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Book Quotes

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When a book is alive, really alive, you feel it. You put it to your ear here, and you feel it breathe, sometimes laugh, sometimes cry, just like a person, a little person  (Book Quotes) I was just on the edge of getting married, and I was frenzied at the prospect of this great step in my life after having been a bachelor for so long. And I really wanted to take my mind off of the agony, and so I decided to sit down and write a book  (Book Quotes) There are too many good comic book writers out there. I’d rather remain a fanboy  (Book Quotes) To some people, the fact that I am not married, or don’t have children, would be the reason I have written a book on punctuation  (Book Quotes) A prose writer never sees a reader walk out of a book; for a playwright, it’s another matter. An audience is an invaluable education. In my experience, theatre artists don’t know what they’ve made until they’ve made it  (Book Quotes) When I am composing, I try to clear my mind of having to publish, or having to sell a book or find readers. That kind of thinking gets in the way  (Book Quotes) Why isn’t there a book about someone losing their faith and it being a beautiful experience?  (Book Quotes) Beware that the one who reads is the same as the book, the same as what is read, the same as the speaker and the same as what is spoken without being the word  (Book Quotes) Running a marathon is just like reading a good book. After a while you’re just not conscious of the physical act of reading  (Book Quotes) I would like to tell you that I wrote my book to push back artistic boundaries. But I didn’t. I wrote it to impress a girl  (Book Quotes) There is poetry in fiction. If you cannot see it and feel it when you write, you need to step back and examine what you are doing wrong. If you have not figured out how to write a simple declarative sentence and make it sing with that poetry, you are not yet ready to write an entire book  (Book Quotes) Writing a book is incredibly pleasurable, but very solitary. You have total control, but sometimes that can drive you insane  (Book Quotes) The best is oftentimes the enemy of the good; and many a good book has remained unwritten... because there floated before the mind’s eye the ideal of a better or a best  (Book Quotes) Every person has a range. In fiction, you get to be it all. I’m as much the men in my book as I am the women. I write how I write and there is no mission to stake a claim  (Book Quotes) I remember the first time I held my book, my first book in my hands. I cannot tell you how it moved me  (Book Quotes) The dark book has been terribly popular. Dark characters, dysfunction, and all sorts of things from reality that are true in our world  (Book Quotes) For a very long time, I wrote a book a year, and was eager and willing to do it, to put bread on the table, to have my work out there. Now I must write a book every two years, and that’s never enough time, either  (Book Quotes) I was given a dictionary when I was seven, and I read it because I had nothing else to read. I read it the way you read a book  (Book Quotes) Criticism is part of being in the marketplace. If you can’t take a bit of criticism, you shouldn’t bother publishing a book  (Book Quotes) I can do a book in three months if I spend all day, seven days a week at it and, in fact, I work better that way  (Book Quotes) I’ve never been a fast reader. I’m fickle; I don’t finish books I start; I put a book aside for five, ten years and then take it up again  (Book Quotes) When a writer declares that his first book is his best, that is bad. I progress successively from book to book  (Book Quotes) If you take a really good book, then the potential is for a really good film. But you’ve got to get it right  (Book Quotes) The script is the coloring book that you’re given, and your job is to figure out how to color it in. And also when and where to color outside the lines  (Book Quotes) Til 1983, I wrote primarily for other psychologists and expected that they would be the principal audience for my book  (Book Quotes) I have to say, creating memories is so important to me that I did a book about creating memories for your family  (Book Quotes) I meet people on the street or at book signings and they tend to treat me as if they know me, as if we’re connected. It’s great  (Book Quotes) When I’m writing a book, you can’t think about your audience. You’re going to be in big trouble if you think about it. You’re got to write from deep inside  (Book Quotes) I wish I didn’t have ever to sign my long name on the cover of a book, and I wish I could write a story that would seem absolutely true to the child who hears it and to myself  (Book Quotes) I always save a huge book for a flight, because then you read it at both airports and on the plane and by the time you get home you’re a quarter of the way through and it doesn’t feel so unmanageable any more  (Book Quotes)
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