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Breeding Quotes

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What a pity people don’t take as much trouble with their own breeding as intelligent racehorse owners do. But then I suppose it is bordering on fascism to think like that  (Breeding Quotes) No one can avoid a challenge in life without breeding regret, and regret is the arsenic of life  (Breeding Quotes) The calf scramble will be during both rodeo performances and consist of children attempting to catch and halter several loose calves. If a child succeeds, he or she will receive a certificate to purchase a breeding animal to raise and bring back to the livestock show next year  (Breeding Quotes) The smell of factory farms... many notice these places only when the odours reach their homes, affecting their own quality of life. We create these animals for our profit and pleasure, playing with their genes, violating their dignity as living creatures, forcing them to lie and live in their own urine and excrement, turning pens into penitentiaries and frustrating their every desire except what is needed to keep them breathing and breeding. And then we complain about the smell  (Breeding Quotes) I bought my first horse when I was 15. I always loved racing and I started studying about breeding and I’ve been doing it now for 30 years, so I have some credibility  (Breeding Quotes) Solitude is a breeding ground for idiosyncrasy, and I relish that about it, the way it liberates whim  (Breeding Quotes) Inspiration leads to invention. Tenacity is the breeding ground for inspiration. There can be no invention in the absence of tenacity  (Breeding Quotes) Eagles are very tolerant and very adaptable, but they have to get established first. When birds are setting up their breeding territory, they are the most susceptible to being discouraged  (Breeding Quotes) The final greatness of the presidency lies in the truth that it is not just an office of incredible power but a breeding ground of indestructible myth  (Breeding Quotes) While the proximate ground of discrimination may be of another kind, still the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time  (Breeding Quotes) The breeding of shepherd dogs is the breeding of working dogs; and this must always be the aim, or we shall cease to produce shepherd dogs  (Breeding Quotes) If proportion is the good breeding of architecture, symmetry, or the answering of one part to another, may be defined as the sanity of decoration  (Breeding Quotes) Where would anyone in publicity be if they allowed sensitivity, restraint, breeding or good taste to stand in their way?  (Breeding Quotes) The civilization of cities is breeding a new race of monks who have none of the original religious drive towards chastity, but are just incapable of facing the responsibilities of marriage  (Breeding Quotes) Family was a fertile breeding ground for the kind of psychological bacteria that warped minds and devoured hope  (Breeding Quotes) The folkish philosophy of life must succeed in bringing about that nobler age in which men no longer are concerned with breeding dogs, horses, and cats, but in elevating man himself  (Breeding Quotes) Yes, yes, children must early be made to practise piety, godliness, and propriety; a person of good breeding is one into whom good maxims have been instilled and impressed, poured in through a funnel, thrashed in and preached in  (Breeding Quotes) Now, it is well known, that a man may with more impunity be guilty of an actual breach either of real good breeding or of good morals, than appear ignorant of the most minute point of fashionable etiquette  (Breeding Quotes) Political leaders still think things can be done through force, but that cannot solve terrorism. Backwardness is the breeding ground of terror, and that is what we have to fight  (Breeding Quotes) Good breeding differs, if at all, from high breeding only as it gracefully remembers the rights of others, rather than gracefully insists on its own rights  (Breeding Quotes) Slums may well be breeding grounds of crime, but middle class suburbs are incubators of apathy and delirium  (Breeding Quotes) The test of a man or woman’s breeding is how they behave in a quarrel  (Breeding Quotes) Some people show evil as a great racehorse shows breeding. They have the dignity of a hard chancre  (Breeding Quotes) It is good breeding alone that can prepossess people in your favor at first sight, more time being necessary to discover greater talents  (Breeding Quotes) A man’s own good breeding is the best security against other people’s ill manners  (Breeding Quotes) He who reflects on another man’s want of breeding, shows he wants it as much himself  (Breeding Quotes) It is clear that the books owned the shop rather than the other way about. Everywhere they had run wild and taken possession of their habitat, breeding and multiplying, and clearly lacking any strong hand to keep them down  (Breeding Quotes) Insofar as he’d formed any opinion of her, it was that she suffered from misplaced gentility and the mistaken belief that etiquette meant good breeding. She mistook mannerisms for manners  (Breeding Quotes) I felt the need to clarify we were there for the self defense class, in case he also taught about dog breeding or riding the high seas  (Breeding Quotes) I’d signed six things and my stack wasn’t getting any smaller. It was like the paperwork was breeding while I worked  (Breeding Quotes)
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