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Brezhnev Quotes

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I’m glad I’m not Brezhnev. Being the Russian leader in the Kremlin. You never know if someone’s tape recording what you say  (Brezhnev Quotes) In retrospect, I can see that President Brezhnev was quite proud of the limited agreement that he had concluded in Vladivostok; and to have a new American president come in and say, That is not good enough - let’s do much more, and do it quite rapidly, took him by surprise.  (Brezhnev Quotes) The Russians love Brooke Shields because her eyebrows remind them of Leonid Brezhnev  (Brezhnev Quotes) I think the big tragedy of the Cuban Revolution was that it became dependent on the Soviet Union, and it became dependent on the Soviet Union under a very reactionary bureaucratic regime led by Leonid Brezhnev.  (Brezhnev Quotes) The British left intermittently erupts like a pustule upon the buttock of a rather good country. Seventy years ago it opposed mobilisation against Adolf Hitler and worshiped the other genocide, Josef Stalin. It has marched for Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Khrushchev, Brezhnev and Andropov. It has slobbered over Ceausescu and Mugabe. It has demonstrated against everything and everyone American for a century.  (Brezhnev Quotes)