Bounds Quotes

Text Quotes
Maturity is the ability to think, speak and act your feelings within the bounds of dignity. The measure of your maturity is how spiritual you become during the midst of your frustrations (Bounds Quotes)
It is striking how history, when resting on the memory of men, always touches the bounds of mythology (Bounds Quotes)
Nowledge which... transcends the bounds, the prejudices and prejudgements of any one society and culture is not an illusion but, on the contrary, a glorious and luminous reality. Just how it was achieved remains subject to debate (Bounds Quotes)
Suspicion is a virtue as long as its object is the public good, and as long as it stays within proper bounds... Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel (Bounds Quotes)
The primary conception of tennis is to get the ball over the net and at the same time to keep it within bounds of the court; failing this, within the borders of the neighborhood (Bounds Quotes)
Never die easy. Why run out of bounds and die easy? Make that linebacker pay. It carries into all facets of your life. It’s okay to lose, to die, but don’t die without trying, without giving it your best (Bounds Quotes)
Phantoms in general are nothing more than trifling disorders of the spirit; images we cannot contain within the bounds of sleep (Bounds Quotes)
The greater is the circle of light, the greater is the boundary of the darkness by which it is confined. But, notwithstanding this, the more light get, the more thankful we ought to be, for by this means we have the greater range for satisfactory contemplation. time the bounds of light will be still farther extended; and from the infinity of the divine nature, and the divine works, we may promise ourselves an endless progress in our investigation them: a prospect truly sublime and glorious (Bounds Quotes)
Certainly one of the most enthralling things about human life is the recognition that we live in what, for practical purposes, is a universe without bounds (Bounds Quotes)
We had a word with him about diving and since then the lad’s come on leaps and bounds (Bounds Quotes)
In the case of pilots, it is a little touch of madness that drive us to go beyond all known bounds. Any search into the unknown is an incomparable exploitation of oneself (Bounds Quotes)
I have no influence with the rising generation. All my arguments have failed to induce them to set bounds to their wants (Bounds Quotes)
I have always avoided photographing in the studio. A woman does not spend her life sitting or standing in front of a seamless white paper background. Although it makes my life more complicated, I prefer to take my camera out into the street... and places that are out of bounds for photographers have always had a special attraction for me (Bounds Quotes)
We attempt to define a person, the most commonplace person we know, but he will not submit to bounds; some unexpected beauty of nature breaks out; we find he is not what we thought, and begin to suspect that every person exceeds our power of measurement (Bounds Quotes)
As the pen rises from the page between words, so the walker’s feet rise and fall between paces, and as the deer continues to run as it bounds from the earth and the dolphin continues to swim even as it leaps again and again from the sea, so writing and wayfaring are continuous activities, a running stitch, a persistence of the same seam or stream (Bounds Quotes)
People’s need to protect their own egos know no bounds. They will lie, cheat, steal, even kill, to do whatever it takes to maintain what we call ego boundries (Bounds Quotes)
There is no pattern the human mind can devise that does not exist already within the bounds of nature... Everything we do, see, write, notate, all are an echo of the deep seams of the universe. Music is the invisible world made visible through sound (Bounds Quotes)
There can be no conquest to the man who dwells in the narrow and small environment of a groveling life, and there can be no vision to the man the horizon of whose vision is limited by the bounds of self. But the great things of the world, the great accomplishments of the world, have been achieved by men who had high ideals and who have received great visions. The path is not easy, the climbing is rugged and hard, but the glory at the end is worthwhile (Bounds Quotes)
Children do not grow up all of a piece; look for the child of seven, especially to take many backward glances at the way he has come, while bounds and leaps unevenly ahead in his growth (Bounds Quotes)
Those who call for censorship in the name of the oppressed ought to recognize it is never the oppressed who determine the bounds of censorship (Bounds Quotes)
When you go into the world today, before you leave your home, promise yourself that you’ll find at least one miracle. Without any limits or bounds on what you think it should look like, simply state for yourself your clear intention that of the many miracles that cross your path, you’ll recognize one of them (Bounds Quotes)
Government is like fire. If it is kept within bounds and under the control of the people, it contributes to the welfare of all. But if it gets out of place, if it gets too big and out of control, it destroys the happiness and even the lives of the people (Bounds Quotes)
Even with all the negativeness of the whole social media thing, I still think it’s leaps and bounds more positive (Bounds Quotes)
A soul which gives itself to prayer, either much or little, should on no account be kept within narrow bounds (Bounds Quotes)
A nervous excitability, a chronic exaltation of the passion, in which commingle the inferior life of the individual and its exterior manifestations, a state in which sentiment, idea, and will are confounded together, where for the lack of the powerful corrective of logic, the flights of imagination know no bounds, where life and human activity are deprived of a regulator, and move outside of material and concrete factors, by the sole interior force of the soul (Bounds Quotes)
If we are but sure the end is right, we are too apt to gallop over all bounds to compass it; not considering the lawful ends may be very unlawfully attained (Bounds Quotes)
I am a total workaholic. If I don’t shoot for two days, I get uncomfortable at home. I won’t comment on my personal life. That is totally out of bounds. When I do get married, everyone will know (Bounds Quotes)
When people are too comfortable, it is not possible to restrain them within the bounds of their duty? They may be compared to mules who, being accustomed to burdens, are spoilt by rest rather than labour (Bounds Quotes)
It used to be the boast of free men that, so long as they kept within the bounds of the known law, there was no need to ask anybody’s permission or to obey anybody’s orders. It is doubtful whether any of us can make this claim today (Bounds Quotes)
Great art likes chains. The greatest artists have created art within bounds. Or else they have created their own chains (Bounds Quotes)