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Breed Quotes

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People who go to jail breed people who go to jail  (Breed Quotes) There are two levels of vampirism: one is the regular vampire, which is just like it has always been; and then there's the super vampires, which are a new breed we've created  (Breed Quotes) Thank God every morning when you get up, that you have something to do that day which must be done, whether you like it or not. Being forced to work and forced to do your best will breed in you temperance and self-control, diligence and strength of will, cheerfulness and content, and a hundred virtues which the idle never know  (Breed Quotes) Being forced to work, and forced to do your best, will breed in you temperance and self-control, diligence and strength of will, cheerfulness and content, and a hundred virtues which the idle will never know  (Breed Quotes) We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special  (Breed Quotes) Spare me the sight of this thankless breed, these politicians who cringe for favors from a screaming mob and do not care what harm they do their friends, providing they can please a crowd!  (Breed Quotes) We were a different kind of Christian, the quiet, reasonable kind, a breed embarrassed by the mention of miracles  (Breed Quotes) Action has meaning only in relationship, and without understanding relationship, action on any level will only breed conflict  (Breed Quotes) It is one of history's ironies that Communism, advertised as a classless society, tended to breed a privileged class of feudal proportions  (Breed Quotes) It is not beyond actual possibilities that men from outer space have landed (or will in the future land) on Earth and have begun to breed here for whatever reason they may have had  (Breed Quotes) The tendency to gather and to breed philosophers in universities does not belong to ages of free and humane reflection: it is scholastic and proper to the Middle Ages and to Germany  (Breed Quotes) High-built abundance, heap on heap! For what? To breed new wants, and beggar us the more, then, make a richer scramble for the throng  (Breed Quotes) Happy is the civilization which can breed men accustomed from infancy to regard certain at least of the ego's natural activities as unthinkable  (Breed Quotes) Hunger does not breed reform; it breeds madness, and all the ugly distempers that make an ordered life impossible  (Breed Quotes) Unnatural deeds do breed unnatural troubles. Infected minds to their deaf pillow will discharge their secrets  (Breed Quotes) As I remember, adam, it was upon this fashion bequeathed me by will but poor a thousand crowns, and, as thou say'st, charged my brother on his blessing to breed me well: and there begins my sadness  (Breed Quotes) The wine shops breed, in physical atmosphere of malaria and a moral pestilence of envy and vengeance, the men of crime and revolution  (Breed Quotes) This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, this Earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, this other Eden, demi-paradise, this fortress built by nature for herself against infection and the hand of war, this happy breed of men, this little world, this precious stone set in the silver sea, which serves it in the office of a wall or as a moat defensive to a house, against the envy of less happier lands, this blessed plot, this Earth, this realm, this England  (Breed Quotes) You're now getting a new breed of people like Il Divo and Andrea Bocelli and I think that's why people feel less intimidated by classical music than they once did  (Breed Quotes) Like apes, we breed, sleep, and die. Yet like God we say, "I am." We are ontological oxymorons  (Breed Quotes) Four years of football are calculated to breed in the average man more of the ingredients of success in life than almost any academic course he takes  (Breed Quotes) Actors are an insecure breed. It’s hard to have your career depend upon other people’s opinions of what you do  (Breed Quotes) If our vaunted rule of the people does not breed nobler men and women than monarchies have done it must and will inevitably give place to something better  (Breed Quotes) Actors are not a great breed of people, I don’t think. I count myself as something of an exception. I grew up in the theater, and my values were about the work, and not being a star or anything like that. I’m not spoiled in that way, and if I fight for something, it’s about the work, not about how big my trailer is  (Breed Quotes) Authoritarianism and secrecy breed incompetence; the two feed on each other. It’s a vicious cycle. Governments with authoritarian tendencies point to what is in fact their own incompetence as the rationale for giving them yet more power  (Breed Quotes) Michael was a rare breed. There’s no question about that. He did things that a lot of players could never do, and still to this day players can’t do those things, so the honors that he’s had are definitely deserved  (Breed Quotes) There is a mortal breed most full of futility. In contempt of what is at hand, they strain into the future, hunting impossibilities on the wings of ineffectual hopes  (Breed Quotes) The only inequalities that matter begin in the mind. It is not income levels but differences in mental equipment that keep people apart, breed feelings of inferiority  (Breed Quotes) No test tube can breed love and affection. No frozen packet of semen ever read a story to a sleepy child  (Breed Quotes) For me, being a woman suits what I want to talk about and what my audience wants to hear. Maybe I’m a dying breed  (Breed Quotes)
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