Book Quotes

Text Quotes
Only another writer, someone who had worked his heart out on a good book which sold three thousand copies, could appreciate the thrill that overcame me one April morning in 1973 when Dean Rivers of our small college in Georgia appeared at my classroom door (Book Quotes)
I am writing a book about the Crusades so dull that I can scarcely write it (Book Quotes)
I recently did the David Letterman Show about my book. He was very serious and made no jokes and it caught me off guard a little bit. He was much more serious than some of the joke shows that journalists get on (Book Quotes)
We live in capitalism, and capitalism is defined by the production line, and the production line is defined by specificity. If you see yourself as an artist, which I do, then you can't be limited by that. You can't let somebody tell you, 'Well, you can only draw this kind of picture or write that kind of book (Book Quotes)
I am being frank about myself in this book. I tell of my first mistake on page 850 (Book Quotes)
I don't think there's much point in bemoaning the state of the world unless there's some way you can think of to improve it. Otherwise, don't bother writing a book; go and find a tropical island and lie in the sun (Book Quotes)
I suppose what's happened recently has confirmed suspicions I voiced in the book, and I think made clearer some of those things that I point out. For instance I have a section of the book where I talk about the possibility of torture (Book Quotes)
It was very emotional, actually. In the front of the book I wrote something Anton Chekhov wrote to the woman he ended up spending the rest of his life with: Hello, the last page of my life. Which I thought was very appropriate (Book Quotes)
Each book, intuitively sensed and, in the case of fiction, intuitively worked out, stands on what has gone before, and grows out of it. I feel that at any stage of my literary career it could have been said that the last book contained all the others (Book Quotes)
Whatever extra there is in me at any given moment isn't fully formed. I am hardly aware of it; it awaits the next book. It will - with luck - come to me during the actual writing, and it will take me by surprise (Book Quotes)
To this day, if you ask me how I became a writer, I cannot give you an answer. To this day, if you ask me how a book is written, I cannot answer. For long periods, if I didn't know that somehow in the past I had written a book, I would have given up (Book Quotes)
Historic figures have homes to visit for posterity; the Lord of history left no home. Luminaries leave libraries and write their memoirs; he left one book, penned by ordinary people. Deliverers speak of winning through might and conquest; he spoke of a place in the heart (Book Quotes)
A blessed companion is a book, a book that, fitly chosen, is a lifelong friend,... A book that, at a touch, pours it's heart into our own (Book Quotes)
A blessed companion is a book, a book that fitly chosen is a life long friend (Book Quotes)
Readers are of two sorts: one who goes carefully through a book, and the other who as carefully lets the book go through him (Book Quotes)
As an old reporter, we have a few secrets, and the first thing is we try the phone book (Book Quotes)
It was just an idea I had, that it could be cool to have a book covered in fake fur (Book Quotes)
After an author has been dead for some time, it becomes increasingly difficult for his publishers to get a new book out of him each year (Book Quotes)
Life is a game with many rules but no referee. One learns how to play it more by watching it than by consulting any book, including the holy book. Small wonder, then, that so many play dirty, that so few win, that so many lose (Book Quotes)
My cool judgement is, that if all the other doctrines of devils which have been committed to writing since letters were in the world were collected together in one volume, it would fall short of this; and that, should a prince form himself by this book, so calmly recommending hypocrisy, treachery, lying, robbery, oppression, adultery, whoredom, and murder of all kinds, Domitian or Nero would be an angel of light compared to that man (Book Quotes)
In returning I read a very different book, published by an honest Quaker, on that execrable sum of all villanies, commonly called the slave trade (Book Quotes)
First of all there is always that artistic challenge of creating something. Or the particular experience to take slum life in that period and make something out of it in the form of a book. And then I felt some kind of responsibility to my family (Book Quotes)
I just have to proceed as usual. No matter what happens, nothing helps with the writing of the next book (Book Quotes)
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read (Book Quotes)
What a joy is there in a good book, writ by some great master of thought, who breaks into beauty as in summer the meadow into grass and dandelions and violets, with geraniums and manifold sweetness (Book Quotes)
The books which help you most are those which make you think the most. The hardest way of learning is by easy reading: but a great book that comes from a great thinker - it is a ship of thought, deep freighted with truth and with beauty (Book Quotes)
The reason authors almost always put a dedication on a book, Annie, is because their selfishness even horrifies themselves in the end (Book Quotes)
I work for two years on a book and it comes out and two days later I've got my first email: When is the next one coming out? (Book Quotes)
I had better never see a book than to be warped by it's attraction clean out of my own orbit, and made a satellite instead of a system. The one thing in the world, of value, is the active soul (Book Quotes)
Tis the good reader that makes the good book; in every book he finds passages which seem confidences or asides hidden from all else and unmistakenly meant for his ear (Book Quotes)