Bore Quotes

Text Quotes
The south wind searches for the flowers whose fragrance late he bore, and sighs to find them in the wood and by the stream no more (Bore Quotes)
Learning is its own exceeding great reward; and at the period of which we speak, it bore other fruits, not unworthy of it (Bore Quotes)
It is curious how tyrannical the habit of reading is, and what shifts we make to escape thinking. There is no bore we dread being left alone with so much as our own minds (Bore Quotes)
It is the peculiarity of the bore that he is the last person to find himself out (Bore Quotes)
The body always ends by being a bore. Nothing remains beautiful and interesting except thought, because the thought is the life (Bore Quotes)
The fields did laugh, the flowers did freshly spring, the trees did bud and early blossoms bore, and all the quire of birds did sweetly sing, and told that garden’s pleasures in their caroling (Bore Quotes)
Ah! What seeds for a paradise I bore in my heart, of which birds of prey have robbed me (Bore Quotes)
And thus he bore without abuse the grand old name of gentleman, defamed by every charlatan and soiled with all ignoble use (Bore Quotes)
Writers have a rare power not given to anyone else: we can bore people long after we are dead (Bore Quotes)
A stupid disgusting bore is a guy who has nothing to say, and nonetheless says it anyway (Bore Quotes)
But how do I get to having to write a book?... It was a mother who bore me, not an inkwell! (Bore Quotes)
The basic fact about human existence is not that it is a tragedy, but that it is a bore. It is not so much a war as an endless standing in line (Bore Quotes)
The cross of Christ is the sweetest burden that I ever bore; it is such a burden as wings are to a bird, or sails to a ship, to carry me forward to my harbor (Bore Quotes)
I’m not just interested in fascinating faces or trees. I want to bore in deeper (Bore Quotes)
The woman who bore me is no longer alive, but I seem to be her daughter in increasingly profound ways (Bore Quotes)
Dear, don’t bore him with trivia or burden him with your past mistakes. The happiest way to deal with a man is never to tell him anything he does not need to know (Bore Quotes)
Every hour that passed added to her grief, because it bore her further away from the living man, and because it was a tiny foretaste of the eternity she would have to spend without him (Bore Quotes)
I became acquainted with those martyrs whose behavior in camp, whose suffering and death, bore witness to the fact that the last inner freedom cannot be lost (Bore Quotes)
I am often, I believe, praying for others when I should be doing things for them. It’s so much easier to pray for a bore than to go and see him (Bore Quotes)
Grammar is to a writer what anatomy is to a sculptor, or the scales to a musician. You may loathe it, it may bore you, but nothing will replace it, and once mastered it will support you like a rock (Bore Quotes)
Few of us will reach our potential without the nurturing of both the mother who bore us and the mothers who bear with us (Bore Quotes)
No one ever did anything worth doing unless they were prepared to go on with it long after it became something of a bore (Bore Quotes)
Make him laugh and he will think you a trivial fellow, but bore him in the right way and your reputation is assured (Bore Quotes)
Bore : A fellow who can change the subject back to his topic of conversation faster than you can change it back to yours (Bore Quotes)
The chief contribution of Protestantism to human thought is its massive proof that God is a bore (Bore Quotes)
Travel is the most private of pleasures. There is no greater bore than the travel bore. We do not in the least want to hear what he has seen in Hong-Kong (Bore Quotes)
Baldwin thought Europe was a bore, and Chamberlain thought it was only a greater Birmingham (Bore Quotes)
A historian has many duties... the first is not to slander; the second is not to bore (Bore Quotes)
The idea of devoting two years of my life to making a corporate product that looks and smells and tastes like a lot of other things out there with just a different trademark character is a bore (Bore Quotes)
Balance sheets bore me. I suspect if figures had excited me I would have gone into the city and now be a lot wealthier (Bore Quotes)