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Boxes Quotes

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My grandmother was probably the first person who I thought was beautiful. She was incredibly stylish, she had big hair, big cars. I was probably 3 years old, but she was like a cartoon character. She’d swoop into our lives with presents and boxes, and she always smelled great and looked great.  (Boxes Quotes) It’s daring to be curious about the unknown, to dream big dreams, to live outside prescribed boxes, to take risks, and above all, daring to investigate the way we live until we discover the deepest treasured purpose of why we are here.  (Boxes Quotes) On my 30th birthday, all the presents I got were boxes of food. That’s what I needed.  (Boxes Quotes) [The huge success of Curse of the Black Pearl] made perfect sense to me on the one hand, and at the same time, it made no sense at all, which I kind of enjoyed. Even now, with the dolls and the cereal boxes and snacks and fruit juices, it all just feels fun to me, in a Warholian way. It’s absurd. It doesn’t get more absurd.  (Boxes Quotes) I’m in a comic book fan. I have long boxes at home. I’m a comic book collector; I’m not joking. It’s just the coolest thing ever.  (Boxes Quotes) Boxes and rectangles on the side or top of a website simply do not deliver against brand advertising goals. Like it or not, boxes and rectangles have for the most part become the province of direct response advertising, or brand advertising that pays, on average, as if it’s driven by direct response metrics.  (Boxes Quotes) Thanks to my mother, not a single cardboard box has found its way back into society. We receive gifts in boxes from stores that went out of business twenty years ago.  (Boxes Quotes) My study is a converted garage which is largely lined with bookshelves and cardboard boxes filled with manuscripts of my film scripts, plays and books.  (Boxes Quotes) I carry a knife with me so I can cut images out of cardboard boxes. I’m always cutting cardboard. Especially every Thursday, which is recycling day.  (Boxes Quotes) Once upon a time there were three little foxes Who didn’t wear stockings, and they didn’t wear sockses, But they all had handkerchiefs to blow their noses, And they kept their handkerchiefs in cardboard boxes.  (Boxes Quotes) It’s different, it’s weird to say, ‘She’s a white rapper or she can’t do this because she’s this color - this color does this thing. These are the boxes we have, this is what it is, don’t try to change it.’ And it’s crazy to me because I’m just not from that world, so I can’t really rock with it all the way.  (Boxes Quotes) If I’m getting on an airplane or anywhere, really, I have a lunch box and stuff. It’s a running joke with my friends and family - everyone gives me lunch boxes for Christmas.  (Boxes Quotes) There used to be a tradition of the loveable rogue who would steal from the honour boxes in churches and buy a round of drinks with the money he snagged. And everyone would find him tremendously good company. But not any more.  (Boxes Quotes) When I was seven, I decided to buy all my friends some ice cream, but the problem was where to get the money. Sneaking into church, I went to the side of the altar where you can light a candle for your loved ones and took the money from the collection boxes.  (Boxes Quotes) I put my comics that are really valuable into regular mylar because I like to look at them. Once they’re in those clam shell boxes, they’re impossible to open up.  (Boxes Quotes) At the time that they were shown, the Brillo Boxes were underappreciated. It’s only now, with the patina of history, that we can really see these masterpieces in a clear light.  (Boxes Quotes) I think that if you grind your spices and keep them in small batches, you can use them in endless ways. The key thing is to have a spice mill or a coffee grinder, and to keep your spices cold and in tightly lidded boxes.  (Boxes Quotes) The computer industry began with home-brew boxes that everyone had to program for themselves, but that was a huge hassle. The computer revolution didn’t explode until the first Macintosh arrived, with its point-and-click simplicity.  (Boxes Quotes) Anyone who wants to promote a car or a football tournament turns to opera. There’s a much greater public connection than the image of plush corporate boxes would suggest.  (Boxes Quotes) What you have in most education software is that they’re catering to the decision-maker who makes the budget allocations, and that decision-maker has a lot of check boxes. Does it do this? Check. Does it do that? Check. They could care less about the end user experience.  (Boxes Quotes) I’d say I’m pretty messy. NOT dirty though - there’s a difference. Messy people leave clothes on their bedroom floor... dirty people leave pizza boxes.  (Boxes Quotes) I really love filling out forms - quite fortuitous, really, given that as one of Australia’s 4 million-ish disabled people, ticking boxes and recording my life for other people is what I’ve spent a fair chunk of my time doing.  (Boxes Quotes) I think it’s wonderful that people in pickup trucks are buying two flats of dog food and a copy of ‘Bastard.’ I want my view of the world to be right up there next to gallon boxes of Tide.  (Boxes Quotes) If I think about music in the future, I imagine it often as not involving electricity, in some dystopian, post-apocalyptic future. And that’s what I get from Penderecki: people making music by taking these instruments out of boxes and playing them. That’s a very bizarre and modern thing.  (Boxes Quotes) Everyone now knows how to find the meaning of life within himself. But mankind wasn’t always so lucky. Less than a century ago, men and women did not have easy access to the puzzle boxes within them.  (Boxes Quotes) I don’t eat a lot of junk food anymore, but I sure remember it. I used to go through boxes of Little Debbies. I liked Star Crunch, and of course those oatmeal pies.  (Boxes Quotes) I don’t outline at all; I don’t find it useful, and I don’t like the way it boxes me in. I like the element of surprise and spontaneity, of letting the story find its own way.  (Boxes Quotes) I read trash. Empty cereal boxes, empty shampoo bottles, the bottoms of empty Kleenex boxes, and occasionally even a mystical self-help book.  (Boxes Quotes) If everyone in America started mailing empty boxes, we could boost productivity, profitability, and employment. Think like a politician.  (Boxes Quotes) I always liked the visuals to be choice and at the same time minimalist. And, I love black boxes. After all, that’s what theatre is, it’s an empty space, and it’s both limited and unlimited because the space is the space, but what you can do with people’s imaginations is really endless.  (Boxes Quotes)
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