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Breather Quotes

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No particular scandal one can touch but it confounds the breather  (Breather Quotes) If your oxygen mask drops down, it’s time to take a breather!  (Breather Quotes) I happen to be a chain breather  (Breather Quotes) Authority bears of a credent bulk that no particular scandal once can touch; but it confounds the breather  (Breather Quotes) Are you a stingy breather? Well, don’t be. Be extravagant with you breathing and come fully alive  (Breather Quotes) People say that I’m a tree hugger, but I do a lot more than hug trees. I like having my drinking water without faecal matter, that’s really nice. Or acceptable levels of strychnine. I’m an air breather, I’ve gotten used to that over the years  (Breather Quotes) I will chide no breather in the world but myself, against whom I know most faults  (Breather Quotes) Greatest generation came through some stuff that we can’t even imagine - the Depression, World War I - and all they wanted after that was a breather and a calm and a quiet life, and they get us  (Breather Quotes) I’m a big believer in doing what you’ve got to do, but taking a breather when you can  (Breather Quotes) In a perfect world, I would do 3 weeks on 3 weeks off; so that I could always take a breather and come back to music with a fresh mind.  (Breather Quotes) Greatest generation came through some stuff that we can’t even imagine - the Depression, World War I - and all they wanted after that was a breather and a calm and a quiet life, and they get us.  (Breather Quotes)