marriage, citizen of a broken country. But here I am, and I must make something of it. That’s really the only choice one has: make something of it, or don’t. (Bones Quotes)
Reinforced concrete buildings are by nature skeletal buildings. No noodles nor armoured turrets. A construction of girders that carry the weight, and walls that carry no weight. That is to say, buildings consisting of skin and bones. (Bones Quotes)
Obviously, with a CGI character, you’re building a character in much the same way as a real creature is built. You build the bones, the skeletons, the muscles. You put layers of fat on. You put a layer of skin on which has to have a translucency, depending on what the character is. (Bones Quotes)
There’s going to be a new cable-TV channel for dogs. Dogs don’t even watch TV. But the schedule came out today. And they’ve got great shows, like Barks and Recreation and Game of Bones. (Bones Quotes)
The lustful glances thrown his way made me wish he wasn’t such a damned bowl of eye candy. - Cat re: Bones (Bones Quotes)
Dividing the swing into its parts is like dissecting a cat. You’ll have blood and guts and bones all over the place. But you won’t have a cat. (Bones Quotes)
Stories are like that. Like cities, they are built on the stones and bones of the past. (Bones Quotes)
I feel like I just have such the blood and bones of a New Yorker that I can almost imagine better, like, giving up the fight and not being able to afford the city and going out West, keeping a small place here, and then when I’m like 80, coming back here, living on the park and going to the theater. (Bones Quotes)
The next time you’re planning to injure yourself to get my attention, just remeber that a little sweet talk works wonders. - City of Bones (said by Jace Wayland) (Bones Quotes)
To me, the bones of ‘Smokin’ Aces’ is in the Coen brothers. ‘Barton Fink’ and ‘Raising Arizona.’ Those two movies, if you look at them, that’s where a lot of that comes from. (Bones Quotes)
I don’t know whether I see it as slipping inside the villains, but part of what makes Ralph Nader and Michael Moore such effective speakers and communicators is that they know how corporate culture works, how our lawmaking bodies really work, and where the bones are buried. (Bones Quotes)
The Mongols consumed a steady diet of meat, milk, yogurt, and other dairy products, and they fought men who lived on gruel made from various grains. The grain diet of the peasant warriors stunted their bones, rotted their teeth, and left them weak and prone to disease. In contrast, the poorest Mongol soldier ate mostly protein, thereby giving him strong teeth and bones. (Bones Quotes)
If it’s true that every seven years each cell in your body dies and is replaced, then I have truly inherited my life from a dead man; and the misdeeds of those times have been forgiven, and are buried with his bones. (Bones Quotes)
I can’t understand why dark northern soldiers and light ones are seperated into different brigades. The dead are all buried together in hasty mass graves, bones touching. (Bones Quotes)
We are more than just flesh and bones. There’s a certain spiritual nature and something of the mind that we can’t measure. We can’t find it. With all our sophisticated equipment, we cannot monitor or define it, and yet it’s there. (Bones Quotes)
I need you because I know I deserve you but let me fall in love with you one last time before I let go. So I can remember the beautiful imperfection that rattled my bones. (Bones Quotes)
A man filled with meat turns his back on the dry bones of political doctrine. Fanatical devotion to the ruling party comes more readily from the materially deprived At a dinner party one should eat wisely but not too well, and talk well but not too wisely. (Bones Quotes)
It’s your job as an actor to fill out the blanks. I love doing that. To fill in the bones. (Bones Quotes)
I have vanity and greed enough for one person. But at the same time, I feel in my bones you lose a lot of life’s value if you don’t see yourself as a member of the family of man. (Bones Quotes)
Crossing the ocean even on the Queen Elizabeth 2, you know in your bones, with every mile gained, that you have left your familiar world behind. You feel the full measure of the earth and heavens. (Bones Quotes)
Do we really want to know how Michael Jackson makes his music? No. We want to understand why he needs the bones of the Elephant Man -- and, until he tells us, it doesn’t make too much difference whether or not he really is ‘’bad. (Bones Quotes)