Break Quotes

Text Quotes
Sophie couldn’t stop smiling. It had to be true that nature was built up of small parts that never changed. At the same time Heraclitus was obviously right in thinking that all forms in nature ‘flow’. Because everybody dies, animals die, even a mountain range slowly disintegrates. The point was that the mountain range is made up of tiny indivisible parts that never break up. (Break Quotes)
We are all lies waiting for the day when we will break free from our cocoon and become the beautiful truth we waited for. (Break Quotes)
The Internet is one area that I have used pretty effectively to break free of corporate control (Break Quotes)
Revive your inner spirit! Break free from all things weighing you down, grab hold of your strong rope and lift yourself out of hopelessness! (Break Quotes)
The liberty to make our laws does not give us the freedom nor the license to break our laws! (Break Quotes)
If I did any movies I’d have to take a break from singing, because I’d want it to be really good. (Break Quotes)
In my last band, Soundgarden, I had a couple of different drummers sit in on some stuff and it was fun for me to kind of take a break and watch the band. (Break Quotes)
I do notice a lot of people who want to shock to get laughs. It’s such a tricky thing; you don’t want to make rules about it. There’s nobody more hilarious than Dave Attell, and he’d break every rule you set up. But he’s funny. (Break Quotes)
You cannot hurt animals, so what do I do? I kill the dog first. Then I do it with the boy. You’re not supposed to break the illusion of this being a film, so I make the actor talk to the audience. Provocation is the principle of the whole film [ Funny Games]. It is very ironic. (Break Quotes)
The easiest time to be funny is during a fairly serious situation. That way, you can break the ice. It’s crazy, but even at funerals, people will get huge laughs. (Break Quotes)
My dad was an interior design and furniture person. I started working with him for four years before my first TV writing break. (Break Quotes)
The scene at a certain time was definitely boys; those huge warehouses were kind of violent parties, even. I think people in your immediate community made a nightlife scene that actually did break down gender roles and were along different lines of identity that had to do with race and experience in the 90s, rather than gender. (Break Quotes)
You take what you know, and you put it through your own prism. If I play characters that break down or cry, it’s Gary Oldman crying; it’s not the character crying. (Break Quotes)
I worry about Zimbabweans. They bend, they bend, they bend, they bend - where do the people break? How long can they go on scrounging for food in garbage dumps and using the moisture from sewage drains to plant vegetables? (Break Quotes)
There hasn’t been a true breakdown or effort to break Thai music into genres. They’re not into dicing and slicing everything up. (Break Quotes)
I was with George Washington at Valley Forge, sitting around before an attack... gimme a break. That’s over 70 years ago already. (Break Quotes)
We like the idea of a guy who gets away with it (it in this case being a variety of things: murder, robbery, general mayhem, adultery, screwing over the government, basic intimidation and thuggery, etc.). It’s a very American ideal - the freedom to break the law. (Break Quotes)
Baboons take a bit of getting to know but, apparently, once you break the ice, so to speak, they are complex and interesting creatures with elaborate societies. (Break Quotes)
With each film, I get more and more involved and it’s more and more time-consuming. Also, I like to break myths and people’s preconceived ideas. My characters have always stood for something, have always had an opinion, although they’ve never really rebelled. (Break Quotes)
There was no such thing as production at Starday. We’d go in with the band, we’d go over the song, I’d look over and tell the steel player to take a break or kick it off, and I’d get the fiddle to play a turnaround in the middle. (Break Quotes)
I have to be a freelance writer for the rest of my life, unless I get some kind of real lucky break. But other than that, I’ll always have to work. I always worry about whether my stuff is going to get over. Will they like this, will they like that? (Break Quotes)
If you want break it down, rock and roll is about saying what you can’t say in normal life to girls, so you have to say it in songs. (Break Quotes)
But people in masks were always assholes. It was a scientific law. Give someone anonymity and all social niceties break down. The Internet had proven that. (Break Quotes)
Remember, I’m the only person her who’s paid to be nice to you. But not too nice. Give me any lip and I’ll break your face. OK? (Break Quotes)
Anyway. Give me your ten.I’ve had sex with more than ten women in one week.Cancun. Spring Break 2004. Mexico is awesome.Uck. Is that supposed to impress me? (Break Quotes)
Give me a break. You’re smart; you’re capable. You even have a disturbing streak of honesty, which you occasionally acknowledge. And I suppose some people wouldn’t mind looking at you.’ (Break Quotes)
Give me a reason, to end this discussion, to break with tradition, to fall and divide. So let’s not get carried, away with the process, of healing relations, I don’t want to waste your time! (Break Quotes)
A fire will burn itself out, unless you open a window and give it fuel.. And when flames are licking at your heels you’ve got to break a wall or two if you want to escape. (Break Quotes)
I often write two books simultaneously. Usually one of them starts out as a fun experiment designed to give me a daily break from the real book I’m writing. And then that becomes a real book too. (Break Quotes)
Stand up to an obstacle. Just stand up to it, that’s all, and don’t give way under it, and it will finally break. You will break it. Something has to break, and it won’t be you, it will be the obstacle. (Break Quotes)