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Brains Quotes

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We all know that as we form thoughts, they form deep channels in our minds and in our brains. Chronic pain is an example. If you burn yourself, you pull your hand away. But if you’re still in pain in six months’ or six years’ time, it’s because these circuits are producing pain that’s no longer helping you.  (Brains Quotes) When you think about Boston, Harvard and M.I.T. are the brains of the city, and its soul might be Faneuil Hall or the State House or the Old Church. But I think the pulsing, pounding heart of Boston is Fenway Park.  (Brains Quotes) Stephen Hawking’s been watching too many Hollywood movies. I think the only kind aliens in Hollywood are the ones created by Steven Spielberg - ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’ and ‘E.T.,’ for example. All other aliens are trying to suck our brains out.  (Brains Quotes) Millions of years ago, our brains became wired to remember about 150 people as ‘close friends.’  (Brains Quotes) Any attempt to reduce the complex properties of biological organisms or of nervous systems or of human brains to simple physical and chemical systems is foolish.  (Brains Quotes) Every year, it takes more brains to navigate this complicated world. More people are falling below what I call the ‘incompetence line’ through no fault of their own.  (Brains Quotes) Success is made up of courage, brains, and luck. Since the first two are a function of the third, it’s pretty much all luck.  (Brains Quotes) Revolutions are of no us;, it is necessary to work on transforming the brain: on sowing a different knowledge/awareness, on creating a new conscience, that is like a magic box full of brains.  (Brains Quotes) A deaf and dumb in the mist of morons is a renowed talkative among brains  (Brains Quotes) You’ve got to love what’s lovable, and hate what’s hateable. It takes brains to see the difference.  (Brains Quotes) My brother used to say that when you deal with women, it’s difficult to remove emotions from an argument. I never really knew what he meant. Then I read an article that said when it comes to emotion and logic, men’s and women’s brains are different - my brother was right! Women are very mysterious, but that’s part of their joy.  (Brains Quotes) We must develop as quickly as possible technologies that make possible a direct connection between brain and computer, so that artificial brains contribute to human intelligence rather than opposing it.  (Brains Quotes) You can’t imagine how much detail we know about brains. There were 28,000 people who went to the neuroscience conference this year, and every one of them is doing research in brains. A lot of data. But there’s no theory. There’s a little, wimpy box on top there.  (Brains Quotes) Video games are a waste of time for men with nothing else to do. Real brains don’t do that.  (Brains Quotes) Were the earth smooth, our brains would be smooth as well; we would wake, blink, walk two steps to get the whole picture, and lapse into a dreamless sleep.  (Brains Quotes) In 1948, television was introduced, and millions and millions of people lead larval, low-awareness, warehoused lives mainlining an electronic drug straight into their brains.  (Brains Quotes) I listen to tons of hard rock and metal, like Iron Maiden, Motorhead, etc., but I also listen to Beethoven and Mozart, to Discharge and the Bad Brains, and to Charlie Parker and Duke Ellington. So I think there’s merit to both the melodic punk and to the hardcore stuff too.  (Brains Quotes) What else should you be? Human beings didn’t evolve brains in order to lie around on lakes. Killing’s the first thing we learned. And a good thing we did, or we’d be dead, and the tigers would own the earth.  (Brains Quotes) Before a brain can register a thought, a mind must think it... every step of the way is mind over matter... We override our brains all the time.  (Brains Quotes) Brains are far more important than money or connections. Everyone and anyone can create a business out of their bedroom.  (Brains Quotes) It’s our hearts and brains that we should exercise more often. You can put on all the makeup you want, but it won’t make your soul pretty.  (Brains Quotes) I get extra time to take the test because of my ADD. Everybody’s brains works differently and I just need longer for things to register.  (Brains Quotes) Few people realize what a handicap it is to be what people call a beautiful woman. I’m glad, of course, that I don’t look like an unmade bed, but too often, I’m just taken at face value. And there aren’t many men who believe a beautiful woman can have any brains.  (Brains Quotes) I don’t think anyone disagrees that male and female brains work differently  (Brains Quotes) My first summer in college I worked in a fruit fly lab where I had two jobs: dissect the fruit fly larvae brains and incinerate the old tubes of flies.  (Brains Quotes) Ok first things first I’ll eat your brains Then Imma start rockin gold teeth and fangs  (Brains Quotes) I went to Seattle as just another geek in the food chain, thinking, Well, in my own puny little way, I’d rather be a part of history than just sit and watch it on TV. So, the fact that so many people are starting to ask the right questions and rack their brains for solutions does give me hope.  (Brains Quotes) It takes brains. It’s not like a forward, where you can get away with scoring and not play defense. On defense you have to be thinking.  (Brains Quotes) The Fox News anchors are lovely. They have an incredible combination of brains and beauty. And I think that’s one of the reasons people love watching them and listening to them.  (Brains Quotes) But men and women, getting along, it’s a joke. We have completely different brains, it’s a completely different thing.  (Brains Quotes)
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