Book Quotes

Text Quotes
Each time I read a book, I cataloged the parts that struck me dumb with envy and admiration for their beauty and power and truth (Book Quotes)
Censors never go after books unless kids already like them. I don’t even think they know to go after books until they know that children are interested in reading this book, therefore there must be something in it that’s wrong (Book Quotes)
I simply don’t shine in company. Mostly I prefer to retreat with a book (Book Quotes)
It’s like when you read a book and you know that the words are important, but the images blossoming in your imagination are even more important because it’s your mind that allows the words to come to life (Book Quotes)
The more I read, the hungrier I become. Each book seemed promising, each page I turned offered an escapade, the allure of another world, other destinies, other dreams (Book Quotes)
This book is dedicated to the rule breakers, the troublemakers, and the revolutionaries. Sometimes the hand that feeds you needs a good bite (Book Quotes)
Solitary people, these book lovers. I think it’s swell that there are people you don’t have to worry about when you don’t see them for a long time, you don’t have to wonder what they do, how they’re getting along with themselves. You just know that they’re all right, and probably doing something they like (Book Quotes)
From the time I began to read, as a child, I loved to feel their heft in my hand and the warm spot caused by their intimate weight in my lap; I loved the crisp whisper of a page turning, the musky odor of old paper and the sharp inky whiff of new pages. Leather bindings sent me into ecstasy. I even loved to gaze at a closed book and daydream about the possibilities inside (Book Quotes)
Why do you keep reading a book? Usually to find out what happens. Why do you give up and stop reading it? There may be lots of reasons. But often the answer is you don’t care what happens. So what makes the difference between caring and not caring? The author’s cruelty. And the reader’s sympathy... it takes a mean author to write a good story (Book Quotes)
Librarians lend people books from the library. The best librarians are children’s book librarians (Book Quotes)
Life is like a book. There are good chapters, and there are bad chapters. But when you get to a bad chapter, you don’t stop reading the book! If you do… then you never get to find out what happens next! (Book Quotes)
Some readers read a book as if it were an instruction manual, expecting to understand everything first time, but of course when you write, you put into every sentence an overflow of meaning, and you create in every sentence as many resonances and double meanings and ambiguities as you can possibly pack in there, so that people can read it again and get something new each time (Book Quotes)
A book is a wonderful present. Though it may grow worn, it will never grow old (Book Quotes)
After that, the book will fade, the way all books fade in your mind. But I hope you will remember this: A man walking fast down a dark lonely street. Quick steps and hard breathing, all wonder and need. A bell above a door and the tinkle it makes. A clerk and a ladder and warm golden light, and then: the right book exactly, at exactly the right time (Book Quotes)
Saddling another person with a book he did not ask for has always seemed to me like a huge psychological imposition, like forcing someone to eat a chicken biryani without so much as inquiring whether they like cilantro (Book Quotes)
Don’t worry whether or not I am now happy. Today is only chapter one, we have yet to write a book (Book Quotes)
I don’t start a novel until I have lived with the story for awhile to the point of actually writing an outline and after a number of books I’ve learned that the more time I spend on the outline the easier the book is to write. And if I cheat on the outline I get in trouble with the book (Book Quotes)
Kid, not everything in life can be summed up neatly in a paragraph. No book has all of the answers. Not even the really good ones. You have to find the answers yourself sometimes (Book Quotes)
A clerk and a ladder and warm golden light, and then: the right book exactly, at exactly the right time (Book Quotes)
Your whole life you are really writing one book, which is an attempt to grasp the consciousness of your time and place– a single book written from different stages of your ability (Book Quotes)
He needed fresh air and sunshine. A walk in the woods and afterward a good book to read by the fire. Yeah, that was the life (Book Quotes)
... nothing could be more pleasant than to live in solitude, enjoy the spectacle of nature, and occasionally read some book (Book Quotes)
This book will not harm you unless someone throws it at you which is a possibilty never to be discounted (Book Quotes)
She could not read a book for fear of the feelings she might find in it (Book Quotes)
The book was in her lap; she had read no further. The power to change one’s life comes from a paragraph, a lone remark. The lines that penetrate us are slender, like the flukes that live in river water and enter the bodies of swimmers. She was excited, filled with strength. The polished sentences had arrived, it seemed, like so many other things, at just the right time. How can we imagine what our lives should be without the illumination of the lives of others? (Book Quotes)
I am a book also, words and thoughts and stories held together by flesh. We open and close ourselves to the world. We are read by others or put away by them. We wait to be seen, sitting quietly on shelves for someone to bother having a look inside us (Book Quotes)
When we finish a book, why do we hold it in both hands and gaze at it as if it were somehow alive? (Book Quotes)
Have you ever given someone a book you enjoyed enormously, with a feeling of envy because they were about to read it for the first time, an experience you could never have again? (Book Quotes)
It’s in being read that a book becomes a book, and in each of a million different readings a book become one of a million different books (Book Quotes)
An unfinished book. left unattended, turns feral, and she would need all her focus, will and ruthless determination to tame it again (Book Quotes)