Book Quotes

Text Quotes
When I run the world, librarians will be exempt from tragedy. Even their smaller sorrows will last only for as long as you can take out a book (Book Quotes)
Whenever I begin reading a new book, I am embarking on a new, uncharted journey with an unmarked destination. I never know where a particular book will take me, toward what other books I will be led (Book Quotes)
She praised his book and he embraced her from gratitude rather than lust, but she didn’t let go. Neither did he. She kissed his cheek, his earlobe. For months they’d run their fingers around the hem of their affection without once acknowledging the fabric. The circumference of the world tightened to what their arms encompassed. She sat on the desk, between the columns of read and unread manuscript, and pulled him toward her by his index fingers (Book Quotes)
The first sentence of a book is a handshake, perhaps an embrace. Style and personality are irrelevant. They can be formal or casual. They can be tall or short or fat or thin. They can obey the rules or break them. But they need to contain a charge. A live current, which shocks and illuminates (Book Quotes)
And then there were the wallflowers who had recognized for years that the thing was hopeless, who had found in that information a kind of calm. They no longer tried, with a bright and desperate effort, to sustain a conversation with somebody’s brother, somebody’s usher, somebody’s roommate, somebody’s roommate’s usher’s brother... The category of wallflower who had given up on all this was very quiet, not indifferent, only quiet. And she always brought a book (Book Quotes)
Book readers are special people, and they will always turn to books as the ultimate pleasure. Those who do not read are the unfortunate ones. There’s nothing wrong with them; but they are missing out on one of life’s compensations and rewards. A great book is a friend that never lets you down. You can return to it again and again and the joy first derived from it will still be there (Book Quotes)
Being a stranger was like being dead, and brought to mind how, in a book he had read that most folks misunderstood one common state: The flip side of love is indifference, not hate (Book Quotes)
Book writing is a little different because, in my case, my editor is a year younger than me and basically has the same sensibility as me (Book Quotes)
I feel sorry for people who have to edit me. Which is why book writing is by far the most enjoyable. Really the only thing it’s based on is whether it’s good or not. No book editor, in my experience, is getting a manuscript and trying to rewrite it (Book Quotes)
Marriage is a book of which the first chapter is written in poetry and the remaining chapters in prose (Book Quotes)
Books fall open, you fall in, delighted where you’ve never been; hear voices not once heard before, reach world on world through door on door; find unexpected keys to things locked up beyond imaginings. What might you be, perhaps become, because one book is somewhere? Some wise delver into wisdom, wit, and wherewithal has written it. True books will venture, dare you out, whisper secrets, maybe shout across the gloom to you in need, who hanker for a book to read (Book Quotes)
Books were this wonderful escape for me because I could open a book and disappear into it, and that was the only way out of that house when I was a kid (Book Quotes)
I receive about 10,000 letters a year from readers, and in the first year after a book is published, perhaps 5,000 letters will deal specifically with that piece of work (Book Quotes)
Imagine a survivor of a failed civilization with only a tattered book on aromatherapy for guidance in arresting a cholera epidemic. Yet, such a book would more likely be found amid the debris than a comprehensible medical text (Book Quotes)
There are those who, while reading a book, recall, compare, conjure up emotions from other, previous readings. This is one of the most delicate forms of adultery (Book Quotes)
I seldom read on beaches or in gardens. You can’t read by two lights at once, the light of day and the light of the book. You should read by electric light, the room in shadow, and only the page lit up (Book Quotes)
You believe in a book that has sticks turning into snakes, and you say we are the ones that need help? (Book Quotes)
Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten (Book Quotes)
One of the greatest virtues of gardening is this perpetual renewal of youth and spring, of promise of flower and fruit that can always be read in the open book of the garden, by those with an eye to see, and a mind to understand (Book Quotes)
It is not at all incredible, that a book which has been so long in the possession of mankind should contain many truths as yet undiscovered (Book Quotes)
No one ever comitted suicide while reading a good book, but many have tried while trying to write one (Book Quotes)
The book to read is not the one which thinks for you, but the one which makes you think (Book Quotes)
If the book is true, it will find an audience that is meant to read it (Book Quotes)
There is one statement I want you to keep after you are finished with this book. It is more of a mantra, really. Nonetheless, let it crawl across your mind any time you feel you have been backed into a corner spiritually. It is very simple: Live your life, no matter what life is. Take that with you. Live your life. No matter what that life is (Book Quotes)
If you buy a book on golf instruction buy the thinnest book you can find. The thinner the book, chances are the easier and more elementary the instruction. It can do one of two things: help you more or hurt you less. Both are good compared to the alternative (Book Quotes)
One of these days I’m going to write a book on drops. That ought to sell. The shot’s become more popular than putting (Book Quotes)
Whenever you read a book or have a conversation, the experience causes physical changes in your brain. It’s a little frightening to think that every time you walk away from an encounter, your brain has been altered, sometimes permanently (Book Quotes)
Painting is the only universal language. All nature is creation’s picture book. Painting alone can describe every thing which can be seen, and suggest every emotion which can be felt. Art reaches back into the babyhood of time, and is man’s only lasting monument (Book Quotes)
Train yourselves. Don’t wait to be fed knowledge out of a book. Get out and seek it. Make explorations. Do your own research work. Train your hands and your mind. Become curious. Invent your own problems and solve them. You can see things going on all about you. Inquire into them. Seek out answers to your own questions. There are many phenomena going on in nature the explanation of which cannot be found in books. Find out why these phenomena take place. Information a boy gets by himself is enormously more valuable than that which is taught to him in school (Book Quotes)
If the proof starts from axioms, distinguishes several cases, and takes thirteen lines in the text book... it may give the youngsters the impression that mathematics consists in proving the most obvious things in the least obvious way (Book Quotes)