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Boots Quotes

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I said, ‘Hey’, she said, ‘Hi.’ I said, ‘Us’, she said, ‘Try,’ ‘And if you’re thinkin strictly boots, then I’ll say baby, bye bye.’  (Boots Quotes) The U.S. has taken an active role in wars from Libya to the Central African Republic, sent special ops forces into countries from Somalia to South Sudan, conducted airstrikes and abduction missions, even put boots on the ground in countries where it pledged it would not.  (Boots Quotes) I like sundresses with cowboy boots, little shorts with big wedge heels and a big piece of turquoise. I also love classic, Old Hollywood romantic styles. I’m ‘country girl meets city girl’ circa 1930.  (Boots Quotes) I do feel like there are the pop stars of the world and then I’m like their dirty little sister, running around with sh*t on my face in combat boots because I can’t walk in heels.  (Boots Quotes) We are living in such a troubled world that fashion seems completely irrelevant. Yet...it’s a very, very mysterious thing. Why all of a sudden do people like yellow? Why all of a sudden do people wear combat boots?  (Boots Quotes) I don’t know why I’ve always been uncomfortable being too feminine. If a dress has too many flowers on it, if I’m giggling too much, I’m like ugh, put some combat boots on. I love masculine women. I think it’s because I’m like a fake lesbian, I don’t know.  (Boots Quotes) I think all gay guys should get married. I think they should have to get married. They should have to adopt kids because, actually, I’m getting tired of their happy-go-lucky lifestyle. I’ve had it with them being all happy and in shape. I could look good in denim short shorts and combat boots, too, if I had all day to do leg presses at the gym.  (Boots Quotes) I’ve always been a T-shirt, Levi’s, leather jacket, and combat boots kind of girl  (Boots Quotes) I don’t think of myself as particularly cursed or blessed. I think I got dealt a set of cards, and I’m playing with them, sometimes in heels, sometimes in combat boots.  (Boots Quotes) I have a huge crush on President George W. Bush. I saw him at a recent fundraiser, and he`s a babe. He`s got that Ronald Reagan charm. I think he`s hot. I respect his wife, but if he wasn`t married I`d be putting on my cowboy boots and coming around.  (Boots Quotes) I’ve worn my share of leopard pink boots to premieres or belts the size of cars. I thought my pink leopard boots were so cool.  (Boots Quotes) To green our country, regular people will have to put on hard hats and work boots, roll up their sleeves - and get to work.  (Boots Quotes) There’s nothing wrong with wearing a hat and cowboy boots if you want to be a country singer. But when you open your mouth, have something new to say. Have your own style.  (Boots Quotes) I’m scared of snakebites - that’s the origin of cowboy boots, protection - but my toes need to breathe.  (Boots Quotes) I think every man should have a pair of boots. They’re really sexy. Leather boots, cowboy boots, it depends.  (Boots Quotes) No man should have cowboys boots in his wardrobe. That’s fair enough, isn’t it? Unless you’re a cowboy, of course.  (Boots Quotes) I’m 5 11, so when I wear heels, it’s definitely a really good view that I have. I’m, like, 6 2 when I wear heels, so I tend to wear cowboy boots a lot.  (Boots Quotes) I remember first seeing Barney Kessel, in the 1940s, standing on the corner of Hollywood and Vine, in his cowboy boots, sun glasses and hipster threads, holding his guitar case man, you just knew that cat could wail!’  (Boots Quotes) First buy a cowboy hat and boots. Then you’re on your way to being a Texan.  (Boots Quotes) I really like crop tops. I like how you can dress them up or down, with jeans or a skirt and heels. I like to be showy and cute. I don’t want to be in just a jacket and pants and boots.  (Boots Quotes) I always wear a pair of colored jeans and fun boots. I have a really cute pair of stars-and-stripes Converse, and I love wearing all my bright Nike shoes.  (Boots Quotes) Grammar to a writer is to a mountaineer a good pair of hiking boots or, more precisely, to a deep-sea diver an oxygen tank.  (Boots Quotes) I’m a boots girl. I always wear boots. They only look better when they get dirty.  (Boots Quotes) I feel really good right now. It will really be a tough decision. It’s so hard to give up what you love doing. Hanging up the boots will not be an easy thing to do.  (Boots Quotes) Lie on the bridge and watch the water flowing past. Or run, or wade through the swamp in your red boots. Or roll yourself up and listen to the rain falling on the roof. It’s very easy to enjoy yourself.  (Boots Quotes) My dad got me my first pair of boots. It was a big occasion for us to go to the shopping centre. It was an exciting time to make sure you got the right ones.  (Boots Quotes) I just had a normal African childhood; we played football a lot, but it was always in the street and always without shoes. Boots were very expensive, and when there are seven in your family, and you say you want to buy a pair, your father wants to kill you.  (Boots Quotes) A guy’s biggest style mistake is definitely trying to look too cool. As long as you’ve got a good pair of jeans, a good pair of boots and a few good shirts, you’re fine.  (Boots Quotes) My parents strapped a pair of plastic skis on my boots when I was two years old and sent me down our driveway in Vail. Of course, they were holding on to me the whole time, but that was my first experience ‘skiing.’  (Boots Quotes) If my mother hadn’t thrown my football boots on the fire, I might have become as famous as Denis Compton.  (Boots Quotes)
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