Book Quotes

Text Quotes
I don’t actually talk about my books much, because I find if I talk about them I don’t want to write them anymore. I write to find out what happens. You know how you read a book? That’s what I’m doing except I’m just doing it a lot slower because it takes a lot longer to do (Book Quotes)
I was a misfit, but I think most teenagers feel that way. I don’t care if you were a popular jock or the kid who spent his lunch hours in a stairwell reading a book, we all seem to have dealt with insecurities of one kind or another throughout our high school years (Book Quotes)
No book can teach you about yourself, no psychologist, none of the professors or philosophers. What they can teach you is what they think you are or what they think you should be (Book Quotes)
To understand oneself requires patience, tolerant awareness; the self is a book of many volumes which you cannot read in a day, but when once you begin to read, you must read every word, every sentence, every paragraph for in them are the intimations of the whole. The beginning of it is the ending of it. If you know how to read, supreme wisdom is to be found (Book Quotes)
Do not believe a thing because you read it in a book! Do not believe a thing because another has said it so! Find out the truth for yourself (Book Quotes)
No man living in a world as interesting as this ever writes a book if he can help it (Book Quotes)
If the reader enters a kind of immersive experience reading a book, then I have to enter a kind of immersive state to do my best work (Book Quotes)
I never wanted to write a book, and people have asked me for years to do it (Book Quotes)
I always want to try to bring something fresh to every book. It’s getting harder instead of easier. I feel like I work harder with each book. But I don’t want it to show on the pages, that’s for sure (Book Quotes)
Abolishing the book is like abolishing the symphony, or sonata form, or the sonnet, or the wall painting (Book Quotes)
The book is a form in which some of the greatest masterpieces that mankind has ever achieved are expressed; (Book Quotes)
The lesson of the book is that the universe is governed by the laws of science (Book Quotes)
Reviewing a book written by someone you’re living with and sleeping with is, needless to say, wrong (Book Quotes)
A book series is never truly over. The story lives on, even when the final page has been turned (Book Quotes)
When you’re alone and you feel sad, try reading a book. Try touching someone’s heart. Try to imagine what they were thinking, what they wanted to convey. If you do that, you might get something amazing (Book Quotes)
When you close the book, does the story end? No! That’s such a bland way to read. Every story goes on forever in our imaginations, and its characters live on (Book Quotes)
If entrepreneurs were running schools, instead of bureaucrats, schools would be teaching a lot more of the skills and mindsets found in this book. Since they’re not, this book is a necessary antidote to a traditional college education (Book Quotes)
If it is a distinction to have written a good book, it is also a disgrace to have written a bad one (Book Quotes)
Sometimes I pick up a book and I say: Well, so you’ve written it first, have you? Good for you. O.K., then I won’t have to write it (Book Quotes)
A book has to be easy to open and you don’t have to be a bodybuilder to lift it. I like books I can read in bed. Those big tombstones would kill me (Book Quotes)
You may dream freely when you listen to music as well as when you look at painting. When you read a book you are the slave of the author’s mind (Book Quotes)
Once in a very long time you come across a book that is far, far more than the ink, the glue and the paper, a book that seeps into your blood (Book Quotes)
When I don’t know the answer to something, I write a book about it because it gives me a chance to explore it and go to some people who do have the answers (Book Quotes)
Writing a book is the most terrifying thing that I’ve ever done. It’s so much harder than writing for television because it is a completely different skill set (Book Quotes)
Sometimes if a script is based on a book, that’s what you should do: represent the book (Book Quotes)
As an author, you can’t expect a movie to be an illustration of the book. If that’s what you hope for, you shouldn’t sell the rights (Book Quotes)
I’m a big illustration and comic book fan. In my eyes, comic books and illustration are the same kind of art forms (Book Quotes)
A book is like a door. You walk through the cover and you don’t know what you’re going to find (Book Quotes)
Many readers judge of the power of a book by the shock it gives their feelings (Book Quotes)
The inspiration of a single book has made preachers, poets, philosophers, authors, and statesmen. On the other hand, the demoralization of a single book has sometimes made infidels, profligates, and criminals (Book Quotes)