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The more ridiculous the character is, the more sincerity you have to bring to it  (Bring Quotes) With every character, I just bring something that I can make my own  (Bring Quotes) Every little bit of peace I bring someone is worth the peace I never had  (Bring Quotes) Freedom from clinging allows us bring love into all aspects of our life  (Bring Quotes) Words will be just words till you bring them to life  (Bring Quotes) Children bring their own love with them when they come  (Bring Quotes) You bring to a painting your own experience  (Bring Quotes) It is the time to move ahead and bring the change  (Bring Quotes) God’s promise will bring your provision  (Bring Quotes) Don’t sing it, bring it  (Bring Quotes) Dont bring a candlelight vigil to a gunfight  (Bring Quotes) Somebody had to bring the truth to the doorstep of this president  (Bring Quotes) Selfishness alone is sufficient to bring apocalypse upon a nation  (Bring Quotes) One cannot bring up boys to be eagles and then expect them to be sparrows  (Bring Quotes) Think good, speak good and do good, to bring about positive change in the world  (Bring Quotes) Marketing is designed to bring people into something  (Bring Quotes) We will also never bring up the permanent tax cut the president is advocating  (Bring Quotes) Bring it on. Dissent is central to any democracy  (Bring Quotes) Others fear what the morrow may bring. I am afraid of what happened yesterday  (Bring Quotes) Riches bring anxiety; wisdom gives peace of mind  (Bring Quotes) I bring a loving presence to everyone I meet and everything I do  (Bring Quotes) People who understand basketball definitely appreciate what I bring to the table  (Bring Quotes) The inherent corruption of man can often bring down the best system  (Bring Quotes) I’m open to whatever the universe wants to bring me  (Bring Quotes) Love’s the only goal, that can bring a peace to any soul  (Bring Quotes) When love brings so much joy, why must it bring so much pain?  (Bring Quotes) I don’t bring my life into a character at all  (Bring Quotes) I get angry when people bring derisory actions against me  (Bring Quotes) I wouldn’t want to bring a kid into this crazy world right now  (Bring Quotes) We don’t need to bring down the rich folk to help the poor  (Bring Quotes)
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