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Brains Quotes

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Neuroscience is now a very important research area in biology. We are now understanding a lot more about brains in babies, as well as children and adults.  (Brains Quotes) At age three, if you have a still-growing brain, it’s a human behavior. In chimps, by age three, the brain is formed over 90 percent. That’s why they can cope with their environment very easily after birth - faster than us, anyway. But in humans, we continue to grow our brains. That’s why we need care from our parents.  (Brains Quotes) In the developed world, hundreds of millions of us now face the bizarre problem of surfeit. Yet our brains, instincts, and socialized behavior are still geared to an environment of lack. The result? Overwhelm - on an unprecedented scale.  (Brains Quotes) Our ancestors relied upon their advanced brains to survive during times of food shortage, and fortunately, the human brain is able to utilize body fat as an extremely efficient fuel to sustain function when glucose-providing food is unavailable.  (Brains Quotes) Like our physical bodies, our memory becomes out of shape. As children, we are constantly learning new experiences, but by the time we reach our 20s, we start to lead a more sedentary life both mentally and physically. Our lives become routine, and we stop challenging our brains, and our memory starts to suffer.  (Brains Quotes) Our culture constantly inundates us with new information, and yet our brains capture so little of it. I can spend half a dozen hours reading a book and then have only a foggy notion of what it was about.  (Brains Quotes) We don’t have to have suffered brain damage to take advantage of the plastic nature of our brains.  (Brains Quotes) By 2020, most home computers will have the computing power of a human brain. That doesn’t mean that they are brains, but it means that in terms of raw processing, they can process bits as fast as a brain can. So the question is, how far behind that is the development of a machine that’s as smart as we are?  (Brains Quotes) As computer intelligence gets better, what will be possible when we interface our brains with computers? It might sound scary, but early evidence suggests otherwise: interfacing brains with machines can be helpful in treating traumatic brain injury, repairing spinal cord damage, and countless other applications.  (Brains Quotes) Russia’s most precious resource is the brain power of this country. And you’ve got a lot of it. It’s gonna take a lot of brains in Russia to create a drain.  (Brains Quotes) Do not borrow the productions of other men’s brains and pens and recite them as a lesson; but make the most of the talents, the brain power, that God has given you.  (Brains Quotes) I would not hesitate to say I was addicted to the Internet in the first two years. It can be addictive, and things not taken in moderation have negative effects. But the alarmism around ‘Facebook is changing our brains’ strikes me as a kind of historical trick. Because we now know from brain science that everything changes our brains.  (Brains Quotes) Why do we have a brain in the first place? Not to write books, articles, or plays; not to do science or play music. Brains develop because they are an expedient way of managing life in a body.  (Brains Quotes) Forget land, buildings, or machines-the real source of wealth today is intelligence, applied intelligence. We talk glibly of intellectual property without taking on board what it really means. It isn’t just patent rights and brand names; it is the brains of the place.  (Brains Quotes) Ideas must work through the brains and the arms of good and brave men or they are no better than dreams.  (Brains Quotes) War, to sane men at the present day, begins to look like an epidemic insanity, breaking out here and there like the cholera or influenza, infecting men’s brains instead of their bowels.  (Brains Quotes) Meditation is focused attention and the more we practise focusing our brains the more connections we build up.  (Brains Quotes) Children who plan their own schedules and evaluate their own work build up their brains and learn to take more responsibility.  (Brains Quotes) If marketers could uncover what is going on in our brains that makes us choose one brand over another-what information passes through our brain’s filter and what information doesn’t-well, that would be key to truly building brands of the future.  (Brains Quotes) With our evolved busy hands and our evolved busy brains, in an extraordinarily short period of time we’ve managed to alter the earth with such geologic-forcing effects that we ourselves are forces of nature. Climate change, ocean acidification, the sixth mass extinction of species.  (Brains Quotes) Calvin: I’m a genius. I can’t believe how smart I am. ...I’ve got more brains than I know what to do with. Hobbes: So I’ve noticed.  (Brains Quotes) The captains of industry are not hunting money. America is heavy with it. They are seeking brains - specialized brains - and faithful, loyal service. Brains are needed to carry out the plans of those who furnish the capital.  (Brains Quotes) It’s not telepathy. It’s not the Borg. But we created a new central nervous system made of two brains.  (Brains Quotes) Each new generation of children grows up in the new environment its parents have created, and each generation of brains becomes wired in a different way. The human mind can change radically in just a few generations.  (Brains Quotes) I basically look at how exponential emerging technological changes runs counter-intuitive to the way our linear brains make projections about change, and so we don’t realize how fast the future is coming.  (Brains Quotes) Putting babies as young as two weeks into child care for the first year of their life, for 60 hours a week, will cause their brains damage.  (Brains Quotes) My childhood is more hick than I could ever possibly relate to you, and also more intellectual than you would ever expect. For instance, me and my sister, when we were little, we would compete to see who could eat the most squirrel brains.  (Brains Quotes) I am convinced that not only do children need children’s books to fine-tune their brains, but our civilization needs them if we are not going to unplug ourselves from our collective past.  (Brains Quotes) It is vital that when educating our children’s brains that we do not neglect to educate their hearts.  (Brains Quotes) Jason (Elam, a Christian) is the kid in high school who gets along equally well with the jocks, the brains, the geeks, and the slackers, and influences their behavior.  (Brains Quotes)
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