Book Quotes

Text Quotes
I don’t like to be alone, but I do cherish the moments that I’m alone with a good book (Book Quotes)
A good book holds you down. It’s an anchor that keeps you from getting up and having another gin and tonic (Book Quotes)
If ever there was a book calculated to make a man in love with its author, this appears to me to be the book (Book Quotes)
The minutes ticked past. This is why peelers need a book. A wee paperback to stick in your pocket (Book Quotes)
I read because one life isn’t enough and in the pages of a book, I can be anybody (Book Quotes)
As long as we’ve got somewhere to sleep, a bowl of cereal, and a coloring book we’ll be fine (Book Quotes)
I write every day. I’m always in the process of writing my last book, until the next one (Book Quotes)
The difference between writing a book and being on television is the difference between conceiving a child and having a baby made in a test tube (Book Quotes)
When I read it, I don’t wince, which is all I ever ask for a book I write (Book Quotes)
Reading a book you are not enjoying is a torture not to be undertaken without a reward. I leave plays at the interval, too! (Book Quotes)
The trouble with the publishing business is that too many people who have half a mind to write a book do so (Book Quotes)
The characters in a children’s book must reach into the heart of the reader on page one. Emotional content is the main reason a child and a parent will go back to a book again and again (Book Quotes)
Every creature in the world is like a book and a picture and a mirror for us (Book Quotes)
Any grand new dictionary ought itself to be a democratic product, a book that demonstrated the primacy of individual freedoms, of the notion that one could use words freely, as one liked, without hard and fast rules of lexical conduct (Book Quotes)
A terrific, stimulating book... Ramalingam clearly and engagingly shows how the use of complex adaptive systems thinking can significantly strengthen and enhance the impacts and effectiveness of global foreign aid (Book Quotes)
Normally I would not recommend a book that tells you how to make money in the stock market. Most of these books are aimed at gullible folk, and they usually make much more money for their authors than they do for the investing public (Book Quotes)
If your life were a book, and you were the author, how would you want your story to go? (Book Quotes)
No book has yet been written in praise of a woman who let her husband and children starve or suffer while she invented even the most useful things, or wrote books, or expressed herself in art, or evolved philosophic systems (Book Quotes)
The process of writing a book is infinitely more important than the book that is completed as a result of the writing, let alone the success or failure that book may have after it is written... the book is merely a symbol of the writing. In writing the book, I am living. I am growing. I am tapping myself. I am changing. The process is the product (Book Quotes)
You can’t write the same book twice. Though I’ve been in historical musical situations, I can’t go back and do that again. And though I run into artistic crises, they keep my life interesting (Book Quotes)
The novel is about, for me, sustained and organized looking. I do think that people have a hunger for a sustained engagement, that concentration that the book can offer (Book Quotes)
I write my own stories. I like telling stories to little children. I think the good thing about stories is they carry you to another place which you’ve never been. And you feel like you’re just enveloped by the book and the characters (Book Quotes)
There are times when I can find myself in a book, too, for two or three hours. But afterward I have such an urge to go out and reach for other people. Very often they’re not around. There’s also a metaphysical loneliness. We all feel it. The burden of living one’s own life is experiencing sensations that no one else can share. You take a step in a house, you start moving around the house, no one else moves with you. You’re walking by yourself (Book Quotes)
Your function as a critic is to show that it is really you yourself who should have written the book, if you had had the time, and since you hadn’t you are glad that someone else had, although obviously it might have been done better (Book Quotes)
Always, with any movie that I do, I have a book of ideas that I’ve heard, or seen, or whatever, and I always try to incorporate it in the film (Book Quotes)
Explaining the moment of connection between a reader and book to someone who’s never experienced it is like trying to describe sex to a virgin (Book Quotes)
Little things. The thought of losing them makes them unbearably dear... I only think of the sweetness. Simple things. The quarter moon, the taste of an orange. The smell of the pages of a new book (Book Quotes)
I was suppose to write a book about being a mom, to organize my thoughts into chapters and figure out a structure to hang them on, to make a lasting point, but somehow I decided to go ahead and become a mother instead (Book Quotes)
Reading was only part of the thrill that a book represented. I got a dizzy pleasure from the weight and feel of a new book in my hand, a sensual delight from the smell and crispness of the pages. I loved the smoothness and bright colors of their jackets. For me, a stacked, unread pyramid of books was one of the sexiest architectural designs there was, because what I loved most about books was their promise, the anticipation of what lay between the covers, waiting to be found (Book Quotes)
Whatever your favorite genre is, you can probably trace your love for it back to one single book that really moved you (Book Quotes)