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Book Quotes

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I’ll read a book every now and then, but unlike most of my friends I don’t always have one on the go  (Book Quotes) Certainly one of the surprising truths of having a book published is realizing that your book is as open to interpretation as an abstract painting. People bring their own beliefs and attitudes to your work, which is thrilling and surprising at the same time  (Book Quotes) Write a nonfiction book, and be prepared for the legion of readers who are going to doubt your fact. But write a novel, and get ready for the world to assume every word is true  (Book Quotes) You can’t. Do you hear me? You think you’ve figured something out? You run over here so pleased with yourself because you changed your mind. Now you’re certain. You’re so... sloppy. You don’t know anything. The book, the math, the dates, the writing, all that stuff you decided with your buddies, it’s just evidence. It doesn’t finish the job. It doesn’t prove anything  (Book Quotes) What more powerful form of study of mankind could there be than to read our own instruction book?  (Book Quotes) With each book, in each place, I have to keep an ongoing map as I write because otherwise I don’t know where I am  (Book Quotes) I try to get to the beach every day. It brings sanity to my life. I’ll just sit and read a book and enjoy the quiet  (Book Quotes) No matter how many awards you’ve won or how many sales you’ve got, come the next book it’s still a blank sheet of paper and you’re still panicking like hell that you’ve got nothing new to say  (Book Quotes) I’ve been a book collector since I was young, since I was a kid  (Book Quotes) I think that the mark of a great book is that it will meet you wherever you’re at and you’ll feel and experience something new and different each time you read it  (Book Quotes) The broader the topic, the easier it is, not only to fill a book, but to set the bar pretty high for really great stuff  (Book Quotes) You won’t see me writing about particle physics, or even planetary geology, or chemistry. I practically failed chemistry, and if I had to write a book in any of those areas, I don’t think it would go well  (Book Quotes) When you’re playing a character in a book, there’s already a lot of pressure because all of the millions of people who have read the series have been able to envision and become very attached to the characters  (Book Quotes) When you start at catering college, nobody prepares you for a book tour or public speaking  (Book Quotes) A good argument, like a good dialogue, is always a proof of life, but I’d much rather go and read a book  (Book Quotes) We’d never expect to understand a piece of music on one listen, but we tend to believe we’ve read a book after reading it just once  (Book Quotes) I don’t have a lot of skills, but one thing I can do is, I can compartmentalize. I can make that a little world that I can go back to, so I can be a waitress, or I can be a teacher, and then go and work on my book  (Book Quotes) The important thing about any book is that you have to have a good story and that it has to be exciting. Then it’s nice to add other levels underneath that people can pick up on  (Book Quotes) I just focus on getting the first scene right, with a few lines about the overall plot, and then the book grows organically  (Book Quotes) I don’t think there was a particular book that made me want to write. They all did. I always wanted to write  (Book Quotes) I wrote this book to show you that a cure is entirely possible because I’ve seen it happen over and over again  (Book Quotes) Tormented by the cursed ambition always to put a whole book in a page, a whole page in a sentence, and this sentence in a word. I am speaking of myself  (Book Quotes) It appeared that after first contemplating a book on some subject, and after giving serious preliminary attention to it, I needed a period of subconscious incubation which could not be hurried and was if anything impeded by deliberate thinking... Having, by a time of very intense concentration, planted the problem in my subconsciousness, it would germinate underground until, suddenly, the solution emerged with a blinding clarity, so that it only remained to write down what happened as if in a revelation  (Book Quotes) I plot as I go. Many novelists write an outline that has almost as many pages as their ultimate book. Others knock out a brief synopsis... Do what is comfortable. If you have to plot out every move your characters make, so be it. Just make sure there is a plausible purpose behind their machinations. A good reader can smell a phony plot a block away  (Book Quotes) You can’t know what a book is about until the very end. This is true of a book we’re reading or writing  (Book Quotes) I think that whenever a book is not a challenge, I’m telling the wrong story  (Book Quotes) Oh, filmmakers, please don’t take my soft book and turn it into a horror, or take my horror and make it soft  (Book Quotes) This object that we hold in our hands, a book... that tactile pleasure, it’s just not going to go away  (Book Quotes) People don’t come out for book events. They want to feel an emotion and be entertained  (Book Quotes) During my second draft pass on my last book I made 20,000 words happen in a week, which is practically supernatural for me, and it would never have been possible without three nights in a hotel in my own city  (Book Quotes)
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