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Booming Quotes

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Sweet dreams though the guns are booming  (Booming Quotes) Love is the big booming beat which covers up the noise of hate  (Booming Quotes) Unfortunately, equine lameness has also become a booming business in the horse world  (Booming Quotes) Business coaching and the personal development and self-help industry is considered to be one of the booming industries today.  (Booming Quotes) For-profit higher education is today a booming industry, feeding on the student loans handed out to the desperate  (Booming Quotes) Frivolous lawsuits are booming in this county. The U. S. has more costs of litigation per person than any other industrialized nation in the world, and it is crippling our economy  (Booming Quotes) Higher education is booming in the United States; the Gross National Mind is mounting along with the Gross National Product  (Booming Quotes) The composition of our society has been changing. We [world] are becoming a more urban population. Mega-cities, those with more than 10 million residents, are booming  (Booming Quotes) China is an old nation with a colourful history. Its booming economy has triggered an appetite and a curiosity around the world for its art and culture, one that continues to grow. I can, however, tell people that it is a show with no actor.  (Booming Quotes) It was a recession when I graduated, but I was so unequipped to have a job anyway, I don’t think it would have mattered if the economy was booming. I think I was expecting bad jobs. But as it went on through my 20s, I began to wonder how things were going to turn out.  (Booming Quotes) Just looking at pictures’ used to be considered cheating. No longer. The graphic novel is booming. Comics, heavily illustrated texts, books with no words are now accepted as reading.  (Booming Quotes) On the rare occasions when I spend a night in Oxford, the keeping of the hours by the clock towers in New College, and Merton, and the great booming of Tom tolling 101 times at 9 pm at Christ Church are inextricably interwoven with memories and regrets and lost joys. The sound almost sends me mad, so intense are the feelings it evokes.  (Booming Quotes) Booming cities, and the provinces and states in which they are located, are driving forces in economic growth today. Consequently, they constitute the new frontier in America’s international economic policy.  (Booming Quotes) Video games and YouTube.com are creatively booming, even though Web design, as demonstrated by the ugly clutter of most major news sites, is in the pits.  (Booming Quotes) For-profit higher education is today a booming industry, feeding on the student loans handed out to the desperate.  (Booming Quotes) Soon silence will have passed into legend. Man has turned his back on silence. Day after day he invents machines and devices that increase noise and distract humanity from the essence of life, contemplation, meditation...tooting, howling, screeching, booming, crashing, whistling, grinding, and trilling bolster his ego. His anxiety subsides. His inhuman void spreads monstrously like a gray vegetation.  (Booming Quotes) Frivolous lawsuits are booming in this county. The U.S. has more costs of litigation per person than any other industrialized nation in the world, and it is crippling our economy.  (Booming Quotes) Criminals are opportunists. If you’ve got a booming market, they’re going to get away with more fraud.  (Booming Quotes) God has matured. He is not the impulsive, bowelless being of the Testaments - the vehement glory monger, with His bag of cheap carny tricks and his booming voice - the fiery huckster with his burning bushes and his wonder wands. Nowadays God knows what He wants and He knows who He wants  (Booming Quotes) Ideas go booming through the world louder than cannon. Thoughts are mightier than armies. Principles have achieved more victories than horsemen and chariots  (Booming Quotes) It was a recession when I graduated, but I was so unequipped to have a job anyway, I don’t think it would have mattered if the economy was booming. I think I was expecting bad jobs. But as it went on through my 20s, I began to wonder how things were going to turn out  (Booming Quotes) We need the tonic of the wilderness, to wade sometimes in the marsh where the bitten and the meadow hen lurk, and hear the booming of the snipe; to smell the whispering sedge where only some wilder and more solitary fowl builds her nest, and the mink crawls with its belly close to the ground  (Booming Quotes) She fell into a deep pool of sticky water, which eventually closed over her head. She saw nothing and heard nothing but a faint booming sound, which was the sound of the sea rolling over her head. While all her tormentors thought that she was dead, she was not dead, but curled up at the bottom of the sea  (Booming Quotes) Baseball is the very symbol, the outward and visible expression of the drive and push and rush and struggle of the raging, tearing, booming nineteenth century  (Booming Quotes) Just looking at pictures used to be considered cheating. No longer. The graphic novel is booming. Comics, heavily illustrated texts, books with no words are now accepted as reading  (Booming Quotes) I hate restaurants that play music. You come out for a quiet meal, and you’re supposed to put up with all this booming. Why? It’s madness!  (Booming Quotes) Criminals are opportunists. If you’ve got a booming market, they’re going to get away with more fraud  (Booming Quotes) Fantasy is, of course, booming, and I think it’s beginning to stretch its range as well  (Booming Quotes) Nevada once again has shown double digit increases in tax revenue... Nevada continues to show economic stability with its desirable business climate and booming tourism sector  (Booming Quotes) The rapid growth in many of our suburbs has spawned a booming construction industry eager to hire low wage immigrants who gladly fill these jobs, many of them happy to be paid in cash, free of federal and state taxes  (Booming Quotes)
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