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Brains Quotes

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The most advanced medical brains in the universe have yet to discover a way for a man to relax himself, and looking at a golf ball is not the cure  (Brains Quotes) The truth is that brains have little to do with either the making or accumulating of money  (Brains Quotes) All through my life I never did believe in human measurement. Numbers, time, inches, feet. All are just ploys for cutting nature down to size. I know the grand scheme of the world is beyond our brains to fathom, so I don’t try, just let it in  (Brains Quotes) I find the scientific mind horrendous. All those brains and not a moral imperative between them  (Brains Quotes) For years I stopped reading beauty magazines because I couldn’t look at one without wanting to blow my brains out. How can those women look so good?  (Brains Quotes) Life insurance can be numbingly complicated. Clients often turn off their brains and surrender their judgment to the very agent or planner who brought on their coma in the first place  (Brains Quotes) Some brains are barren grounds, that will not bring seed or fruit forth, unless they are well manured with the old wit which is raked from other writers and speakers  (Brains Quotes) It is an easy thing to call names; any fool is equal to that... and the weapon of vituperation is generally used by those who lack brains for argument or are upon the wrong side  (Brains Quotes) Vain man is apt to think we were merely intended for the world’s propagation and to keep its human inhabitants sweet and clean; but, by their leaves, had we the same literature he would find our brains as fruitful as our bodies  (Brains Quotes) I also wear a hat or a very tightly pulled head tie when I write. I suppose I hope by doing that I will keep my brains from seeping out of my scalp and running in great gray blobs down my neck, into my ears, and over my face  (Brains Quotes) As all clocks need winding, so all human brains and bodies need to be wound up by sleeping  (Brains Quotes) We should make decisions in life with our hearts, not our brains, not only in music but in daily life  (Brains Quotes) We dream primarily the same way that we have consciousness of the world for the same reason. Basically, that our brains evolve to simulate reality and to control what’s happening around us  (Brains Quotes) I think the neural pathways in our brains affect what happens in our bodies, and so can alter our health  (Brains Quotes) We need time to defuse, to contemplate. Just as in sleep our brains relax and give us dreams, so at some time in the day we need to disconnect, reconnect, and look around us  (Brains Quotes) Its my belief that you can take everyone down a logical path if you take them slowly enough, and the trouble is that mathematical brains can get scrambled a little bit on the way. You get a bad teacher, it messes you up for the rest of the journey  (Brains Quotes) Racism does not diminish with brains, it’s a disease, a sickness, it may incubate in ignorance but it doesn’t necessarily disappear with the gaining of wisdom!  (Brains Quotes) Some brains are easy to hack into, and other brains are nearly impossible to hack into because they are so complex  (Brains Quotes) There are three kinds of brains: One understands of itself, another can be taught to understand, and the third can neither understand to itself or be taught to understand  (Brains Quotes) Scholarship cannot do without literature... It needs literature to float it, to set it current, to authenticate it to all the race, to get it out of closets and into the brains of men who stir abroad  (Brains Quotes) Humbly to ask a favour of people who are on the point of knocking your brains out sometimes produces good results  (Brains Quotes) Agitation prevents rebellion, keeps the peace, and secures progress. Every step she gains is gained forever. Muskets are the weapons of animals. Agitation is the atmosphere of the brains  (Brains Quotes) I use my intuition. I tell my students: use your brains, but also use another part of yourself  (Brains Quotes) I don’t care. People here have to find their own way, negotiate for themselves, use their own brains  (Brains Quotes) We fit the universe through our brains and it comes out in the form of nothing less than poetry. We have a responsibility to awe  (Brains Quotes) ... anybody with the brains and energy to become a teacher ought to want to become something better  (Brains Quotes) The most fundamental principle of the organized mind, the one most critical to keeping us from forgetting or losing things, is to shift the burden of organizing from our brains to the external world  (Brains Quotes) My life is so boring that your brains are going to melt and come out of your eyes  (Brains Quotes) Marijuana allows one to take a breath and see the realities of a situation without the news beating their interpretation into our brains. Pot relaxes you  (Brains Quotes) It is astonishing what an effort it seems to be for many people to put their brains definitely and systematically to work  (Brains Quotes)
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