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We must not bring one war to an end, or thirty; but the idea of war itself  (Bring Quotes) When we start using religion as a bludgeon in politics, when we start questioning other people’s faith, we start using religion to divide, instead of bring the country together, then I think we’ve got a problem  (Bring Quotes) For young players, classic games are brand new. For older players, they bring back memories and make you feel good  (Bring Quotes) The whole of the day should not be daytime; there should be one hour, if not more, which the day did not bring forth  (Bring Quotes) Sentiment is the mightiest force in civilization; not sentimentality, but sentiment. Women will bring this into politics. Home, sweet home, is as powerful on the hustings as at the fireside  (Bring Quotes) Bring the child to the consciousness of his own dignity, and he will be free. We see no limit to what should be offered to the child, for his will be an immense field of chosen activity  (Bring Quotes) When we hug, our hearts connect and we know that we are not separate beings. Hugging with mindfulness and concentration can bring reconciliation, healing, understanding, and much happiness  (Bring Quotes) Meditation is, first of all, a tool for surveying our territory so we can know what is going on. With the energy of mindfulness, we can calm things down, understand them, and bring harmony back to the conflicting elements inside us  (Bring Quotes) Simple diet is best: for many dishes bring many diseases, and rich sauces are worse than even heaping several meats upon each other  (Bring Quotes) Most of us carry into marriage not only our childlike illusions, but we bring to it as well the demand that it has to be wonderful, because it’s supposed to be  (Bring Quotes) There would be very little to dislike in other people if we refused to bring to them all of our own judgements and petty grievances  (Bring Quotes) Who you are and what you know when you are born is everything that you need to know to thrive. You are born with a sense of self and a sense of wanting self to feel good and the mechanisms to bring it about  (Bring Quotes) Without theory, practice is but routine born of habit. Theory alone can bring forth and develop the spirit of inventions  (Bring Quotes) Your life’s work is something you love to do, something your talents can find full expression through. If we enjoy our work, we are sure to bring our creativity and enthusiasm to it  (Bring Quotes) Poetry has its own laws speaking for the life of the planet. It is a language that wants to bring back together what the other words have torn apart  (Bring Quotes) All night I have suffered; all night my flesh has trembled to bring forth its gift. The sweat of death is on my forehead; but it is not death, it is life!  (Bring Quotes) Apology calls for a willingness to sacrifice on behalf of the wronged party and the inherent value of the relationship, not for what it brings to you but for what you can bring to it  (Bring Quotes) Making the ungrateful grateful will bring tears to your eyes, tears of blood bleeding from the heart  (Bring Quotes) If you can bring earnestness to your meditation, you will find that happiness is something that will run through your life constantly  (Bring Quotes) When you meditate, you focus to clear the mind and to bring the willpower together. But then, toward the end of the session let go, just become eternity  (Bring Quotes) The trick to keeping your meditation practice alive, not simply consistent but wonderful, is you need to bring a certain will or force into every meditation  (Bring Quotes) Thoughts are wonderful things, that they can bring two people, so far apart, into harmony and understanding for even a little while  (Bring Quotes) I cannot bring myself to believe that any human being lives who would do me any harm  (Bring Quotes) Life is very narrow. Bring any club or company of intelligent men together again after ten years, and if the presence of some penetrating and calming genius could dispose them to frankness, what a confession of insanities would come up!  (Bring Quotes) Words cause pain, they evoke anger, they make us hate, they lead us to war. But they also make us laugh, bring us joy, and satisfying our emotional hungers  (Bring Quotes) During adolescence, friends bring an intimate quality of support that can’t be provided by any adult  (Bring Quotes) Reveal not every secret you have to a friend, for how can you tell but that friend may hereafter become and enemy. And bring not all mischief you are able to upon an enemy, for he may one day become your friend  (Bring Quotes) Writing gives you the illusion of control, and then you realize it’s just an illusion, that people are going to bring their own stuff into it  (Bring Quotes) There is still work to be done, but that remains a crucial lesson, you cannot bring peace and security to people just by signing an agreement. In fact, most peace agreements don’t last  (Bring Quotes) The more obstacles you encounter, the harder you must fight to meet your destiny. Never let adversity win. Never give up on yourself and the good you can bring to the world  (Bring Quotes)
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