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Boxes Quotes

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Up, up fair bride! And call thy stars from out their several boxes; take thy rubies, pearls, and diamonds forth, and make thyself a constellation of them all  (Boxes Quotes) I’m really happiest living life 22 pages at a time and putting things in little boxes on pages  (Boxes Quotes) When I retire I’m going to spend my evenings by the fireplace going through those boxes. There are things in there that ought to be burned  (Boxes Quotes) When you’re a short actor you stand on apple boxes, you walk on a ramp. When you’re a short star everybody else walks in a ditch  (Boxes Quotes) The trouble with taxonomic boxes is... that that they tend to be empty, however beautiful they are on the outside  (Boxes Quotes) Most times we would make more money in the tip boxes - they called it - than we were getting paid  (Boxes Quotes) In October, 1865, occurred what was, in my eyes, the greatest event in the history of the observatory. The new transit circle arrived from Berlin in its boxes  (Boxes Quotes) Hollywood likes to put actors in boxes, and it likes to put Asian actors in really small boxes  (Boxes Quotes) The insurance industry communicates through codes and check-off boxes. If there’s no check-off box for you, you don’t exist  (Boxes Quotes) Biology has progressed tremendously due to the model that Darwin put forth. But the black boxes Darwin accepted are now being opened, and our view of the world is again being shaken  (Boxes Quotes) It’s very human to try to put things into boxes, and it’s hard for us to reconcile with grey areas, and yet somehow that’s the area I find the most poetic, the juiciest  (Boxes Quotes) Until 1986, developing games was a mere hobby for me. Back then, I didn’t know that game designers existed, because the designers’ names didn’t appear on the boxes  (Boxes Quotes) But the most precious research to me came from the paperwork filed on behalf of my grandparents and great-grandfather. The ship’s manifest showed that they could read and write. I am still emotional when I look at those boxes checked yes  (Boxes Quotes) The house I grew up in had large plate-glass windows, which birds frequently crashed into headfirst. My father helped me assemble a bird hospital, consisting of a few shoe boxes, some old rags, and tiny dishes for water and food  (Boxes Quotes) As movers and the moved both know, books are heavy freight, the weight of refrigerators and sofas broken up into cardboard boxes. They make us think twice about changing addresses.  (Boxes Quotes) We have a lot of historical and religious baggage in our culture. It’s ancient; we are clannish as a species. We like things to fit into boxes, and it’s unfortunate because humans are unique and should be celebrated and embraced as such.  (Boxes Quotes) We unwittingly judge products by their boxes, books by their covers, and even corporation’s annual reports by their nice glossy finish.  (Boxes Quotes) I saw Joseph Cornell’s lyrical work for the first time at the Museum of Modern Art in the late seventies and have internalized many of his boxes.  (Boxes Quotes) Valentine’s Day is different for old people. At this age I receive chocolates in boxes shaped like artificial hearts.  (Boxes Quotes) I was 28, and my mom was living with me. I had to decide. You have to claim it; you can’t ask permission. After a gig in Singapore, she went home, I went to New York on my own, I packed her stuff in boxes and sent it home. I don’t think she liked me for a while for doing that. It was something I needed to do to carve out my own space.  (Boxes Quotes) When I first met my girlfriend, Mercy Malick, she asked me if there was anything I should tell her that could put her off me if she found out later. So I told her that I was a total ‘Star Wars’ geek and had boxes of ‘Star Wars’ toys in storage.  (Boxes Quotes) Genres aren’t closed boxes. Stuff flows back and forth across the borders all the time.  (Boxes Quotes) Until 1986, developing games was a mere hobby for me. Back then, I didn’t know that game designers existed, because the designers’ names didn’t appear on the boxes.  (Boxes Quotes) I went to Goldsmith College of Art in London in the 80s and there I made sculptures, but the objects had nothing to do with how I was thinking. I was making beautifully sanded wooden boxes!  (Boxes Quotes) My furniture, boxes, and turnings are simple, practical designs for everyday use. I love the grain and beauty of wood. Each piece of lumber is a work of art, after all, and I’d like to honor that gift and pass it on for someone else to appreciate.  (Boxes Quotes) Kids don’t like being put into boxes, and your kid can act in different ways in different situations.  (Boxes Quotes) The notion of being on a cop show was appealing, just because it’s one of those tick boxes in a career.  (Boxes Quotes) Boxes of toilet paper make the best birthday presents. They really show I give a shit.  (Boxes Quotes) I thought boxes were the best toy. When my parents got a new car, I ran to my mother and said, ‘Did it come in a box?’  (Boxes Quotes) I don’t think music can be held. I don’t think artists can be put into boxes or places. It’s all about creating and making the best music you can.  (Boxes Quotes)
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