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What’s the point? you can bring in 50 witnesses and it would not change what the tape clearly shows  (Bring Quotes) It is a good success to take people from the city to the forests; but there is a much greater success: To bring the forest to the people, to the cities! To bring heaven to the hell!  (Bring Quotes) When your mind is besieged by some inauspicious thoughts, you can bring the sunshine into your life by staying calm!  (Bring Quotes) Women who bring up children by themselves do it heroically, they do it against all odds, men who don’t feel responsible for being part of their child’s life create real strains on that family  (Bring Quotes) There are certain restaurants where you should photograph the food rather than eat it. These are great places to bring a narcissistic boyfriend before you break up  (Bring Quotes) Black women are going to have to take more leadership. I think we are prepared because we bring a tenaciousness with us. We do not fear losing friends, allies, or jobs  (Bring Quotes) Most people, almost everyone knows of a teen mom. Teen pregnancy rates are growing, and we need to bring awareness to that  (Bring Quotes) I bring a record home, and it connects with me like nothing else. In my ideal situation, somebody will do that with my record  (Bring Quotes) I feel more comfortable with the ball in my hands, playing the point guard. But I like playing the 2, too. I think I bring tough defense and the ability to score and also get my teammates the ball to score  (Bring Quotes) One day we will realize that big hearts will bring us more peace than big weapons  (Bring Quotes) It is our duty to love the unloved, help the helpless, and bring hope to the hopeless  (Bring Quotes) Let us see what tomorrow will bring us? Will it be joy and triumph, chaos and glory, love and growth, or victory and success?  (Bring Quotes) I can’t bring you absolute truth in the detailed factual sense. All I can do is bring you an interpretation as I understand it. That’s all you can ever get from an actor  (Bring Quotes) You could adjust the punishment to fit the infraction. Even a small fine would be enough to bring an errant government to heel  (Bring Quotes) I prefer to do things by myself, but I always bring in people who inspire me  (Bring Quotes) Unless you’re really going to have a serious relationship, don’t bring your kids into it. Don’t show your child that people come and go  (Bring Quotes) Association bring you into the larger world of other people and things. Not having that is a kind of prison, a prison of such a limited consciousness, of such a limited frame of reference and association  (Bring Quotes) When we bring the filmmaker, we bring somebody to help us elevate the material with those things, to help us do something different with all of those resources at their disposal  (Bring Quotes) Part of my mission is simply that: to bring the world of the arts, particularly classical music, closer to people so they don’t feel that it is something remote that they have to specially prepare themselves for, or dress up for  (Bring Quotes) A lot of people hurl themselves into relationships to lose themselves, but I think the best relationships help us to be more ourselves, to bring forth our best selves  (Bring Quotes) I think that era of mechanically figuring out of how to bring a particular evocative image to the screen was a really important part of my education  (Bring Quotes) When you play a character, you bring yourself into the character. You get a chance to shine and show your translation for the character and her state of mind  (Bring Quotes) I think the most difficult love begins with one’s self. How you treat yourself is something you bring to your relationships  (Bring Quotes) Playing somebody who’s real, you can bring all kind of nuances and things to him that you get from source material and things like that, but the more popular or known the person is, the more impossible it is. To get it right, that is the goal  (Bring Quotes) For me the most fun of my career is to bring a little bit of irreverence to characters. And, you know, I don’t think that the producers were expecting me to be as irreverent as I am  (Bring Quotes) All the best performers bring to their role something more, something different than what the author put on paper. That’s what makes theatre live. That’s why it persists  (Bring Quotes) I have nothing to hide in art. The initial force alone can bring anyone to the end he must attain  (Bring Quotes) I want to serve chess through games, books that are works of art. I would like to bring the game closer to many people all over the world  (Bring Quotes) I’ve often said that the most important thing you can give your children is wings. Because, you’re not gonna always be able to bring food to the nest. You’re... sometimes... they’re gonna have to be able to fly by themselves  (Bring Quotes) Let go of people who bring you down, and surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you  (Bring Quotes)
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