Brian Greene Quotes

Text Quotes
Energy is the ultimate convertable currency (Brian Greene Quotes)
Exploring the unknown requires tolerating uncertainty (Brian Greene Quotes)
Understanding requires insight. Insight must be anchored (Brian Greene Quotes)
The bottom line is that time travel is allowed by the laws of physics (Brian Greene Quotes)
I’ve spent something like 17 years working on a theory for which there is essentially no direct experimental support (Brian Greene Quotes)
We’re on this planet for the briefest of moments in cosmic terms, and I want to spend that time thinking about what I consider the deepest questions (Brian Greene Quotes)
Physicists are more like avant-garde composers, willing to bend traditional rules... Mathematicians are more like classical composers (Brian Greene Quotes)
I like ‘The Simpsons’ quite a lot. I love the irreverent character of the whole show. It’s great (Brian Greene Quotes)
Physics grapples with the largest questions the universe presents. ‘Where did the totality of reality come from?’ ‘Did time have a beginning?’ (Brian Greene Quotes)
In my own research when I’m working with equations, I never feel like I really understand what I’m doing if I’m solely relying on the mathematics for my understanding. I need to have a visual picture in my mind. I’m constantly translating from the math to some intuitive mind’s-eye picture (Brian Greene Quotes)
Every moment is as real as every other. Every ‘now,’ when you say, ‘This is the real moment,’ is as real as every other ‘now’ - and therefore all the moments are just out there. Just as every location in space is out there, I think every moment in time is out there, too (Brian Greene Quotes)
Einstein’s theory of relativity does a fantastic job for explaining big things. Quantum mechanics is fantastic for the other end of the spectrum - for small things (Brian Greene Quotes)
I can assure you that no string theorist would be interested in working on string theory if it were somehow permanently beyond testability. That would no longer be doing science (Brian Greene Quotes)
I think math is a hugely creative field, because there are some very well-defined operations that you have to work within. You are, in a sense, straightjacketed by the rules of the mathematics. But within that constrained environment, it’s up to you what you do with the symbols (Brian Greene Quotes)
I wouldn’t say that ‘The Fabric of the Cosmos’ is a book on cosmology. Cosmology certainly plays a big part, but the major theme is our ever-evolving understanding of space and time, and what it all means for our sense of reality (Brian Greene Quotes)
Oftentimes, if you’re talking to a seasoned interviewer who asks you a question, they may do a follow-up if they didn’t quite get it. It’s rare that they’ll do a third or fourth or fifth or sixth follow-up, because there’s an implicit, agreed-upon decorum that they move on. Kids don’t necessarily move on if they don’t get it (Brian Greene Quotes)
Science is a way of life. Science is a perspective. Science is the process that takes us from confusion to understanding in a manner that’s precise, predictive and reliable - a transformation, for those lucky enough to experience it, that is empowering and emotional (Brian Greene Quotes)
Science is very good at answering the ‘how’ questions. ‘How did the universe evolve to the form that we see?’ But it is woefully inadequate in addressing the ‘why’ questions. ‘Why is there a universe at all?’ These are the meaning questions, which many people think religion is particularly good at dealing with (Brian Greene Quotes)
Supersymmetry is a theory which stipulates that for every known particle there should be a partner particle. For instance, the electron should be paired with a supersymmetric ‘selectron,’ quarks ought to have ‘squark’ partners, and so on (Brian Greene Quotes)
The central idea of string theory is quite straightforward. If you examine any piece of matter ever more finely, at first you’ll find molecules, atoms, sub-atomic particles. Probe the smaller particles, you’ll find something else, a tiny vibrating filament of energy, a little tiny vibrating string (Brian Greene Quotes)
The main challenge that television presents is that I have a tendency to say things with a great deal of precision and accuracy. Often a description of that sort, which will work in a book because people can read it slowly - they can turn the pages back and so on - doesn’t really work on TV because it interrupts the flow of the moving image (Brian Greene Quotes)
The melded nature of space and time is intimately woven with properties of light speed. The inviolable nature of the speed of light is actually, in Einstein’s hands, talking about the inviolable nature of cause and effect (Brian Greene Quotes)
The universe is incredibly wondrous, incredibly beautiful, and it fills me with a sense that there is some underlying explanation that we have yet to fully understand. If someone wants to place the word ‘God’ on those collections of words, it’s OK with me (Brian Greene Quotes)
When you buy a jacket, you pick the size to ensure it fits. Similarly, we live in a universe in which the amount of dark energy fits our biological make-up. If the amount of dark energy were substantially different from what we’ve measured, the environmental conditions would be inhospitable to our form of life (Brian Greene Quotes)
When you drive your car, E = mc2 is at work. As the engine burns gasoline to produce energy in the form of motion, it does so by converting some of the gasoline’s mass into energy, in accord with Einstein’s formula (Brian Greene Quotes)
There are many of us thinking of one version of parallel universe theory or another. If it’s all a lot of nonsense, then it’s a lot of wasted effort going into this far-out idea. But if this idea is correct, it is a fantastic upheaval in our understanding (Brian Greene Quotes)
I was holding [my four-year-old daughter] and I said, ‘Sophia, I love you more than anything in the universe.’ And she turned to me and said, ‘Daddy, universe or multiverse?’ (Brian Greene Quotes)
Einstein comes along and says, space and time can warp and curve, that’s what gravity is. Now string theory comes along and says, yes, gravity, quantum mechanics, electromagnetism - all together in one package, but only if the universe has more dimensions than the ones that we see (Brian Greene Quotes)
Science is the greatest of all adventure stories, one that’s been unfolding for thousands of years as we have sought to understand ourselves and our surroundings. (Brian Greene Quotes)
Far from being accidental details, the properties of nature’s basic building blocks are deeply entwined with the fabric of space and time. (Brian Greene Quotes)