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People are concerned, here again, about life, and haven’t given a whole lot of attention to how you make fathers responsible for the lives they bring into the world  (Bring Quotes) You can make yourself feel better about yourself if you project your shadow side, if you project your own potential for evil onto someone else. By annihilating them and, therefore, your shadow, you bring yourself into some state of purity or reformation  (Bring Quotes) If I get a script that’s set in the jungle it goes to the bottom of the pile because I don’t think the playgrounds are going to be very good there! I’m really aware of how lucky I am but I have the kind of job where I can bring my child to work  (Bring Quotes) You don’t have to work hard to bring emotions. It all just comes naturally, you’re there living it  (Bring Quotes) Directing is the ultimate way to bring together all the art forms I’ve been involved with over the years  (Bring Quotes) There are few performers who would have had the audacity to even bring up the fact that they had been poorly reviewed  (Bring Quotes) If we wish our nature to be free and joyous, we should bring our activities into same order  (Bring Quotes) Yeah, it’s fun to be somebody you’re not, to bring a character to life  (Bring Quotes) I like to think what I bring to the table is kind of a sympathetic and endearing quality, even while I’m playing outcasts or characters that end up in outlandish situations  (Bring Quotes) Trade helps bring us products cheaply, but there is no guarantee whatsoever to assume that it will allow us to replace the jobs that have been lost, and there is no mechanism under productivity that says that, either  (Bring Quotes) I’d like to bring magic back to the place it used to be 100 years ago  (Bring Quotes) When you have great songs that are going to live longer than the composers, everything you can do to bring those different elements and nuances out, serve the song  (Bring Quotes) Not everybody likes or understands a drum solo, so I like to bring in effects and sounds to keep their interest  (Bring Quotes) Dark comedy is very difficult. You have to bring the audience in and push them away at the same time  (Bring Quotes) One of the biggest problems with the modern feminist movement is its failure to bring men along with us  (Bring Quotes) We will cut programs, we will try to rein in the size of the bureaucracy. We will bring federal pay scales that have become so exaggerated into line with market rates  (Bring Quotes) Silences between movements are employed only in order to bring the opposing duo to the fore  (Bring Quotes) There’s one thing which I hate about color films... people who use up a lot of their despairing producer’s money by working in the laboratory to bring out the dominant hues, or to make color films where there isn’t any color  (Bring Quotes) I was often very, incredibly naughty, and if I didn’t come home at tea time I used to be sent to bed without any dinner. But people used to bring me things: I was better fed in bed  (Bring Quotes) If you’ve got a lot of children, I think you let the other children bring them up more and you just sort of step in and do stuff like every now and again  (Bring Quotes) I bring out the worst in my enemies and that’s how I get them to defeat themselves  (Bring Quotes) It is your work to clear away the mass of encumbering material of thoughts, so that you may bring into plain view the precious thing at the center of the mass  (Bring Quotes) Yeah, because what it all boils down to is at the end of the day, we are all riding on the same boat and we have to learn how to deal with each other. I think that the music and what we do in our actions is what can kind of bring us together, hopefully  (Bring Quotes) You know, a song is like a kid. You bring it up. And sometimes something you thought was going to be fantastic, by the time it’s finished, is a bit of a disappointment... Beyond a certain point, the music isn’t mine anymore. It’s yours  (Bring Quotes) I certainly remember building model rockets. It was fun to watch the rocket blast into the air, suspenseful to wonder if the parachute would open to bring the rocket safely back  (Bring Quotes) I just always want a new producer. I’m going to have a new producer on the next one. Because I’m the same person, and I feel like, I know I’m going to bring to it a certain sensibility that’s me, and I want to have something different coming out on each album  (Bring Quotes) I had the lunchbox that cleared the cafeteria. I was very unpopular in the early grades. Because I hung out with my grandfather, I started to bring my lunchbox with sardine sandwiches and calamari that I would eat off my fingers like rings. I was also always reeking of garlic  (Bring Quotes) I learned that if you bring black people together, you bring them together with a song. To this day, I don’t understand how people think they can bring anybody together without a song  (Bring Quotes) In terms of the feeling of the piece, I can’t think about what people are gonna think about it, what are the critics gonna say, I’m trying to bring some resolution, and realize that myself. It’s a struggle; it’s a process that gets us this  (Bring Quotes) Everybody should want to make sure that we have the cyber tools necessary to investigate cyber crimes, and to be prepared to defend against them and to bring people to justice who commit it  (Bring Quotes)
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