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Breakage Quotes

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For although this was a very heroic war, with a parade of every sort of high moral principle, and with the most sonorous language employed upon both sides, it somehow failed to bring about either the reformation or the ruin of humankind: and after the conclusion of the murdering and general breakage, the world went on pretty much as it has done after all other wars, with a vague notion that a deal of time and effort had been unprofitably invested, and a conviction that it would be inglorious to say so  (Breakage Quotes) My hair is too fine to bleach. I get so much breakage, it’s not worth it to dye it  (Breakage Quotes) People out there must be told about the self-loathing that follows rape and how it’s the greatest breakage in divine law to mutilate themselves, as I have done  (Breakage Quotes) Once the barrier is exposed, fear and anxiety reduces! Once the barrier is broken, movement progresses! I decree and I declare the exposure and breakage of both strong and tall barriers ahead of us! We are unstoppable; We are victorious!  (Breakage Quotes) My hair is too fine to bleach. I get so much breakage, it’s not worth it to dye it.  (Breakage Quotes)