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Brazil Quotes

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Brazil will change when its cities change  (Brazil Quotes) The forests of Russia and Brazil are the lungs of the Earth  (Brazil Quotes) Brazil is the second blackest nation in the world  (Brazil Quotes) Brazil was, is, and will be in fashion  (Brazil Quotes) Brazil eats, sleeps and drinks football. It lives football!  (Brazil Quotes) Brazil is where I have to be, where I have my roots  (Brazil Quotes) My brother and I have matching tattoos on our arms. It says, ‘Humility is strength,’ in Portuguese and Italian, because my genius brother taught English in both Italy and Brazil.  (Brazil Quotes) Brazil is one of the biggest Latin American countries, the biggest, no doubt, and, more importantly, it is a country with immense development potential.  (Brazil Quotes) One of our problems is the culture of Brazil which focuses on men’s football. Of course we would like to change that. Maybe one day we will have a strong competitive league instead of our women footballers always having to play abroad.  (Brazil Quotes) There are a lot of comic strips in Brazilian newspapers that have been around for 30, almost 40 years. They are very famous in Brazil.  (Brazil Quotes) In Brazil we have a comic strip in the newspaper. That one also attracts a different kind of followers.  (Brazil Quotes) I grew up not liking coffee, even though I’m from Brazil. Then I realized when I moved to San Francisco that it’s not that I don’t like coffee, I just didn’t like the coffee I’d had before. I fell in love with my morning cup of coffee, and my second one at 11 A.M., and so on and so forth.  (Brazil Quotes) There are still some places I’d love to visit - Africa, China, Brazil, India. I want to travel the world and experience other cultures and peoples.  (Brazil Quotes) We spend a lot of time training and retraining. It’s heartbreaking because our education system has failed all of us. And again you go to China, even Mexico, Brazil the education systems are valued - ours are not in this country at K-12 level. It’s amazing how that change has transpired in my lifetime.  (Brazil Quotes) Brazil, always they buy from the United States. The first who was sell to the United States was football.  (Brazil Quotes) Obama might as well be president of Turkey or Brazil; it does not matter. It’s the system that is absolutely flawed, where 25 or 35 or 50 people make multi, multi-billions on building Olympic structures while people live in Barbados and have no roads or clean drinking water. There’s something pretty inequitable there.  (Brazil Quotes) Facebook, Twitter and Google have all opened offices in Brazil, recognizing the importance of localizing their products and customer service efforts.  (Brazil Quotes) This was during a period when I was producing Brazil 66 records and got infected by Brazilian music.  (Brazil Quotes) Globalization has produced a new of level of interdependence among us. The economy and multinational supply chains do not abide by political boundaries. A computer ordered in Brazil is designed in California and assembled in several other countries. Economic integration was the first strong evidence of a new era.  (Brazil Quotes) The G8 nations, together with the five major emerging economies of China, India, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, use almost three-quarters of the Earth’s biocapacity - the capacity of the world’s ecosystems to produce natural resources and to reduce harmful substances.  (Brazil Quotes) Between 1995 and 2009, Western Europe’s entrepreneurs created jobs faster than the U.S. did, and European economies exported more than the BRIC countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China. Eastern Europe’s productivity increased more rapidly than East Asia’s.  (Brazil Quotes) China is a BRIC country. BRIC country means Brazil, Russia, India and China. This emerging economy really is helping the revival of the world economy.  (Brazil Quotes) The only way we’ll get freedom for ourselves is to identify ourselves with every oppressed people in the world. We are blood brothers to the people of Brazil, Venezuela, Haiti, Cuba -- yes Cuba too.  (Brazil Quotes) In Brazil, we don’t have Victoria’s Secret, and my family are all Victoria’s Secret fans, so I usually bring them back some lovely pieces.  (Brazil Quotes) Between 2001 and 2011, Brazil lifted 20 million people out of poverty and into its growing middle class, and in the last quarter of the twentieth century Botswana’s gross domestic product per capita grew faster than that of any other country on the planet. The once-labeled ‘Third World’ is edging its way into the ‘First World.’  (Brazil Quotes) Leo [Messi] is the best player of all time - better than Pele, Maradona or Cruyff. There have been some great teams in history - Pele’s Brazil, Cruyff’s Ajax, Sacchi’s Milan - but in the past 20 years this Barcelona team is the best.  (Brazil Quotes) When I was minister of sport in Brazil, I tried to bring in a law that would make the chairmen of clubs reveal their accounts like other businesses. It was turned down, but I think it is an important story that will make a good film.  (Brazil Quotes) In my own experience as president of Brazil I observed first hand many of the trends that Nam identifies in this book, but he describes them in a way that is as original as it is delightful to read. All those who have power-or want it-should read this book.  (Brazil Quotes) So I feel a responsibility to help first-time film-makers in Brazil, but also to increase the dialogue between film cultures which are really wonderful and so much closer to us than what we do see on our screens.  (Brazil Quotes) Football in Brazil is seen as a masculine sport, even with a lot of people accepting the female sport.  (Brazil Quotes)
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