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If you think that material success will bring you happiness, relationships, people, places, things, fame, fortune, you definitely should not practice tantra  (Bring Quotes) Meditation will bring back the powers and awareness from the past; more importantly, it will expand your consciousness today  (Bring Quotes) The hallmark of a person who is following the pathway to enlightenment is that they bring excellence into everything, no matter how crappy they feel  (Bring Quotes) It is necessary to go through all the daily tasks and bring perfection to them, to learn to be perfect in your meditation, and to win in all your endeavors so that one day you will complete again  (Bring Quotes) People who work to bring about perfection see work as an extension of themselves. The point is to do a good job. That will empower you. To do a poor job will make you weaker  (Bring Quotes) Winning is an approach to life. The place it starts is not on the playing field or in the business organization; nor is it competitive. We are trying to do our best to bring perfection into whatever we turn our attention to  (Bring Quotes) Avoid the things in your life that take away from your stillness. Find things that add to that stillness. Bring them more into your life. It doesn’t matter what works or doesn’t. It is all individual  (Bring Quotes) It is necessary to bring our life in order, to examine each thing, and ask ourselves if it is bringing power into our life or if it is draining us. Ask yourself, is your life taking power from you or adding power to you?  (Bring Quotes) Read books that expand you, that are bright. See films, plays, art forms that elevate your consciousness, that bring you into a sense of how beautiful this world is, how beautiful other worlds are, how beautiful nirvana, the transcendental is  (Bring Quotes) A person who seeks power usually goes into other dimensional planes to find it. Then they bring that power back into this world and they use it to enhance their life  (Bring Quotes) We learn to avoid blocking others, interfering with others, because that will decrease our happiness, slow our vibratory rate and generally bring us down and make us miserable  (Bring Quotes) The use of violence is justified only under a tyranny which makes reforms without violence impossible, and should have only one aim, that is, to bring about a state of affairs which makes reforms without violence possible  (Bring Quotes) Come around, feel the sound. Know you make my heart pound. Fill me up, bring me down; when I hear your sound  (Bring Quotes) There’s more tension in golf than in boxing because golfers bring it on themselves. It’s silly really because it’s not as if the golf ball is going to jump up and belt you on the whiskers, is it?  (Bring Quotes) I think one thing that is extremely important is to connect with people in order to be successful and bring the people in so that they become your partners  (Bring Quotes) I think that there is no doubt that every experience you have in your life, whether it’s playing a character or something else, you bring that to the work  (Bring Quotes) I’ve always felt that acting is acting at the end of the day, so whether you’re doing comedy or heavy drama or anything else in between, you always have to bring a semblance of honesty to it. It’s all make believe  (Bring Quotes) When you’re a teenager, you don’t want to bring your emotions to the surface and talk about them. You want to push them away  (Bring Quotes) I just try to let myself really focus on the work that’s ahead of me and what my job is and how I bring something to life  (Bring Quotes) I play enough other mad people, as well and some sane people, to vary the palette of what’s scrabbling around in my head and soul to bring to the floor, as a storyteller  (Bring Quotes) When you try to bring a story to life, it starts in your head and you see possibilities for it, but it’s just one damn thing after another  (Bring Quotes) You can bring truth to anything, whether it’s a dance movie or an incredibly poignant indie drama or a really broad comedy. As long as you show up to play, I don’t think you can go wrong  (Bring Quotes) I think teenagers bring a lot of intellectual sophistication. They’re wrestling with big questions. It’s just that, a lot of times they do that separately from adults  (Bring Quotes) The media can be challenging, but at the same time, without the media, I would not have been able to share my personal story. Often the media can bring beauty and encouragement to people’s lives  (Bring Quotes) When you’re in a good mood, bring up the past. When you’re in a bad mood, stick to the present. And when you’re not feeling emotional at all, it’s time to talk about the future  (Bring Quotes) Magic has often been thought of us the art of making dreams come true; the art of realizing visions. Yet before we can bring birth to the vision we have to see it  (Bring Quotes) Our task is not to bring order out of chaos, but to get work done in the midst of chaos  (Bring Quotes) Happiness will come to you when it comes from you. Others can only bring temporary happiness and not everyone understands you  (Bring Quotes) I have an idea I want to test, for combining old peoples homes and orphanages. Old people are lonely without children, children are lonely without parents. Why not bring them together?  (Bring Quotes) My parents were always philosophizing about how to bring about change. To me, people who didn’t try to make the world a better place were strange  (Bring Quotes)
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