Book Quotes

Text Quotes
For the love of God, turn the page. You are like the slowest reader ever (Book Quotes)
A house is not a home without books or cats (Book Quotes)
There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island (Book Quotes)
Fill your house with stacks of books, in all the crannies and all the nooks (Book Quotes)
Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are (Book Quotes)
Because how else would you go to the bookstore (Book Quotes)
The stories we love best do live in us forever (Book Quotes)
A good book is an event in my life (Book Quotes)
The man who never reads lives only once (Book Quotes)
The more I learn about people, the more I like my books (Book Quotes)
A book commits suicide every time you watch a reality show (Book Quotes)
Mystery. Well played (Book Quotes)
Wisdom is not wisdom when it is derived from books alone (Book Quotes)
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one (Book Quotes)
Move on, it's just a chapter in the past. But don't close the book, just turn the page (Book Quotes)
Miss a meal if you have to, but don't miss a book (Book Quotes)
Boys think girls are like books, if the cover doesn't catch their eye they won't bother to read what's inside (Book Quotes)
Life has so many different chapters, one bad chapter does not mean the end of the book (Book Quotes)
As long as there's another book to read.. my house will never be clean (Book Quotes)
No two persons ever read the same book (Book Quotes)
Every book you read may not save your life, but some of them will (Book Quotes)
According to this book - I can't read (Book Quotes)
Read more books (Book Quotes)
A good book has no ending (Book Quotes)
Perhaps I will read until I feel better (Book Quotes)
Staying up at night to finish a good book (Book Quotes)
Books will make your life more beautiful (Book Quotes)
I've lived a thousand lives (Book Quotes)
It's better to have your nose in a book, than in someone else's business (Book Quotes)
What it that? My people call them books (Book Quotes)