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Let heart and voice, like bells of silver, ring, the comfort that this day doth bring  (Bring Quotes) Actors pull from their own experiences to bring reality to the characters. I wouldn’t want to play someone who’s a lot like me. There would be no turning it on or off  (Bring Quotes) I just want to keep finding special characters that I feel like I can bring to life and characters that are real and not superficial  (Bring Quotes) My job is my sport so I have to make sure that I stay focussed on it. I train almost every day so it takes up a lot of my life and you don’t want to bring any new distractions into your life  (Bring Quotes) All objective pleasure in the long run must bring pain, because of the fact of change or death  (Bring Quotes) There is something beyond power. The totality of one’s being. Some call it nirvana. We have a higher destiny. Before you can scratch the surface, you have to bring your life into order  (Bring Quotes) Look for the things in your life that bring you stillness and happiness, not the things that make you crazy. Look inside yourself and look for that perfect stillness  (Bring Quotes) Use the practice of mind and body; in order to make those moves perfectly, you have to pull your mind out of its mundane thoughts and awarenesses and bring it into the body movement  (Bring Quotes) My biggest ambition is to bring together what happens in the real world with what politicians talk about  (Bring Quotes) Don’t take too much comfort in the fact that you’re successful today because tomorrow could bring failure. There’s no surety in life  (Bring Quotes) We run enormous risks and we know what kind of reductions of greenhouse gases are necessary to drastically reduce risks. Reducing emissions by half by 2050 is roughly in the right ballpark. It would bring us below 550 ppm  (Bring Quotes) I have a certain sensibility that I bring to my writing that comes from knowing two things: what I as a reader like to read, and what as a writer I am capable of. I know my own limits. I know there are things I cannot do  (Bring Quotes) I used to bring my sketchbook to gym class and doodle, because I am a very uncoordinated athlete  (Bring Quotes) If we live in peace ourselves, we in turn may bring peace to others. A peaceable man does more good than a learned one  (Bring Quotes) By means of the iconic, artists express their view of reality and show their understanding of the structure of reality. They see what they know and bring this into their paintings.... They always give us more than the facts, more than the eye can see  (Bring Quotes) You are a fluid metaphor for existence. You are your own death and your own rebirth. Here is forever. It never changes. We bring perpetual oblivion until we change the world  (Bring Quotes) When you meditate, you take charge of your life. You bring your conscious awareness to a new high point, where the vista is beyond any horizon  (Bring Quotes) Try and stop your thoughts. Be patient and then the kundalini will flow through you and bring about substantial changes in your awareness  (Bring Quotes) What I teach you to do is how to bring the light of the supraconscious throughout your being, because once you have done that, the chakras will open up by themselves  (Bring Quotes) Some people travel to other dimensions in their astral bodies when they meditate. But astral traveling doesn’t bring a person lasting happiness. If astral traveling is not done properly, it can be quite dangerous  (Bring Quotes) A cardinal rule of writing is never interrupt yourself to explain something. If you must bring up an obscure topic, drop informative hints about it as you go along so that you don’t end up with the entire explanation all in one place. This keeps you from skidding to a stop and sounding teacherish. Otherwise it’s better to omit the obscure topic altogether, or as mothers might put it: if you can’t say it interestingly, don’t say it at all  (Bring Quotes) For a new year to bring you something new, make a move, like a butterfly tearing its cocoon! Make a move!  (Bring Quotes) Luck, good or bad, is the invisible play of mind upon affairs, the effect of mental aptitudes and habits which are not in sight, but which work and bring forth their due issues  (Bring Quotes) To me, the job of a playwright is to explore and bring to light our lives. You can’t hold back; you have to give in to this. Sometimes, you say things people don’t want to hear  (Bring Quotes) I work grief and sadness out of my body when I dance, and I bring in joy and rhythm  (Bring Quotes) What any manager will try to bring to a company first and foremost is an energy and commitment to the business. To try and really roll your sleeves up  (Bring Quotes) I have a lot of mirrors around my house, not because I like to look at myself, but because I like the light and perspective they bring to a room  (Bring Quotes) I’ve yet to find the exact word to describe the enjoyment that an evening spent riffling through old pattern books can bring  (Bring Quotes) It is said that life is too short, and that’s quite true, unless you are lonely. Loneliness can bring time to its knees; an absolute and utter standstill  (Bring Quotes) I am not so sure whether what we do now is art or something not quite art. If I call it art, it is because I wish to avoid the endless arguments some other name would bring forth  (Bring Quotes)
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