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Bookshops Quotes

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Bookshops are infested with ideas. Books are quivering, murmuring creatures  (Bookshops Quotes) I grew up on second hand bookshops and libraries  (Bookshops Quotes) Books bend space and time. One reason the owners of those aforesaid little rambling, poky secondhand bookshops always seem slightly unearthly is that many of them really are, having strayed into this world after taking a wrong turning in their own bookshops in worlds where it is considered commendable business practice to wear carpet slippers all the time and open your shop only when you feel like it  (Bookshops Quotes) My husband claims I have an unhealthy obsession with secondhand bookshops. That I spend too much time daydreaming altogether. But either you intrinsically understand the attraction of searching for hidden treasure amongst rows of dusty shelves or you don’t; it’s a passion, bordering on a spiritual illness, which cannot be explained to the unaffected.  (Bookshops Quotes) I have no patience with up-themselves authors who complain about having to trail round a few bookshops signing stock.  (Bookshops Quotes) Because there is nothing I would rather do than rummage through bookshops, I went at once to Hastings and Sons Bookshop upon receiving your letter. I have gone to them for years, always finding the one book I wanted - and then three more I hadn’t known I wanted.  (Bookshops Quotes) Wonderful characters rotate around and through bookshops on a daily basis, competing with and possibly even triumphing over fiction when it comes to entertainment, strangeness and inspiration.  (Bookshops Quotes) I read whenever possible, and I buy books all the time, sometimes online, but mostly from bookshops. I love literature. If you want to understand art, it’s important to understand what is also happening in literature, in music, in science, in architecture.  (Bookshops Quotes) When my first novel was published, I went in great excitement round bookshops in central London to see if they had stocked it  (Bookshops Quotes) I think that most people go to bookshops and have no idea what they want to buy. Somehow the books sit there, almost magically willing people to pick them up. The right person for the right book. Its as though they know whose life they need to be a part of, how they can make a difference, how they can teach a lesson, put a smile on a face at just the right time  (Bookshops Quotes) I like to browse in occult bookshops if for no other reason than to refresh my commitment to science  (Bookshops Quotes) I travel a lot, so when I arrive in a city, I like to go to good local bookshops and make a selection based on how I’m feeling and what I’m thinking. The book I pick usually seems to have a definite karmic connection!  (Bookshops Quotes) My stuff gets published in some countries as fiction and in some countries as fantasy. It’s just where they think it will do best in the bookshops  (Bookshops Quotes) My husband claims I have an unhealthy obsession with secondhand bookshops. That I spend too much time daydreaming altogether. But either you intrinsically understand the attraction of searching for hidden treasure amongst rows of dusty shelves or you don’t; it’s a passion, bordering on a spiritual illness, which cannot be explained to the unaffected  (Bookshops Quotes) I didn’t go to bookshops to buy. That’s a little bourgeois. I went because they were civilized places. It made me happy there were people who sat down and wrote and wrote and wrote and there were other people who devoted their lives to making those words into books. It was lovely. Like standing in the middle of civilization  (Bookshops Quotes) Libraries really are wonderful. They’re better than bookshops, even. I mean bookshops make a profit on selling you books, but libraries just sit there lending you books quietly out of the goodness of their hearts  (Bookshops Quotes) I despair of ever getting it through anybody’s head I am not interested in bookshops, I am interested in what’s written in the books. I don’t browse in bookshops, I browse in libraries, where you can take a book home and read it, and if you like it you go to a bookshop and buy it  (Bookshops Quotes)