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Breed Quotes

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Stupid people shouldn’t breed  (Breed Quotes) Dog lovers are a good breed themselves  (Breed Quotes) I think I am a rare breed, a homosexual who doesn’t like men  (Breed Quotes) Councils of war breed timidity and defeatism  (Breed Quotes) The land of opportunity spawned a whole new breed of men without souls  (Breed Quotes) Chips with every damn thing. You breed babies and you eat chips with everything  (Breed Quotes) We artists are a different breed of people. We’re a happy bunch  (Breed Quotes) Punish the deed, not the breed  (Breed Quotes) Building slow destroyers! One might as well breed slow race horses  (Breed Quotes) Cats of good breed hunt better fat than lean  (Breed Quotes) What does worry accomplish except to breed more worry?  (Breed Quotes) There is nothing like success to breed followers  (Breed Quotes) Fierce eagles breed not the tender dove  (Breed Quotes) Riches, rightly used, breed delight  (Breed Quotes) ... a less than perfect meddling in the spiritual world can breed monsters for other people  (Breed Quotes) There is a breed of fashion models who weigh no more than an abridged dictionary  (Breed Quotes) Though familiarity may not breed contempt, it takes off the edge of admiration  (Breed Quotes) Anyone can sell product by dropping their prices, but it does not breed loyalty  (Breed Quotes) Discipline is not always internalized and actually can breed resentment among children  (Breed Quotes) Don’t mistake pleasure for happiness. They are a different breed of dogs  (Breed Quotes) The people of Iowa are a rare breed  (Breed Quotes) When it comes to bad bitches I’m the last of a dying breed  (Breed Quotes) Breed is stronger than pasture  (Breed Quotes) The thought of our past years in me doth breed perpetual benedictions  (Breed Quotes) [There is] a breed of fashion models  (Breed Quotes) If you are fortunate in life, age and knowledge breed compassion  (Breed Quotes) Success can breed contempt, and a casual attitude toward danger  (Breed Quotes) It had need to bee A wylie mouse that should breed in the cat’s care  (Breed Quotes) Life’s not easy for unicorns, you know. We’re a dying breed.  (Breed Quotes) In politics, familiarity doesn’t breed contempt. It breeds votes.  (Breed Quotes)
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