Boyfriend Quotes

Text Quotes
Wait for the boy that would do anything to be your everything (Boyfriend Quotes)
Boyfriend. Y R U So Cute?! (Boyfriend Quotes)
Just a note to all guys out there, It's not cute to be a controlling boyfriend (Boyfriend Quotes)
He's not my boyfriend, he's just somebody I'm trying on (Boyfriend Quotes)
Never let your new love pay for the troubles your ex put you through (Boyfriend Quotes)
When your ex says "you'll never find anyone like me" reply "that's the point" (Boyfriend Quotes)
A good Boyfriend can't fix all your problems, but he can promise you won't face them alone (Boyfriend Quotes)
I just lost my boyfriend... He's my fiancee now (Boyfriend Quotes)
The best way to love a woman is not only by being her 'boy' friend, but also her 'best' friend (Boyfriend Quotes)
Every girl wants a bad boy who will be good just for her (Boyfriend Quotes)
Girls can survive without a boyfriend, but they can’t survive without a best friend (Boyfriend Quotes)
Who needs a boyfriend when I have my cat and some sweatpants (Boyfriend Quotes)
Save a boyfriend for a rainy day - and another, in case it doesn't rain (Boyfriend Quotes)
If you have an overbearing and controlling boyfriend or girlfriend I feel sorry for you, because you're dumb enough to put up with It (Boyfriend Quotes)
Who needs a boyfriend when there is the internet and pizza (Boyfriend Quotes)
Hey girl, feel my sweater. Know what it's made of? Boyfriend material (Boyfriend Quotes)
In New York, you're always looking for a job, a boyfriend or an apartment (Boyfriend Quotes)
You don't like me? But your boyfriend does (Boyfriend Quotes)
What makes him your boyfriend? I told him he was (Boyfriend Quotes)
Boyfriend says “Excuse Me” to girl in club. “How is she??” (Boyfriend Quotes)
I haven’t had a boyfriend for the last ten years. Me either (Boyfriend Quotes)
He’s not perfect, but he’s all I want (Boyfriend Quotes)
I have a boyfriend. Oh wait. No, that’s a fridge. I have a fridge (Boyfriend Quotes)
The best relationship is composed of an understanding girlfriend together with a loyal and honest boyfriend (Boyfriend Quotes)
Finally gets boyfriend. Her new DeMarini (Boyfriend Quotes)
Ex boyfriend voodoo doll (Boyfriend Quotes)
How about no! You crazy clingy ex boyfriend (Boyfriend Quotes)
Ex boyfriend. Y U no stop stalking me (Boyfriend Quotes)
How I sit at the computer when Skyping my boyfriend. The other 99% of the time (Boyfriend Quotes)
A girl may know how her boyfriend feels about her. But it wouldn't hurt to hear it once in a while (Boyfriend Quotes)